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Matrix Match Grade 6mm Airsoft BB 20kg Rice Bag Bulk Buy (Model: .23g / White)

32 Customer Reviews

by michael p. on 06/03/2014
"It's not actually a good deal.
This bag has 568 bbs per dollar
It is actually cheaper to get the 20,000 bb bulk buy bag for $35.
That bag has 571 bbs per dollar, and it comes in a much more manageable sized bag.

I think it is a cheap shot on the manufacturer's part to sell one hundred and twenty five thousand bbs and not have it be a better deal than buying smaller bags individually. Come on Matrix, at least make it a better deal.

I gave this product 2 stars because the whole point of a bulk buy is to save the consumer some money, and this doesn't save you any money. Why does this product even exist, it's pointless. At least the bbs are decent though.
by robert f. on 05/22/2016
"Matrix bbs are terrible! they jam up, and when they do shoot they fly everywhere. Complete crap in my opinion. You will want to use elite force if you want to be a better more accurate player, Just remember cheap bbs aint good and good bbs aint cheap.