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The " SWAGG Pack" (Edition: 2021 Final Edition)

541 Customer Reviews

by Mark T. on 04/21/2020
"This was my first swagg pack i bought, but I got a sticker set, soda can target that looks like a coke can, a patch and M4 BAMF mag. I would totally do this again, because I like the airsoft themed items
by Samuel L. on 02/21/2020
"Pretty nice swag bag, the only thing is that i got a grenade, single use, when i went to double check if it was part of the swag pack found out its not in there so i got a randomly placed bb grenade, if you wonder what the other items are they're one Evike popper and two patches. it was pretty nice surprise, but i never seen this type of single use grenade its pretty sturdy, when i checked it out on evike i found it cost $15 so that pretty sweet i got a $28 deal for 10 bucks only so I'm happy.
by Cade Kenneth R. on 02/05/2020
"I have mixed feelings about this. I enjoyed the feeling of getting something good for $10 which is unrealistic, but I got some good stuff, I got a BAMF mag, 2 patches and a target. So am I disappointed about not winning a gun yes. But I am overall happy about this.
by Cole H. on 02/05/2020
"Led armband
Doge patch
M4 patch
1 Magazine

Worth $10, sure but boy that vector would have been sweet
by William O. on 01/17/2020
"Ordered a few days after this S.P first went on sale in Epic Deals =_
Paid $20 USD (w/50% off shipping) =_
Tracking showed UPS Ground 5 lb shipping Took 4 days to arrive

Received Review:
x1 Peter Barker DOGE Patch [Chunky Spider Dogo w/ Superb Quality]
x1 Zombie Horde Hunter Hex Patch [Small yet Good Quality]
x1 716 Mini Pistol w/ Laser Unit [What is this revolting plastic abomination of a 1911]
x1 Thunder-B Portable 1150 Round .25g BB Bottle [Solid bottle & BBs]

Cost [Retail Price] vs Worth (In order of R+R)
Cost =_ $8 $4 $7 $4.50 = $23.50
Worth =_ YES Alright PURGE Not Bad

Verdict: [Yes... but no... but yes]
In the hopes of getting one of the 377 out of 1237 Weapon packs (30.5% chance), unluckily I got the "consolation " prize. For $20... its not bad but still eh.
It's basically mixed nuts with what they gave out, where luckily only 1 out of the 4 Swagg I got was the spoiled nuts nobody wants.
However paying $20 for a chance of a pricey weapon is better than any other raffle I know of, where they at least give some solid products in return when accounting for both retail shipping price.
Having below-average luck and my first SWAGG Pack, my rating would be...

[Keep expectations low to not be disappointed, yet extremely joyful when luck on your side.]
by William O. on 01/17/2020
"Ordered a few days after this S.P first went on sale in Epic Deals =_
Paid $20 USD (w/50% off shipping) =_
Tracking showed UPS Ground 5 lb shipping Took 4 days to arrive

Received Review:
x1 Peter Barker DOGE Patch [Chunky Spider Dogo w/ Superb Quality]
x1 Zombie Horde Hunter Hex Patch [Small yet Good Quality]
x1 716 Mini Pistol w/ Laser Unit [What is this revolting plastic abomination of a 1911]
x1 Thunder-B Portable 1150 Round .25g BB Bottle [Solid bottle & BBs]

Cost [Retail Price] vs Worth (In order of R+R)
Cost =_ $8 $4 $7 $4.50 = $23.50
Worth =_ YES Alright PURGE Not Bad

Verdict: [Yes... but no... but yes]
In the hopes of getting one of the 377 out of 1237 Weapon packs (30.5% chance), unluckily I got the "consolation " prize. For $20... its not bad but still eh.
It's basically mixed nuts with what they gave out, where luckily only 1 out of the 4 Swagg I got was the spoiled nuts nobody wants.
However paying $20 for a chance of a pricey weapon is better than any other raffle I know of, where they at least give some solid products in return when accounting for both retail shipping price.
Having below-average luck and my first SWAGG Pack, my rating would be...

[Keep expectations low to not be disappointed, yet extremely joyful when luck on your side.]
by Stephen M. on 01/17/2020
"Got a battery that doesnt fit anything, a cup, and 2 patches. Worth the ten bucks? Meh... technically, yes, to me, not so much. on the other hand, that's part of the gamble, and I sure wouldnt complain had I won a $500 toy. I say go for it, their consolation prize is better than youd get playing a carnival game.
by Nathan B. on 08/26/2019
"I would say I got the crappy spring uzi BUT I got a starwars stormtrooper doge patch and hex patch I'd say expect a decent patch but don't expect the best unless you're lucky.
by Israel G. on 08/01/2019
"Ok, it arrived today! I got the mini UZI and patches and the plinker can lookalike. Oh well.... Yoohoo. I guess. Peace!
by Israel G. on 07/29/2019
"Placed the order, was charged almost $16 for shippin plus the $10 mystery pack cost, shipping weight from UPS: 3.0 Lbs.... Will be delivered Thursday Aug 1st. Will come back to update you all... but by reading my fellow purchasers, it might be only patches... hope for something a little
by Nevin B. on 07/27/2019
"Just patches and stickers this time for me
by Cade R. on 07/26/2019
"NOOOOOOOOO I got the only prize I didn't want. Got the $9 springer pistol. Not unhappy though because hey, the chances that would happen were high. Anyway I got some cool patches so I'm content
by Ethan R. on 06/25/2019
"I only got a spring pistol and a hat and some earbuds
by Alek M. on 05/04/2019
"mine was shipped at 3.1 pounds... crossing fingers for decent
by Tyler F. on 04/17/2019
"Very fun way to try your luck and see what you get. I like that you get your money’s worth of stuff. I bought this and got a popper target, 2 patches, and a m4 magazine looking thing that is a little container. I had fun fantasizing of me getting the Vector or demo ranch rifle.