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Golden Eagle M4A1 Carbine Airsoft AEG Rifle w/ Enhanced LiPo Ready Upgraded Gearbox (Package: Black - 11.1v LiPo Battery Package)

87 Customer Reviews

by Christian Z. on 09/29/2010
"i want to buy this gun but is this gun full black with no watever that color is in the middle or not because there showing diffrent pics PLEASE TELL ME IF ITS FULL BLACK
by brad s. on 09/17/2010
"Okay, I got this gun two days ago and it was love at first sight. I used it in my first game with it yesterday.
Decent ROF with stock battery.
High FPS.
Long range. 130ft
Nice exterior look and feel
Nice weight to it.
Need a tight bore..bad at long range.
Hop Up is a little hard to get to and adjust
Battery Is REALLY hard to get in and out
Unbalanced weight.
And finally..the flash hider is IMPOSSIBLE to get off.

In closing, it's a really good gun. Another sixty dollars in upgrades will make this gun shoot with a high ROF and really good accuracy. I can't wait to go to my local airsofting place and play!
by Gary G. on 08/31/2010
"awesome gun. ive used it in a war and its just amzing.


heavy weight
high rof
high fps

battery is hard to put in
motor comes loose after a while, but can easily be fixed
flashhider is IMPOSSIBLE to get off
by Devin G. on 05/02/2010
"got this gun a while back, HECK yes this thing is crazy love it to death, my bad is the fact of no RIS but the carrying handle comes off lol, to the guy wanting to take the flash hider off, there is a rivet like stud u have to drill out to remove it
by Cristophe V. on 05/01/2010
"I got this gun t0day.........
Let me say this gun is awsome!!!!!!!!
by Eric L. on 03/02/2010
"great gun! its got good fps and its very durable with a strong abs reciever. its pretty accurat and also has a good weight to it, its not to heavy but its also not light either.

Great fps(around 415 or 420 for mine)
good weight
reliable + strong

ROF with stock battery is slow (but i personally like it better because because it doesnt waste ammo as fast)
plastic reciever+carry handle (its very strong though but metal would be better :) )

other than that minor stuff id say this is a great gun for the price and a good starting gun to
by Ricardo B. on 01/18/2010
"Awesome gun!!! Insane power and well built!
great for beginners and intermediate players

Pre upgraded
Not so heavy, not so light
Accurate (Using 0.25 gr bb's)
Never Jammed
Comfortable for long games

Ugly orange flash hider (fixed this with a Zombie Killer Mock Silencer)
Hand Guard feels kind of cheap plastic but i'm planning to get the moe handguard
Stock battery doesn't last much

I had 2 problems when i received my aeg
1) the fuse broke up, i changed it and it worked perfectly
2) the screw that holds the rectractable stock was kind of loose, i fixed that and works great

0.20 gr bb's aren't accurate, need to use 0.23 gr or heavier

great gun, it's amazing buy it
by Jason B. on 05/26/2009
"This little gun is unbelievable. On the side of my box, "UP 460" is written in black Sharpie, and I know this shoots well over 430 FPS, so chances are you won't be able to use this at your local fields. Getting the $35 butterfly battery is optional (but definitely recommended), and will greatly increase firing rate, and I would suppose velocity. You'll have no problem tearing through cans (even the bottom!) using this. Just be warned: you're going to be using a LOT more BB's than normal if you get this!
by ian w. on 03/24/2009
"just got this gun and played a game with it and i freaken loved this gun very accurite and relible
by Trevor S. on 03/14/2009
"Awesome gun-very durable and well worth the money. One question though. How do you get the orange suppressor off? I wanted to fit the weapon with a silencer, and I took the tiny screw out with a hex key, but the orange tip still won't budge. Does anyone have a clue how to do this? The directions simply say to take the tiny screw out and then unscrew it clockwise...but I have torqued on the thing with pliers with NO luck? Help Evike?
by William C. on 03/09/2009
"This gun is a great deal ive had it for 6 months and it still shoots great. If you relieve the spring tension every time you put it away it shoots great everytime. Mine is clocked at 403 fps with .20 gram ammo but I recomend using .25 because .20 sometimes doesnt shoot straight. This gun defiantly has a lot of power. A con is that it isnt full metal but still is very strong plastic which is ok if it shoots great.
by douglas v. on 02/28/2009
"This gun is amazing! I went ahead and got an 11.1V lipoly battery along with it and now its rof is through the roof. My only bad comment is that I have to fix the hi-cap magazine. The spring got jammed in the bottom so now i have to go in and unjam it. That is also why I ordered the box set of M4 mid-cap mags for $56.00. I would definitely recommend this gun to anyone who likes to play hardcore!
by Zach O. on 02/09/2009
"I just received this gun today and all I have to say is WOW!!! Took me a minute to get the irons lined up, but after I did I was consistently hitting a 64oz gatorade bottle at about 30yards. With premium grade .20g bb's you will be able to hit a man sized target at ~50yards no problem. I did a "poor mans chrono" and got results in the 430fps range. It didnt pierce the top center, but left one heck of a dent!! The gun feels heavy and fairly sturdy. I highly recommend this gun!!!! and a thanks to you evike for such great communication and fast shipping!!! _:-D
by James C. on 01/23/2009
"theres only one word for your opponent with this gun........HIT!!!!!! man this thing is so awsome and the metal parts arent that cheap "pot metal." the internals are metal exept for the hop up bucking and piston head, everything else is all metal. the only non metal parts are the handguard (whic comes plastic on any m4a1, even KWAs), the ABS body (dont worry good plastic), nylon pistol grip, and fiberglass stock (the buffer/stock tube is metal though). my gun came in shooting 410 fps and is still kickin' like a stallion. now to the things i dont really like, the hop up bucking is junk, i put it to no hop and the bb's still curved up do i field srtripped it and saw that even on no hop the rubber was a good distance in the barrel (if you know how to fix it pleez tell me), and the battery it comes with doesnt last very long (stock not lipoly) so in conclusion if you have 160.00 in your pocket and a brain in your head, BUY IT!!!!!!!!
by Kaleb L. on 01/05/2009
"WOW! This gun is amazing. It's light weight and is also has a very high ROF and FPS. 450 to be exact. i used this gun against some good players in a war and won. It was awesome. That was my first time to. The only reason i won is because of the gun. They had Barrets and M4's like mine. But mine had amazing range.
Summary:Great range
Amazing FPS
Awesome ROF
Spectacular accuracy

The guns accuracy at over 120 feet is crazy good.