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The " SWAGG Pack" (Edition: 2022 April Edition)

541 Customer Reviews

by Madison M. on 12/22/2022
"Got one of the WE Galaxy 1911B's. First time I've gotten a really good pull from one of these swagg packs and this is dangerous cause now I wana add one every time lol.
by Ashley B. on 12/14/2022
"Good box for a decent price! Great gift! Wish mine came with a patch, thanks for everything!
by Nicholas D. on 12/14/2022
"Came home to a huge package today containing the krytac vector. You really can roll well with these. Thanks, Evike.
by Heidi G. on 12/07/2022
"I got the tp45 pistol; even though it's a springer, the weights in the mag make it fun to play around with when not shooting. I also got the can aluminum thing and a hat that fits exceptionally well. The gel blaster was alright, too. I just wished it came with more balls. But, out of the three swagg packs I bought, this one ended up the best
by Jesse K. on 10/24/2022
"Deals that you just can't miss!
by Ryan T. on 10/19/2022
"Pulled a gun from my swagg for the first time! Hell yeah, thanks Evike!
by Kent K. on 10/05/2022
"Ordered 5 swagg packs before the one swagg pack per person per release was added, got 5 beer cozy’s. Cool beer cozy’s I guess. I’m just trying to get a chrono blaster but it looks like evike is trying to supplement my airsoft problem with a new one 😂
by Chase k. on 09/08/2022
"Ordered this on the 30th, 8 days later I am greeted with a package at my door. I got the "Falling Popper Plate Rack" targets, bubble blowing gatling gun, 2 playing cards and an extra EMG logo popping target. Showed up in a timely manner and I received my money's worth (including shipping) plus some. Great SWAGG pack and congrats to everyone who got a gun!
by Eric A. on 07/18/2022
"Happy i got the cybergun colt m4 sopmod. Also came with the other goodies. Overall wasnt expecting a win out of this box.
by Justin M. on 06/25/2022
"I am satisfied with what I received. Down below, I listed what I got.

1. BAMF 190 midcap (Blue magazine)
2. CamelBak Chute Mag 32oz Water Bottle (The water bottle design I got says "Normal people frighten me")
3. Evike playing card (4 of diamond Kyrtac)
4. Operator Profile" Vinyl Hex Decals (Style: The Matrix)
5. Matrix Tactical Plate Carrier Bottle Beer Cozy (Color: OD Green)
6. A bunch of standard blue face masks (I got about like 50)

I paid 29.80$ in total and saved about 18.15$. My box weighed 5lbs. I am also thrilled that I didn't get the mesh mask lol. All in all, I may buy another and test my luck. I hope to get an awesome aeg or aep.
by Justin B. on 06/09/2022
"good package, i got

M103F (15$)
Tactical shirt (25$)
Evike Headlamp (10$)
Tactical Backpack (8$)
weird evike bracelet thing (?$)
Evike Trading Card (200$)

by Alexander C. on 06/02/2022
"Always worth it/fair value for what you recieve, especially if adding to a large purchase. Anyone who finds the need to complain about what they get should reconsider their finances. Thankyou Evike
by jesse s. on 05/21/2022
"Do it. It’s the unspoken rule. You have to add one to your cart. If you don’t, are you really an “Airsofter”?
I typically get my money’s worth out of these.
5 stars!
by Angel v. on 05/02/2022
"If you think there is a way of getting something good out of it don't buy at the last minute of the deal I've already tried that and got one of the last prizes but at least I got the lights :)
by Julian C. on 04/24/2022
"Pretty decent for what I expected. I was one of the mag package winners (BAMF mag/orange), a patch and light strip. For $20 I'd say it's not bad at all.