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6mmProShop Gas Powered Full Metal DSR-1 Advanced Bullpup Sniper Rifle (Color: Dark Earth)

34 Customer Reviews

by Ryan B. on 04/10/2024
"Only buy this gun if you know how to do upgrades!

You will need to do multiple things to make this Rifle usable in games...
The good news is that the Hop-up itself takes standard AEG buckings and barrels

1. You need to upgrade to a tight bore barrel
2. Need to upgrade the bucking as the stock one is not suited for anything over a .20g BB
3. DO NOT USE GREEN GAS! You will not get a usable FPS without using Propane or HPA
4. The magazines need an upgrade to the contact nozzle, you can do this by either boring out the nozzle itself or purchasing a high-flow replacement nozzle online.
5. Replace ALL stock O-rings as they are not quality O-rings and do not create the best air seal.
6. Clean out the inside of the bolt itself. From factory there is a thick layer of grease inside that gets forced into the Hop-up unit and can cause harm. (recommend adding a small bit of silicone lube or oil to replace)

Additionally, I would also recommend:
HPA taping one of your magazines as that will give you the best performance possible.

Don't get full magazines if purchasing more then what is provided, you can get the magazine inserts that hold just the BBs. This saves on weight and space on your kit.

I like the Rifle all together, just wish that for the price spent that the internals would actually be workable and the FPS would be at a "Sniper Rifle" quality.

Over all, you can do every upgrade listed here and a VSR-10 with half the upgrades will be a better rifle...
by Hongxu W. on 11/16/2016
"So I have wanted a decent bulpup sniper rifle for a really long time, bacause of it's compact size. First I was looking at the SRS, but then this gun came out. I was kind of excited because like the previous guy, I really want this gun since the first release. So I thought about it and then placed the order. Out the box the gun is really heavy, and shortly after I take it out the box, I realize the upper rail is not your standard top rail you see on your m4, the gap between each slot is larger than normal, which means most of your one piece scope mount will not fit. Since the one piece mount does not fit, I decided I would tried the separated mount, I put the scope on, then I realize the sight sits too low and I will have a hard time looking through the scope. And to be honest, the gun does not look "correct" as I would expected. So luckily I could find a old ares dsr-1 mount on the web, and as they said to me, it's the last piece they have and there will be no more. Second thing I ran into is not as bad of the problem for someone, the trade mark is not what they had before and it's not full trade anymore, it has the s&t trademarks. Third problem I ran into was the butt plate of the stock falls out during the game play, really disappointing and I'm even more sad when I can find no where to find a replacement. The final problem I had was the sling points, this gun is a heavy platform, even heavier than my m249, and lacking sling point will make the gun even harder to maneuver.
Cool gun
CNC machined body
Comfortable right hand gripping.

Your lefty friends will hate this
Hard to wave around like a vsr
Weird rail
550 for Greene gas and 350 for duster gas, nothing close to 500
Hard trigger pull
Hard to adjust the Hop up
The buttpad falls out
by Patrick B. on 10/09/2008
"lmao I know right why cant they build guns like this for people who are really bugitive well thats why theirs utg
by Patrick B. on 11/13/2008
"after getting to use this rifle its not all that good i says it shoots 500 fps but we chronoed it at 380 at best with green gas and yll i was sniping two screws boped out of the mag and were lost redering it useless the mag is also hard to take out another thing the bipod is so flimsy that ur better taking this off but i really dont reckomend anyone purchasing this rifle its a wall hanger.