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Matrix M4 GBB AR-15 Gas Blowback Airsoft Rifle w/ Reinforced WA System (Model: M-LOK 9")

51 Customer Reviews

by Chongpheng V. on 04/13/2018
"I ordered this gun last week Friday and I received it on Wednesday because of free ups 3 day shipping (coupon code) if my order was over $150, which it was because I ordered a Angel Custom Hive airsoft suppressor and a Valken Tactical Red dot sight along with the gun. At first I thought I was gonna get a off-brand gbb(gas blow back) m4 but this was actually from s&t and it comes with good packaging in Styrofoam. The gun shoots accurate from 40 ft plus, and the recoil is amazing. Even though this gun has a polymer receiver and hand guard it is still awesome don't let the polymer get in the way of buying it since its only $130. The gun is sturdy and has a little wobble coming from the hand guard and stock but that doesn't bother me. If you're wondering about taking off the flash hider to put on a suppressor it has a small 1.5mm hex screw and you will need to unscrew it and also heat the tip to get glue off. I have not tried it yet since I do not have a 1.5mm hex screw but I read online most airsoft guns have a 1.5mm hex screw. I think there is a hop up adjustment but I have not touched it yet and when opening the gun by pushing out the screws, the screws were really stiff so just a heads up. Also, 1 thing about the mag every time you are gonna put gas into the mag you need to push down the roller or something like that on the mag. I thought my mag was broken but I looked it up and it said to push down the roller which is like a little lever on the top right of the mag. My model was the m4a1 and it did not come with a vertical grip like it said but no need for a vertical grip since there is no ris on this model except for the cqb model.
by Nina M. on 11/09/2024
"My son(13) saved up for months to buy this gun but hasn't been in very good health due to his chronic migraines and cluster headaches, plus a recent concussion. After waiting a long time, we finally ordered it and received it fairly quickly. It is a very nice and durable build, but the one thing that worried him was the magazine because of other reviews. He loaded it up, filled it with gas, it did really good, performs like a real AR, but on the second fill of the mag, green gas splashed everywhere from the spot that you put green gas in (I don't remember what it's called), rendering the gun completely unusable until he can save up for another magazine
. He doesn't want to leave a bad review/ complaint since the gun itself is really nice, and he doesn't want to return anything since he waiting so long to get it. The gun seems to still be in perfect shape, since it blew up from the sides and bottom, so a return won't be necessary. We didn't get a chance to test much at all, but it still seemed to be really nice. I guess I will save up for a new magazine for a few weeks then I will update the review.
by Josh F. on 05/25/2023
"rifle's fine, for the most part, my hop is kinda weird but that could just be user error, as per other reviews, mags are leaky like there's no tomorrow, mine held for a month or two but now- well I just filled it to try and keep its internals lubed and it's just kinda hissing next to me, very directional too, if it's not upright, it'll leak out the fill hole. but upright and it's leaking out of the... where the hammer meets the rear of the mag, you get what you pay for, to say the least, oh and the mag is the main contributing factor to the weight of the replica
by Marben F. on 04/22/2023
"Surprisingly well built and great performance. Shooting is snappy and accurate out of the box. Chrono'd about 350-360 FPS with .20G bbs and propane. I bought an S&T M4 a couple years ago and I can tell you the internals here are definitely different. It has smooth cycling and decent recoil. Buffer spring is also not as stiff as my S&T.

Negatives; body is very cheap AEG plastic (hence the price). Feels like it could crack if you drop it once. Mags leak gas when you fill them, but they hold seal when you shoot them. Stock is too thin for me; switched with SOPMOD style and it feels good to shoulder.

Overall, this is a great first time GBBR or backup gun. It can help you decide if you want to pursue higher end GBBRs in the future.
by Marben F. on 08/19/2022
"Good starter GBBR. Has functioning bolt catch and release. Shoots decently.

Does not hold green gas well. Prepare to go through bottles for a week of shooting.
by Mason S. on 08/14/2022
"Pros: it kicks good shoots far and its great for beginner gbbr users

Cons: You have to take the handgaurd off to adjust the hop and its a stiff hop up adjustment the castle nut for the buffer tube can easily be taken off by hand and the gun is not very gas efficient.
by Richard T. on 09/17/2020
"Does well for what it is. There is some decent information out there for these already, and I do think it is a really great value. I want to use this review to give people eyeballing it a heads up for certain quirks of the gun.

