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King Arms Command Arms Licensed Full Metal M4-S1 Airsoft AEG Rifle (Model: Dark Earth / Carbine)

39 Customer Reviews

by Ramin R. on 04/08/2013
"Very good gun.

1.Good FPS
2.Nice weight
3.Very accurate
4.Stock feels great

1.Hand guard is a pain to take off.
2.Mags hard to take out. (will be easier after awhile)

Overall this gun is very nice, buy it if you are thinking about it!
by sloan B. on 09/02/2022
Still shoots after 25,000 rounds with a 11.1 lipo
Shoots 150 feet
most mags fit

Entire front of the gun is very wobbly (barrel and handguard)
trigger response is not very good
Motor gets hot fast

Overall decent beginner gun, would buy a G&G instead but for $169 on sale is good
by Roderick M. on 07/18/2022
"Gun shoots well, the gun looks good, build quality is okay,
and the hand guard is wobbly right out of the box.

You can find better built guns at a cheaper price.
by Glen V. on 09/26/2021
"Bought this gun for my wife work's as far as shooting only complaint is the plastic barrel cover moves around way to much
by JEFFREY B. on 04/05/2019
"I've had the gun a week and at my 2nd time ever playing Airsoft the trigger switch goes bad and it wont shoot at all. I got a new trigger switch and everything worked fine but it's a job to take apart the gear box and make sure everything makes it back together perfectly. Maybe I just got a bad one from the factory... I do like the gun though, it feels and looks cery real and does shoot accurately and has a good rate of fire on full auto.
by Eric A. on 08/19/2015
"I bought this Gun about 2 years ago, I have not have any internal problems. The only problems were really cosmetic. The Stock came off, I had to screw it in twice, There is no room what's so ever to fit a battery since it is in the Hand Guard. You Have to Buy Li-Po... Not included in the Box.

Looks good
FPS is balanced so you can Play Indoors and Outdoors
It is Full Metal, At least most of the Gun
Polymer feels great

No Battery Room
Stock fell off... Twice
Gun becomes Front heavy if you use Flash Light, PEQ Box
by Ryan K. on 10/21/2014
"I bought this gun awhile back and at first i was in love with it! I went to my first outdoor game with it and it was doing a great job great rpm great distance then after my 3rd or 4th time reloading something went terribly wrong inside every 10th bb would just fall out of my gun and the rpm went wayyyy down. so i called up evike and they told me a few things to try none of those worked. then to ruin that day on the field the screw that connects the buffer tube snapped in half and messed up most of the stuff inside the gun. when the stock hit the ground that also broke.

super cool gun
best for indoor use
looks good
a little heavy
comes with a cool mag and a cool stock

cheap screws something was wrong with my internals hopefully it was only my gun
it was just kind of cheaply put together
by Drew M. on 11/18/2013
"Ok so ill get right to the point, I don't know what gun the two guys below me received but it is nothing like what they are saying....I figured since I was spending $280 on it that it would be a good gun...boy was I wrong

very good looking gun
Bolt catch
High ROF with a 9.6
Good solid weight and feel

Now for the bad things,get comfy cuz there's a few

Terrible and I mean terrible range no matter how the hop up is adjusted,I mean this thing barely shot 75ft and that's being generous.... My echo 1 sog68 (HIGHLY recommend that gun) absolutely destroyed this thing in range and it was $100 cheaper...

The is a stupid size I don't see any battery's fitting in there comfortably, I HAD to use a peq box on mine

VERY inaccurate

And my offset complaint... So I had removed the pins that hold the body together and was putting them back in so I LIGHTLY tapped the read one with a hammer...and my gun stopped shooting, it wouldn't even try to fire so I took it apart and found that my gearbox was CRACKED! And apparently the light tap from my hammer did it in...

Final verdict.... Yeah it's a cool looking gun(that's what got me) but you can get muuuuch better guns for the same money, with that being said I think that this is more like a $150 gun with $100+ worth of accesorries so do not buy this unless your dead set on it and in that case be ready to do alot of upgrading.
by Mason K. on 09/22/2019
"This gun looks wonderful, and the build is amazing. I don’t know if anyone else had same issues but within 6 uses I’m already spending more on repairs then the gun, sure it’s great the first month especially the second month but I only get to use it twice per month. Which isn’t a lot for it to break down like that, so I’d hope the company or whoever does something to fix it. Other then that I wouldn’t spend money on this gun sadly unless you want to pay more for repairs within a couple months especially considering the warranty is only 45 days.