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WE-Tech Gas Blowback M14 Airsoft Battle Rifle w/ Imitation Wood (Package: 400 FPS / Add Optic & Mount)

40 Customer Reviews

by Jason F. on 11/21/2012
"This is a beautiful airsoft rifle. Very accurate to the real rifle. Only missing manufacturer markings on the receiver heel. Gun is heavy and extremely close to actual rifle weight. I bought this rifle for my collection and I'm very happy with it. The barrel/receiver/trigger group does shift in the stock slightly. And my trigger group came slightly tweaked from the factory. But even those things considered its still a great airsoft rifle. Shoots very well. Quite accurate, and the blow back action is super cool. It makes the whole expierence of shooting the rifle so much cooler. To me anyway. Mags are proprietary, fake stock is a little lame but durable. Overall still a good deal. For those who complain about the hand guard. That's how they look on the real rifle. The only difference being on the real rifle they are made from fiberglass, and WE made it out of plastic.
by jeremy p. on 12/09/2011
"Great gun, extremely realistic, and you can add a barrel extension/mock silencer.
The magazines are my only problem. I had to get one of them replaced because it had a huge leak. Also, for some reason my magazines can only hold enough gas to shoot of 6-8 rounds and only 2-4 of them are at the correct velocity. Although, it could be a problem with just my magazines because I haven't read anything about other people having this problem.
I'd give the gun a 5/5 but the magazines 3/5 (being generous)
by Chris E. on 08/02/2011
"First off this gun is very heavy just ounces from the real steal m14, however if you were to go to ra tech and get the six or so steel upgrade pieces it will weight about the same if not more. It shoots very strait and the only major issues i had were (keeping in mind i airsoft 3x a week) my bolt "thing that goes back and forth (not the rocket)" actually snapped in half. So i got the steel one from ra tech. And the other issue was that the o ring on my rocket is barelly to big. But enough that it extends and makes the rocket stop moving because te o ring caught on the bolt lip.
Other than that its an amazing gun.


(complete) Dissassembly
Pot metal parts
Hop up
O ring

Overall id give it a 5/5 but the pot metsl pieces cost me 120$ to get everything tht was ganna break replaced. But now it sounds even better so its ok :)
by Ian P. on 03/26/2011
"Just let me say the WE M14 is a great rifle that being said here are some pointers about what to do with it when you get it. 1st fill up mags with silicone and propane or green gas to check for leaks, with no leaks fire 3-5 full mags through gun . 2nd take the triger assembly out and make sure all pins and screws are tight that goes for the rest of the gun too. 3rd take a small oring and place it around the from of the stock by where the stock ends and the barrel begins (only needed if your stock wobbles from front to back) 4th take the entire gun down to its individual parts (exclude trigger) and wipe all of the factory grease off this grease has a tendancy to remove the brown paint from your gun and have an abrasive affect creating a slurry of grease and paint not condusive to smooth operation. 5th re-assemble your gun and spray silicone oil in all of the major parts that show wear. Enjoy :D
by Ian P. on 02/03/2011
"1st off I have got to say i thought my previous airsoft guns were heavy nothing compared to this beast i suggest you lift some weights while you wait for this thing to arrive at your house to prepare yourself. I just got the WE M14 I was really impressed great build quality easy to take down and clean. I ordered the Matrix Scope mount and in order to install the piece that allows both screws from the scope mount be attached there is a small roll pin holding it in. If you get a T 8,9,10 small shaft stars bit screw driver and hammer the roll pin comes right out (use caution when hammering)
Another tiny problem i noticed was that the upper assembly that separates from the gun was loose it slid back and fourth when you tlited the gun up and down. (remedied with small oring in front of the front stock locking piece) problem solved! another minor problem was with the metal "bolt catch" on the right side of the rifle when the charging handel is pulled and released sometimes the piece designed to catch the bolt gets pushed aside by the bolt. (not sure if that is just mine or if that is how it is on all WE M14's.

PROS: Great build qualiy aside from a few minor teathing problems easily fixed. Havent Chrono'd yet but it seems to have high FPS. TB barrels available BY RA-Tech as well as hop up so room for possible upgrades ( Evike say that there are going to be instructions on how to adjust FPS Fingers crossed breath held untill that is confirmed).