-I bought this primarily as a training aid due to the ammo prices in the time of COVID.

-Before you buy this, find spare magazines. Even if you're just drilling with it, you'll want at least another mag for a total of 2. I know ~$40+ for an airsoft mag can be a bit hard to swallow. They were very hard to come by when I was looking to purchase, but I luckily found a few G&P mags.

-The fit of the upper and lower receiver is not great. At least not on the one I got. It didn't bother me too much. More on this later though.

-The fit of the stock was not that great. Some electrical tape on the buffer tube fixed that.

-There is a break in period. The gun was a bit finicky with feeding and what mags it would except at first, but after a bit, it was feeding fine with the occasional hiccup (these will misfeed more than a real rifle, good practice I guess.)

Some quirks with the polymer body that you want to be aware of. On my example, the front takedown pin had a poorly machined recess for the tiny detent pin to sit in (it would catch the edge of the recession in the takedown pin and not allow it to travel). Well, I didn't know it was catching on anything, and proceeded to hammer the pin with a moderate tap of the punch and rubber mallet. Due to the polymer construction, the detent busted out of the polymer body. I fixed this with some super glue and a soldering iron to remelt the plastic. Not super pretty, but at least my front takedown pin still stays in place.

The rear takedown pin is normally a weak point on real ar-15 polymer recievers. Same kinda deal here. The hole in the upper reciever through which the rear takedown pin goes ended up being the weak point and cracked off the upper reciever. My hypothesis is this point received a lot of stress through how I shouldered the rifle (pressing into my shoulder with positive force from my support hand, which also be exerted a slight downward force on the front of the gun, which transferred as an upward force to this rear takedown hole). Combine this with the play between the upper and lower, and I can see how it would be a likely breaking point. I fixed this by using superglue and a lot of rubberbands, but of course, now I'm slightly afraid and baby it.

The most unfortunate thing about this product is there aren't any spare receivers to go with it, as plastic receivers are normally very cheap. Metal WA receiver sets are quite expensive. I ended up getting the full metal Matrix gbb and swapping the internals. The receivers themselves are slightly different spec (the plastic has extra material for reinforcement and thus does not quite mate to a metal lower/upper) so no mixing and matching. The internals of this gun are actually pretty good, a step up from your typical copy. It has better springs than the full metal matrix one, which is important for gas blowbacks, as the hammer spring directly affects tapping gas out of the magazines. A weak hammer spring can result in weak strikes. Depending on the magazine, the hammer spring might not even be strong enough to move the valve on the magazine. Overall, I recommend though be careful with the polymer body and have the tools to repair it.
by Ryan F. on 08/19/2020
"Quick and dirty opinion: good trigger for people who like smooth and long trigger pulls and magazine does get jammed in receiver.
Everything else is good.
by Cameron H. on 05/14/2020
"Received the gun about an hour ago, noticed some flaws and noticed some cool features.

-Really good for the price (especially when on sale)
-Good starter gbbr build (great for experienced airsofters who want an upgradable gun)
-Very hard kick
-Really sturdy (for the most part)
-Heavy duty mag (good and bad but mostly good)
-Decently accurate
-Lasting materials (in other words: it won't break on your first couple games)
-Loud, like, really loud (Good and bad, depends on how much the person likes realism)

Cons (or what I found to be very inconvenient):
-Annoying, but easy to get used to crane stock wobble (better off without the crane stock and something of your own)
-Mag is terribly tough to put bbs in (unless you are strong and have one of those rod style speed-loaders)
-Stiff bolt and charging handle (not a big con but I find it inconvenient)
-Mag fits snug... way too snug (it's hard to take out unless you are, once again, quite strong)
-Really, really, really hard to find a matching mag (I think there is one on evike but I've never tried it because it's basically never in stock)
-Mag doesn't like taking gas sometimes (it'll sometimes just not take anything, and you really have to precisely position the gas just perfectly vertical so that the gas goes down straight into the mag)

