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CYMA Railed Dust Cover for AK Series Airsoft AEGs

35 Customer Reviews

by Brenden B. on 01/11/2025
"seems like a well designed product, but i bough it expecting it to fit on the cyma ak-105 aeg but it does not
by Chris C. on 09/21/2021
"Overall good quality but it barely fits and the screw is a little too big, had to use my original screws with the iron sight on the dust cover and slam the railed dust cover into place and quickly put pressure on it to put in the screws. I believe that the rail is at a slight bend that isn't noticeable but I think over time it will eventually show the pressure/tear marks and then break. and yes, I bought the right rail for my ak because the one I bought before didn't have the right description which I see a lot on this sight.
by Paul H. on 05/28/2020
"NOT compatible with Cyma AK105, CM031D. I had to modify the rear sight area to get it to fit. Once on, no wobble.
by Michael A. on 01/25/2020
"Doesn’t fit CM028 at all
by Timothy J. on 08/16/2019
"Incompatible with cm046 for absolutely no good reason. The cm046 either has a too thin rear sight or this is too thick. Verify disappointed with cyma on this one. If you have the 046 DONT BUY