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Matrix 1x30 Illuminated Red / Green Dot Sight Scope w/ QD Weaver Base (Color: Black)

74 Customer Reviews

by Zak K. on 01/07/2010
"Well I just got my optics today, and I've been messing with it a little bit.. So let me give you the Pros & Cons


The dot is a dot.
2 different settings, red and green.
It mounts very nice
easy to adjust, the battery is also very easy to change.


Small (4 inches) so if you are looking for a larger ACOG type this isn't for you. Though i like it.
The battery it comes with (mine at least) dies in a very short time. Not sure if this is with all of them or just mine.

overall this scope is very good for it's money, however I really would only recommend this to beginners or people on a budget, you can get better ones.
by Richard Q. on 09/25/2009
"This scope is a great buy for $35.. it kinda sucks now that its $32 but still what a great price at $35!.. i have had this scope for three months now and ive had noooooo problems at all.. the dot on the scope is actualy a dot and not a blur of light(unlike many other $40-30 scopes).. the only problem actualy was the lense covers.. they seem to get stretched out and the fall off easy so i just dont even bother with them.. but overall this scope is good for a beginer(like my self) and (trust me!) you wont be let down!!

-battery last for a long time even on the brightest setting
-the dot is actualy a DOT
-6 settings(i think) on BOTH colors of Dot G/R
-brightness settings are very visable!
-full metal(aluminum)
-pretty easy to sight
-brightness setting doesnt move on its own

-rail mount is alil weird
-not amber coated(lots of glare)
-the battery cap is hard to put on
-shape looks kinda funky(looks alrite on my G36C)
-if you dont put the railmount on right the scope WILL FALL OFF if not properly tightn
by Peter G. on 09/23/2009
"This scope is one of the best i have evr used. Mine has gone through many battles and batteries and is still kickin' just like i first bought it. It is mostly made of metal, with rubber scope covers for when your not using it. It's actually hard to find the plastic on it. I can see both the red and green dot in any weather conditions. It's also very easy to sight in. This is a really well made scope for the price. I would highly recommend it.
by Richard S. on 09/05/2009
"Very good scope for the prize its full metal very good buy it
by matt c. on 04/18/2009
"great buy. Its an excellent scope for any airsoft gun. plus it makes your gun look pretty BA. Fits any 20mm rail so yes it fits a G36, M16, M4, G3, and AK. Just make sure you got a 20mm and it works. duh. the only problem i had with mine is the screws strip really easy but nothin a little shoe goo cant solve. If you need a good red dot for a low price, this is the one for you.
by andrew p. on 03/10/2009
"realy good scope for only 35 bucks. its all metal, and it is very easy to sight in. this fits RIS rails.
i realy love it!!! great high quality red/green dot.

scope covers
matrix signature
and great quality.

my biggest consern is the scope covers...
they come off b/c of a metal peice that slides off b/c of the rubberish cover hold.

overall great for CQB and for normal play.
by Austin d. on 03/09/2009
"Will this scope fit the Star Airsoft Custom IKA ZUCHI Type O Middle Range Battle Rifle???

Webmaster: Yes. The Ika Zuchi has a weaver rail mount base and this scope has a weaver mount. (20mm standard rails and rail mounts)
by Maggie C. on 02/19/2009
"This is a great red dot scope. It is full metal and comes with lense covers when your not using it. It comes with 2 batteries so you have an extra if your 1st one runs out and it also comes with a little green cloth to wipe your lenses clean with. This is actually a leapers red dot scope. The red dot itself is wonderful and bright. It helps so much with aiming. If you are tired of looking through iron sights or just want a red dot, this is a great scope to buy and its cheap.
by Naavid H. on 12/26/2008
"Great scope for the price. Once you get it sighted in (which is not the difficult) your gun will become amazingly accurate. Looks great to. I would recommend this to beginning players and people with a low budget. Buy this, you will not be disappointed.
by Leanne P. on 12/26/2008
"will this scope fit on my jg m4 s system enhanced?

Webmaster: This fits 20mm rails. And it will fit any gun with a 20mm rail. So yes, it will fit Ssystem, G36C, M4....ect with weaver / 20mm rail.
by jake f. on 12/03/2008
"i have 3 of these believe it or not....i have one oy jg tokyo maruari p90...and my kwa m4a1...awsome and only scope ill ever buy again
by Denes D. on 11/30/2008
"This is one of the best red dot scope I ever own. The weaver mount mounts it onto just about any gun. I use it for my real AR when I take it out shooting. Good for CQB and speed shooting.
by Janice A. on 11/12/2008
"Of course it fits a G36C. The carrying handle of a G36C is a 20mm rail.

This scope you'll like. I have one and it works like a charm.
by Kenny T. on 11/10/2008
"will this fit the JG G36C i dont wanna waste money either lol
by Michael J. on 11/10/2008
"Yes, this scope will fit all the M4 / M16 series. You can use the rail that is already on your gun under the carrying handle. Or buy a carrying handle mount (thats like $10).

This scope fits all 20mm rails. It has a built in weaver mount. Will fit all the AK, G36, MP5 series too.

A very nice scope. Has red and green dot. Works like a charm! It will immediately provide you with more tactical advantage. Spare batteries are cheap here at evike CR2032. (One of the problem with a lot of red dot scope are that the retailers don't carry the battery for it and they are super expensive in retail stores.)