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CYMA Platinum M4 QBS Airsoft AEG Rifle (Model: 8.5" M-LOK w/ Shorty Stock / Add GATE ASTER)

44 Customer Reviews

by John L. on 05/24/2021
"Absolutely loved it, worked fine out of the box. Watched some videos on youtube talking about the air nozzle and piston o-ring being poor quality, and they were correct. The piston o-ring is absolutely trash. No biggie, changed the o-ring swapped the air nozzle out. Put it all back together. Now having major issues with my motor height, Cant seem to get it right, stripped three teeth from bevel gear, now i have a gear set on order. :( externals look and feel great, internals are ok at best. AOE is As to be expected, not great.

Fixable but you better know what you are doing.
by Miguel M. on 10/26/2020
"This an overall good rifle for the price, but the hop up unit doesn’t work for me for some reason? Maybe just got a bad one but everything else about it is great
by Tom S. on 02/17/2025
"CYMA mosfet burnt out after playing with it twice using 11.1 lipos.
by dylan p. on 12/06/2023
"Pretty solid AEG, with a few caveats. Unlike others I can't recommend it as a first AEG, but for someone who knows their way around a gearbox, this is a really easy "fix-er-up" for an excellent end product.

1.Very responsive out of the box, even on a 7.4v the semi doesn't disappoint. 11.1v Turns it into a downright competitive 32rps blaster (at a cost, I'll cover this later). This is due to the quick gearset and a very nice motor; keep these stock and you wont have to adjust tappet timing, making the whole process incredibly easy.
2. The quick buffer system is probably the nicest quick change spring system I've ever used in an airsoft M4. Unfortunately it has the side effect of making the gearbox a slight pain to remove from the lower receiver.
3. Internal quality is pretty great with a couple exceptions. Decent shimming out of the box, required only 2 more total shims to be just perfect. Gearbox wasn't radiused but that was a relatively simple fix. Airseal was perfect after changing the stock nozzle out for a retro arms (no o-ring on stock, kinda baffled me considering how great everything else was). Full metal rack piston, vented head, no need to adjust AOE. Pretty brilliant mechanically.

The cons:
1. As others have stated before, the MOSFET/Trigger unit is absolute garbage. Mine stopped working in the middle of a game and appeared to be suffering from a heat build-up. After about a mid-cap and a half the gun refused to shoot for about 5 minutes. After which I was able to pop off a few more shots in semi before it froze again. This was with an 11.1v LiPo, so if you're keeping it stock and don't want to touch the trigger my recommendation is just to run a 7.4 and live with it. After installing a GATE Titan V2 (requires some moderate gearbox modification, namely removing one of the screw posts for the trigger unit and half of the trigger stop post.) that issue was resolved, and the gun has since functioned appropriately on 11.1v.
2. The stock hop-up is also garbage. It is ridiculously difficult to adjust, the barrel C-clip is close to impossible to remove (nearly stabbed myself with a flathead screwdriver so many times trying to remove it), the knurled hop arm pin is similarly seemingly welded in and the unit is also the source of about a ~25fps variation in chrono (Mine shot about 1.18 joules out of the box with .28s. Wish it was a little higher but could be good for CQB players, also easily changed with a simple spring swap). I swapped to a maple leaf macaron and a modify flat nub and was able to achieve decent results (not amazing, but sufficient for field play). I've since ordered a Maxx M4a and will see what kind of results I get out of that. Oh, and I was unable to change the inner barrel due to the stock hop-up's c-clip not fitting any aftermarket barrel I had. I seriously detest that unit.
3. QBS and the selector plate makes the gearbox difficult to remove from the receiver, you've got to rock it in a weird way to get everything settled. This is more of a minor annoyance than a genuine con, as IMO the QBS is still a great system.

Overall, if you're willing to spend some time inside the guts this could be a really slick blaster. But if you're looking for something to pick up right out of the box and go, I'd look elsewhere. Despite this not being the norm for CYMA, it took considerable effort to make it reliable enough to field regularly, but I am pretty satisfied with the end result (as long as I can successfully replace that hop-up and barrel without alignment issues lol).
by Evan R. on 06/18/2023
"The Gun came defective, but evike took it back free of charge and is repairing it. do not take this review as negative it worked great before it broke.
by Tom K. on 02/25/2022
"Love everything about the gun accept the hop-up unit. I've got the hop-up maxed out and it and can't even get it to hop .20's.
by anna a. on 02/18/2022
"This is probably the greatest bang for buck AEG in airsoft right now. (If it isn’t a lemon)

It’s main selling point Is it’s stock trigger response and ROF (30 rps), also comes with MOSFET

Quick change spring allows for configuration of FPS.

The trigger unit broke out on me really fast. The microswitch died within 2 times playing. I was running a 7.4v lipo. I replace this with a Gate aster.