CONS: Minor problems are a bit frustrating.
I ordered 2 spare magazines with it one was leaky (RMA to EVIKE hope to get a replacement
soon.) :)
by Nolan M. on 09/16/2024
"You could not find a worse gun for competition if you tried at this price range. I love this gun so much, it sounds beautiful shoots beautiful. Like any GBBR it is high maintenance so I wasn't too concerned about that. But the mags for this gun are absolutely atrocious. They let you over fill and spew gas in your face if you do and gas out for the next 5 minutes if this happens too much. If all you want is an accurate replica, this gun is beautiful and you couldn't find a better gun that has more recoil, sounds better, and looks and feels better, but do not take this into a competitive match if you can help it, just save it for plinking and background matches if you don't want the hassle.
by sam r. on 04/17/2014
"I had one of these for 2 years. Without going into a huge in depth review I can simply say this... This gun is like a german sportscar: When the it works, it is a lot of fun; when it breaks it's expensive. I had roughly $90 in repairs (REPAIRS, not upgrades) before I sold it for a $150 loss. These are 'nice' guns but very much BUYER BEWARE.
by tyler l. on 11/13/2013
"So, realistic wise, this gun is amazing. it looks, feels, and kicks like the real thing. But design wise, its terrible. When I first shot it, i was not impressed at all by the fps and range. It was horrible. But luckily i bought the nozzle upgrade, installed it, and it was extremely accurate and fast. Then, I encountered the gas problem. Every now anthen, gas would spew out and empty out of the magazine. This is extremely frustrating when you are trying to snipe or in a firefight. This problem seemed to sort itself out. Then, the trigger assembly nightmare. The trigger assembly makes the Ford Pinto look like a engineering marvel. The two-part trigger assembly literally tears itself in two when fired. It takes about 2000 rounds to get the full effect, but eventually you will not be firing this gun, UNLESS you buy the A.) whole RA Tech trigger assembly, or B.) buy the trigger box made from one piece of steel. Either way, its no cheap fix. But If you are willing to make some upgrades, this rifle will not let you down.

Pros: Extremely accurate weight and feel
Very accurate with nozzle upgrade
Plenty of upgrades
Nice kick to it.
All the problems can be fixed.
Cons: Runs out of ammo very quickly on Full. I suggest use semi only or buy mags.
Heavy. Its a pro and a con. This gun is not for small people.
Has slight gas problem. Keep the mags very clean and out of dirt.
The trigger assembly is horrible. Buy the RA Tech trigger assembly.

Nuff said.
by Ryan W. on 06/03/2012
"After a fewmonths of enjoying this beauty, it was nothing more than an exaggerated toy. It is very much like the real gun but there is so many quality and technical problems with it that its not even worth $330 (or $500+ for the EBR), aftermarket parts are very expensive and a ridiculous $40 for a 20 round magazine, as well as not being able to get most parts replaced due to poor metal quality. The trigger assembly I had to replace a few times over a few months and its gulping down gas in 80% weather (I get about 6 shots when I usually get about 50 when I first got it). As a very experienced player, I advised all readers to be sure you have a solid job to pay for this gun.

Easy to clean
Easy to use
Accurate up to 250 feet with scope, upgrade nozzle, and .30g bb's
Reasonable weight
Excellent in any weather (Can withstand rain and snow, use Mapp-Gas "Yellow Cylinder Propane" for cold winter, Propane for average and hot weather)

Expensive Magazines
Sub-Par Replacement Parts Selection
Lots of pins and parts then perferred
Very Poor Metal Quality
Trigger Mechanise is unsecured (Trigger assembley often becomes loose, held together by one screw and a very small pin)
No engraved M14 tradmarks
Poorly made O-Rings (Had to replace the nozzle O-Ring over a dozen times in a few months)
Poor Manufacturer Customer Support for this rifle

NOTE: I advise you to spend money on another gas rifle, wait for a newer release, or assist in making a new brand of the Gas M14 Airsoft Rifle, this rifle is not worth it in this economy.
by Curtis D. on 06/25/2024
"I bought this gun fairly used years ago and it worked really well I bought all the aftermarket stuff for it a bipod The birdcage even a mock rubber knife. A chest magazine rig that holds four and one in the mag so about 100 to 120 rounds. Super heavy gun very loud it's a head turner but even if you don't get one kill you are going to have a lot of fun trying to get one. This is a wallet burner. I bought a brand new one a few days ago and waiting for it in the mail and using my old one for parts. The trigger assembly alone is something that really needs to be maintained and held together very well. I would advise finding small parts that use very small amounts of two parts epoxy just to keep it in place. Again this is a very fun gun but once it breaks down you're going to hate yourself for buying it and it's for collectors in my opinion.