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S&T M870 Type Full Metal Airsoft Training Shotgun (Version: Short-Barreled / Black / Faux Wood Grips)

34 Customer Reviews

by Anna P. on 04/27/2016
"ok had this shotgun for a little while about 10 mins and it jam then I thought it was my fault I was shooting and pumping to quick but what I seen when taking down the gun that bbs were ripped in pieces the metal insides cuts them in half and there is a hole in where you put the mage in and sometime sike all the time in the pass 2 sucky mouths it will get stuck and is a bb gets jam it will and I mean will push that bb when you unknowingly rack it and if your not like me and know how to take and put together this gun back plz do not buy it and to make it worse the hop up and the pump guide rod is the worst it is hard to handle and the rod broke and plz don't buy this plz don't you will waste your money go for a 40$ shotgun that will last better then this and I feel the evike here is selling me pre owned guns that had problems in the pass......... but I still love evike they have more of an selection and parts.
by Al B. on 11/08/2015
"Broke on my after first skirmish!
It has a high quality external build but......
Internals are plastic and it sheered and jammed up the action leaving the shotgun completly unopperational
Great weight and externals
Feels realistic
Great while it worked
Bad internals......
by WAYNE S. on 12/06/2018
"On the second day, the clip got stuck in the gun. I took it all apart to get the clip out. Put it all back together, loaded the clip, inserted it. Stuck again and now won't fire. Very disappointed.
by Langley W. on 05/02/2016
"Decided to change my review. Broke after 2 weeks. Plastic internals that are utter trash. Sending into Evike for repairs.