Overall Thought:
-I really like this gun, I really do. I do think however that even if you are prepared to spend a lot of money on gas and mags, I think this gun is also rigged with little tiny flaws as well as some big ones you might find really annoying. It's a great beginner gbbr and I haven't myself yet tested but I think it would be very easily upgradable. If you're going to get a gbbr, get this one just to see if you like this category/style of playing airsoft. The gun is incredibly realistic so it's obviously gonna be a good gun for mislim. If you do get this gun, be prepared to get a gun that had things you won't expect and didn't account for, some good, some bad, some in the middle. I have thoughts about returning this gun and getting an AEG instead, but that's my opinion, and my opinion also says that it might be more fun performance-wise to play with an AEG. Don't let this discourage you, this is a fantastic rifle for it's price. Hope this helps!
by Donovan K. on 12/29/2019
"Surprisingly great for what it is.I thought it was going to be a kinda bad gun but its the best gun I own so far.It is on the cheaper side due to it being a plastic receiver but there is also a 190 dollar full metal one.
by Nathaniel J. on 10/14/2019
"I purchased the 9 Inch slanted keymod varient, here is my review after owning it for several months and running it as my primary.

-The plastic lower and upper had me skeptical, but they have held up just fine, and also help to make this a easy to handle gun due to reduced weight.

-Good trigger on the gun, able to make quick follow up shots, and rate of fire in full auto is excellent.

-All the moving bits of this system are quite durable, and I have had no issues functionally

-Fps of about 350 with .20s make this widely feild legal, at least in the United States where I reside.

-Magazines are of acceptable quality and I have had no leaking issues.

-If you don't have a castle nut wrench be prepared to have that thing constantly working loose, in the same line the included sights do not stay on very tightly, I highly recommend replacing them with a red dot or other irons sights of your choosing

-On occasion a chambered bb might fall out of the barrel when it's pointed downwards, it doesn't always happen, but it does happen.

-Although the plastic upper and lower have proven themselves durable, and help to lower weight, if you specifically want a realistically weighted system, this might be a deal breaker for you.

All in all the gun works well, shoots well, and holds up well over time, for the price it's an excellent deal, It's not flawless, but if you want flawless you'll need a few more Benjamin's.
by Cole S. on 10/01/2019
"I have had this gun for several months, and let me say it is extremely well made for the price point.
As other reviews say, it is accurate, and hits pretty hard.
My only gripe is it tends to blow out buckings if it jams, and is only compatible with some types of WA mags, not all.
by Niki v. on 12/05/2018
"First let me preface: I am new to GBB and Airsoft. This is the first airsoft gun I have bought from evike and the only real airsoft battle I have been in is with some spring guns. so label this review as about the gun. I bought the M16A4 and its awesome. I have shot a real Ar15 and i know what a real guns recoil feels like so im coming
at GBB with a higher standerd

Has Good Range(40 yds)
pretty accurate
looks awesome
Rate of fire (really high and sounds cool)
realistic take down

When you shoot it the gun makes a weird springy sound
Rate of Fire is a little high for me you can unload a full mag in 5-6 seconds
by Keiane N. on 11/22/2017
"Definitely a GBB even though it's under AEG section. Comes with no instructions at all and the body feels like a cheap electric gun so be careful but it shoots great. Mags are pretty good for what you end up paying for. The hopup is not in the normal area(have yet to find it) as other gbb m4 so I can't say how well it works.

Overall if you are on a really tight budget I would recommend, if you can save up I'd probably go for a KWA lm4 or WE open bolt m4.
by Huong N. on 09/30/2023
"This is the perfect gun for someone willing to do maintenance and access to a 3d printer.
Body is made of polymer, has -14mm threads. Compatible with real steel external parts.
The only issue with this gun is that if any parts break you will either A)Pay more for shipping B)Have to design and rebuild the part
Magazines come and go very often being in stock for only months at a time.

Reliability: 3/5
Magazine prone to leaking, will need repairs; I recommend Permatex ultra red. The hop chamber will most likely crack due to its plastic. Do not pull on nozzle, the nozzle spring may stretch under stress.
Performance: 4/5
Good accuracy and fire rate for its price.
Reparability: 4/5
Very easy to take apart, the same as a real AR15; remove 2 pins and sperate.
With a 3d printer and access to an amazon account most of the parts that are prone to breaking can be repaired or replaced.