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Matrix 3/6 Burst Firing Multi-Shot Gas Powered Airsoft Shotgun (Model: Police / Tan)

39 Customer Reviews

by Eric M. on 12/26/2017
by Zac H. on 10/10/2017
"I got my Scattergun when they first hit the market. It came leaking gas where the full stock and receiver meet. After tighting a screw inside the stock i have had no leaking problems at all. My shotgun has been used and abused its still holding up strong. If you get the full stock version be VERY careful with the 2 tabs that hold the rubber butt pad on. They will brake easy. Also with a full charge of gas you will get around 5 to 6 shell before your out of gas. I have to use .28s to keep it shooting straight.
by Bedirhan A. on 10/12/2024
"I just got the tactical version with shell caddie.

I do not have any problem with gas leaking. It works perfectly for me. It only leaked the first three or four times I put gas into it. After three or four times, it stopped leaking.

Shell caddies are so tight that they remove the plastic labels from the shells...

Just after 15-20 times shooting, the forend stuck... I spent four hours to solve this problem. I opened the gun's interior kit, there is the cheap material part that caused the stuck. I took out it from the gun and it works perfectly again but forend is more sensitive now. It lost its hardness to pull but it is okay. Thank god it works nicely enough.

The gun has perfect weight, it feels perfect. I used it outside, it works like a green gas-powered pistol. BBs don't scatter too much in the distance.
by Ryan G. on 09/11/2023
"Purchased the Super CQB one. Picture and product description mention a rail is included on top of the receiver, but there is no rail. Otherwise, fun gun to use.
by White F. on 01/31/2023
"It broke after one day of game playing I have been trying to fix it for two months and it just has defective parts that I cant seem to find for sale for less than the price of the actual replica.. really fun until it broke though
by Josh V. on 12/17/2017
"Not as efficient as I hoped for it to be.

I haven't fielded it yet, but after plinking and playing around with it, I noticed two distinct issues with this.

First off, and the most noticeable one, is that the rack would lock up, even after shooting. You would have to shake or slap the gun in order for the rack to pump. It happens by complete random, where it may never happen in one shell or lock up after every single shot.
Second, in my model, I could hear a very, very subtle hissing if I put my ear up to the gun, and that hissing was the gas leaking out. Can't say it's a good thing, either.

Overall, it may be cheaper than a Tokyo Marui, but it's cheaper for a reason. If I were you, I'd save up for the quality, or get a CYMA spring shotgun.
by Quinten B. on 08/12/2024
"All and all its a decent shotgun but I had some issues that if I had been a new player would have been a problem but I managed to fix it. "The problems will be listed in the cons."

- It shoots great
- Solid metal construction
- Great feel

- Was missing 2 Orings that I was able to replace but was tricky finding out where they were " Was able to fix"
- The shell ejector got jammed after one game. " was able to fix"
- The pump likes to get stuck. "Can be helped with some silicon oil but not a permanent solution"

This receives this rating because even though the issues were fixable if a new player bought this as his first gun he would be in the weeds and pro service is expensive.
by Aidan M. on 07/25/2023
"It was great while it worked. I had this for around 4 months, and for the first 2 it worked great and I was able to get a ton of hits at a cqb field. Unfortunately, however, after a while the pump arms bowed, which prevented me from being able to rack it. Evike's customer service wound up giving me 50% of the products value back despite it's sorry state and being well out of warranty.
by Michael C. on 03/18/2023
"Upon opening this airsoft shotgun (SP / Tan model), I was preparing to test fire it and was disappointed to find that the gas tube in the stock had a leak in the back. The gun wouldn't hold any green gas for longer than ~5 seconds. I looked at the manual and saw that other models of this gun have their gas storage units in different places, so it's possible that this was just a fluke of the model I bought or maybe just the specific one that I received, regardless, after returning it I definitely don't intend on purchasing another. Props to Evike for refunding me full price for the gun and the extra shells I bought for it at least.