Motor plate threads are fragile and will break if you open up your gun often.
by Alexander F. on 09/09/2021
"TL;DR Treat this as a first-time project gun to upgrade/tinker with. If you plan on using it stock, BEWARE.
I'm going to say off the bat that I was already planning on upgrading this gun. The gun body is lightweight, sturdy, well-balanced, and a breeze to take apart thanks to excellent design (one push-pin was more stubborn than the others, but it was a minor issue). The V2 gearbox has radiused and reinforced corners, a ring for bracing the motor shaft, and small teeth to keep the wires clear of the gears. Overall a great design.
HOWEVER, I didn't think I'd be upgrading as many things as I did. My initial plan was to install a new inner barrel, re-shim, and maybe replace the mosfet. I instead ended up replacing most of the internals due to catastrophic part failures.
First, the hop-up bucking was torn. No big deal, it's a cheap and easy fix. Then the mosfet gave out after 2 games. I'd heard of this happening, so I installed a Gate Titan, which required some pretty drastic dremeling of the gearbox in places.
I thought I was done with this gun, but it wasn't done with me. A few games later, the gun started rolling BBs out the barrel. Seconds later, the gun started screaming. I took it apart to find 2 major issues:
1. The rubber padding on the piston head had detached, lodging itself in the cylinder and blocking airflow, making the gun unable to shoot.
2. The motor had fallen out of alignment and had damaged teeth on the bevel gear.
This meant I had to put in a new piston head (had to melt the glue off the old one to remove it) AND replace the entire gearset, and shim that gearset as well.
Only then, after replacing the piston head, mosfet, hop-up bucking, and gearset, did I have a good gun. Now it's an excellent field weapon that shoots fast and accurately. Whether that's worth the hassle is up to you.
by Griffin R. on 06/04/2021
"Extremely accurate and quick but... Unreliable, trigger board broke after 2 months of light use
by Matthew M. on 05/02/2021
"First off this gun feels very sturdy on the outside and I like the mlok handguard.

The internals were ok, but I destroyed the bevel gear running it on a 11.1v battery beside the factory shimming was no good. The mosfet seemed ok, but I replaced it with a Gate Titan so I could have more control over the gearbox and wouldn’t end up at the field with a burnt out trigger first time I played. The piston compression is not very good because the o rings are not very good that come from the factory.

I also installed a 6.01mm Angel Custom 407mm length barrel.
Shooting results
.20g 360 FPS
.25g 315 FPS
7.4v Lipo 17 RPS
11.1v Lipo 32 RPS
Was only able to get consistent bb feed on a 7.4v Lipo.

Conclusion it is a good gun if you take it apart and put a Gate Titan, Tightbore barrel, and make the air seals better on the piston.
by James M. on 12/20/2020
"THIS GUN IS WIRED TO DEANS. This gun was fantastic. Until I tried to open it up. When I tried to, it was darn near impossible to do so as the upper and lower were not made well, leading to me literally having to pull apart the gun with as much force as I could muster, but thankfully got better with time. Also if you want to upgrades, be mindful that the tolerances are pretty bad and lots of modification will be required to make things fit, such as a rotary HopUp (Maxx me pro) and a gate titan mosfet. I loved this gun stock and heed my warning of you plan to uprgrade it.
by Hunter W. on 09/29/2022
"A little on the expensive side, but it worked for 2 weekend skirmish games before the microswitch broke using a 7.4v LiPo. The CYMA Platinums are known to break their crappy trigger units quickly, so if you want to buy this I recommend getting a Perun Hybrid or GATE Titan with it and switching out the OEM trigger unit.
by Steve S. on 10/11/2021
"I am increasingly dissatisfied with this rifle on almost every level. There are some minor pros but its mostly garbage.


1. Cant adjust muzzle WHATSOEVER, the stupid muzzle it comes with is BROWN and it doesn't come off no matter what you do.

2. The DEANS plug completely ripped off the first day of use. I had to re-solder the thing back on just to be able to turn it on, the wires are horrendously short so good luck trying to extend the stock without turning off the gun.

3. The barrel isn’t lined up with the sights and doesn't point straight, it also moves around within the gun making it horribly inaccurate and you have to aim far right from your target to even try to hit anything.

4. There are strange parts loose inside the gun that make a constant rattling noise when you walk or move around that is extremely annoying.

5: The iron sights are absolutely abysmal and I stopped trying to use them after the first few days, they don't adjust well at all and scratch incredibly easy, not to mention they are also loose so you have to re-tighten them very often.


1 The metal feels great to hold and feels premium

2: It shoots decently far, nothing special though

Overall, this gun has so much potential but where its at at the moment, I would not recommend to anyone or purchase for anyone else.
by terry S. on 09/15/2020
"For some reason my review didn't post. Caution buying this gun. My mosfet melted the first time in the field. It seems to be a hit or miss issue. Other than that it is a great gun. Just be prepared for possible etu issues.