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AW Custom "Ace Competitor" Hi-CAPA Gas Blowback Airsoft Pistol (Package: Two-Tone / CO2 / Gun Only)

51 Customer Reviews

by Chris T. on 03/29/2017
"The AW Custom hx2003 "black ace" is probably one of the best pistols I have used. A lot like it's sisters, the hx2001 and 2002, this gun performs much like a custom hi-capa out of the box. Internals are smooth, solid built, the appearance looks sleek and nice. The neon fiber optic sights offer good target aquisition. The gun shoots accurately and, with the short stoke action, it shoots fast. Overall the gun is built with quality.

HOWEVER, there is a bit of a problem with the performance, urging me to give a lower rating, but only by a small fraction and because of this I choose to round up my score. I'm not sure if it is because the gun is short stroked or because of another issue, I've ran into problems with the slide catch/ release locking up. My first round with this gun in a game I went to recently, I would experience my slide locking even with ammo in the mag. After a few more games, the issue would rarely occur. I'm not sure what could be the issue here, but my theory is that this gun needs a break-in period, to perform in pique condition. However, dont let this pull you away from this gun and its quality, but if there is a way to completely rectify this issue, please let me know.

In conclusion, this gun is definitely worth the buy if youre looking for good quality. Despite mild performance issues, this gun performs like a beast with fast action and great accuracy, definitely earning of the name "Ace".
by braden a. on 03/21/2017
"this is a great gun very good quality and the price is amazing. especially because it comes with a metal slide already.

BUT i do suggest going hpa because with the metal slide it runs out of gas fast trying to push back the slide or use propane. other than that its a great buy
by Lebron G. on 02/02/2017
"So far this pistol is great. I've used it plenty of times works good and shoots snappy. Honestly a great buy
by Jeremy M. on 01/26/2017
"Update: Correction, it is the BEST pistol I have fielded. The previous issue of the slide catching when there is still ammo, I fixed. If you run into this issue, just file the nub on the "Pin" down a bit and it works like a charm! Still extremely accurate at around 50 to 75ft with no wind and between 10 to 35ft in windy conditions.
by Jason C. on 12/21/2016
"This is hands down the nicest Airsoft gas pistol period that I have ever used in the last 10 year I participated in the sport. I own a KWA MK2, KSC G17, a WE-Tech M9, a WE-Tech Hi-capa and a KJW G19.

Looks nice
Good gas efficiency
Kicks! Fun to shoot
Super accurate
Magazines are easily accessible and compatible with WE-Tech and Marui

by nathan q. on 08/30/2016
"Armorer works hx2002 is one of thee best gas blow back pistols i have ever bought, the blow back is superb and everything is pre upgraded . Its a great gun at a great price. You wont be disapointed
by Bryan Y. on 01/16/2022
"I've yet to field it, but this pistol shoots great out of the box in my basement range. Good heft and solid construction all around. I am only giving it 4 stars though as I had to disassemble the slide and install the red dot myself even though the item description states "SIG AIR Reflex Sight pre-installed".
by Timothy S. on 04/24/2021
"I've had this gun for around a year now. This gun is great for players of all experience levels. Let me start by addressing some of the concerns. (Please note this is from my personal experience.

Yes, the slide wobbles a little but you won't notice it while in combat.
Yes, the slide catch engages when it's not supposed to, but it won't when broken in. (Take a file to it if you want to speed up the break in process)
Yes, it doesn't have TM specs so some upgrade parts won't fit but it's close enough that the file can resolve that issue as well.

With all that out of the way.

The gun is accurate.
There are a variety of mags to use. The standard mags hold enough gas for at least 2 mags worth of bbs. If your running this as a primary just pick up two extended mags and you'll be golden.
Real gun weight.

Unless you are looking to get the tippy top of the line pistol you won't be disappointed by this pistol (Unless of course you get a lemon)
by Nicholas C. on 09/15/2019
"so i will start out by saying this is an amazing airsoft pistol i've had a few pistols in my airsoft time and none have felt as this one has. there are a few cons but overall i'll give it 4 stars!

-got it onsale for $130-ish
-feels great in the hands
-can easily get 2 mags out of a green gas fill
-extra mags are cheap
-shoots great
-very accurate

-mine came with a little chip out of the paint on the side
-plastic trigger (you can replace the plastic one with metal if you want)

thank you for your time hope the review helps you decide if this is the pistol for you!
by Hunter P. on 07/31/2019
"Works very well the only problem i have is that the outer barrel flew off but its nothing super glue won't fix i also had the beaver tail safety pop out of place but i just had to push it back in it but other than that it is a good pistol
by Colin D. on 05/28/2017
"I've had this gun for a few months and I can say that it's an awesome gun. It's pretty heavy (a small con for me). The only reason I am not giving it a perfect 5 stars is because of one issue that I think is just in my case. My TM hi capa mags don't work with it. Both of my tm mags will not lock into place and will fall out without even pressing the mag release. Other than that, this gun is awesome.
by Maverick M. on 03/29/2017
"Really good pistol if you just want something that shoots extremely straight right out of the box and doesn't malfunction constantly

The only problem I had with this pistol was after about 300 shots or so the rear iron sight flew off but no worries just use a flathead to tighten it back on

(Ps) Do not buy the co2 mags they do not function well and are not worth it just stick with the green gas mags
by Therese C. on 02/22/2017
"Good gun, nice fps, but after about 5 days and 450rnds the hammer stopped locking. I don't know if this was user error or not, but either way I think it's still a great gun.
by Noah B. on 02/19/2017
"I've had this for a couple of days now, very reliable so far and very durable. The only complaint I have would be about the "gold" accents on the gun. I've been shooting it quite frequently and I've noticed the "gold" stripping off a little bit revealing regular metal. Either way, it's still a very nice gun, and very accurate.
by Jackson G. on 04/15/2020
"It is indeed a good gun overall, but I was disappointed. On the picture it did show that it did NOT have an orange tip. And because of this orange tip I highly doubt I will be able to put a tracker on here. Very disappointed.