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Shadow Op MB01 Type96 MK96 APS-2 Airsoft Bolt Action Sniper Rifle (Color: Desert Tan / Add Bipod)

240 Customer Reviews

by Joseph C. on 06/25/2011
"Great gun, it's a little heavy and hard to get steady without the bipod. So buy the bipod and scope, it saves you money. It has very few cons, but none are quite that major.

Great accuracy
Fairly priced
Scares others on field at first and every glance


Buy it.
by Mike R. on 06/10/2011
"i got this gun a year ago and it still fires around 500fps
by dominick c. on 06/02/2011
"I got this gun 2 years ago and loved it! when I got it it was very powerful and accurate. 2 years after purchase I hit a circle about a half ft radius at 175 ft.(with .28g bbs) I got mine when they came with a bipod it was really not worth extra. You don't need an upgrade for this sniper. one problem is sometimes the bolt wont go down its really the back square just tighten the screw on the back and your problems are solved. You should clean this gun every 2 or 3 months (or more if you play a lot)for better accuracy. You need .28g or above.

very high fps
extremely accurate
solid for very long time(sometimes you need to tighten all the screws)
big magazine
hand grip (very comfortable)
heavy it almost ways 10 pounds(I took out the weights then it was around 5)
very hard to get into
long (some might like)

All around great gun! I love it!
by chad j. on 05/02/2011
"This gun is amazing for the price. I would recomend it for beginner to experienced snipers. I use .30 gram bb's in mine and i hit a penny 50 FEET AWAY! Its an amazing sniper
by Keith L. on 04/04/2011
"This is an OUTSTANDING sniper rifle for its price. The tri-rail is a bit wably but no worries on that. It shoots about 480 with .20 but I recommend using a .30 or .25 to really pack a punch with the opposing players. Also, be sure to have enough strength to carry this thing around if your the Scout Sniper in your team, but if your just the average sniper...Sit put because this rifle is a bit too heavy to run around in. The scope that you buy in the package as an option, the scope ring screw that hold it on the rail comes off pretty easily, I lost the screw on my first game with it and the scope itself is alright but I would invest on buying a better scope.

When you buy this rifle, just buy the bi-pod and not the "Scope and Bi-Pod package"

Oh, make sure to lube the rifle before you use it. Just saying.

* Packs a punch with a womping 460+ of fps
* Easy to assemble
* Great feel to it
* Really quiet when your shooting
* An amazing rifle for its price, shoots quite and fast (can barely see the bb's when firing)
*the Scope that comes with the package is kinda dissapointing
*Kinda Heavy
*Digital camo looks horrible so stick with the OD Green,it looks better by far
* A real pain when loading the clips

Hope this helps! =D
by Caleb B. on 03/23/2011
"I bought this gun a while back. I took it to my friends to have a few skirmishes. I sat up on the top of a hill looking down at their base, aimed through my red/green crosshair scope at my friends buddy he invited to play with us. I took the shot and heard him scream so loud, lol. i freaked out cause I thought I hurt him real bad, it was a good thing he had his goggles on because right in the middle of his forehead was I bump that stuck out the size of on egg!!! haha, get this gun, it rules, the price is good, the fps is great, the range is great and it's super bad booty
by Brian B. on 03/17/2011
"This is an amazin sniper, it is worth every penny. However at first I was having accuracy issues with .25g, so I bought the cylinder upgrade kit and som .36g, and now I'm consistently hittin a 5' target at 200 ft. I'm goin to continue buyin upgrades (since ther are so many available) and try to reach the full potential of this awesome gun. BUY IT!!! Very accurate and powerful, hop up is a b*tch tho, only con!
by stephen h. on 02/22/2011
by fausto p. on 02/06/2011
"omg i recently got this gun and straight out of the box it was great! the assembley was simple and the fps is amazing(0.2bbs). perfect gun for anyone who ants to be a sniper. i regret not getting the bi pod for it because it is a little on the heavy side but no biggy its still great accuracy after adjusments to the scope. i recomend to anyone who wants a sniper at a good price!!!!!
by Eli T. on 01/07/2011
"I just got this gun and here is my review.

1- Not too heavy
2- Hurts pretty good
3- Good accuracy
4- Cycles good

p.s. better if you buy the scope and the bipod with it. use .20 gram bb's. and go for the HEAD SHOTS!!!
by Aaron K. on 12/31/2010
"This gun is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it.What makes this gun so special it is the only sniper rifle with the upgrade option of having a full metal bi-pod and a acope upgrade if you are looking for a great gun this is the gun for you.

Pros: good FPS
amazing range
hurts a lot!!!!!!!!!!
has a full meatal barrel

Cons:Not so good of a included sling
by vickie f. on 12/27/2010
"got this gun for christmas and i have to say.........ITS THE BEST SNIPER OUT THERE FOR IT PRICE! it hurts like a mo fo, it hits dead on and its perfect for long range. if your woundering if u should get this gun or not just get it! take my word for it. you will not regret getting this gun. thanks evike
by marcus m. on 12/19/2010
"great gun [pros] 1.light 2.easy to pull back 3.easy to up grade [cons] 1.wabble bipod 2.hard to ajust hop up in all good gun recomeded it to every body 5 stars
by Wesley S. on 12/16/2010
"This is a great gun for the price and for a stock gun it shoots exceptionally well!!!!!!
while i recommend you do some upgrades such as the spring guide, piston, hop up, trigger box, and spring they are not necessary. Like I said this is a great gun!!!!! I recommend at least .3gram bbs (i use .36grams) because this gives u much greater accuracy which is essential to the role of the airsoft sniper. The gun has no cons that i can think of at the moment although the bipod (if u purchased one with the gun) dose wobble slightly it isn't something that will affect your accuracy. I highly suggest u buy a scope as being a good sniper is almost imposable to do without!!!!!! I suggest at least a leapers 3x32.

decent FPS
Decent hop up
easy to operate
FUN to operate!!!!
Cant be matched for the price
Highly Upgradeable

(not really a con) bipod wobbles slightly
Dose not come with a scope (unless you purchase it with the gun)
by Matt O. on 12/15/2010
"This gun is amazing!! I have used this in many wars and it makes my friends cry!
good scope: adjustable zoom
very quiet
awesome bolt if you maintain it
difficult to assemble/ deassemble
sometimes loads 2