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The " SWAGG Pack" (Edition: 2022 April Edition)

541 Customer Reviews

by Jason R. on 03/01/2016
"I received the Annex MI-7 ANSI Rated Full Face Mask with Thermal Lens + "Airsoft Essential Safety Sack (Pistol)!" In my opinion this prize holds the lowest value, The mask hinders aiming, making you turn your head a lot more than you normally would have to with goggles. The tac helmet or gun bag would have been a better item than this, first and last swag bag i will buy.
by Joshua R. on 02/17/2016
"Two words...
Gun Bag

The bag isn't that bad but i wouldnt pay 30$ for a gun bag I don't need
by Thanh H. on 08/21/2015
"Spent 9.5 bucks and got the pistol case and rife bag. What can I say. You lose some and you win some. Not a bad idea though!
by Samuel G. on 07/15/2015
"I got the famas. It's an ok springer and it is worth more than $5 but I def wouldn't have paid the full price for it. So I'm happy that it only costed me $5.
by Andrew J. on 06/24/2023
"Got too gel blasters in 2 different orders woww
But the playing card I got is cool ad I got a nice shirt thing and arm covers and hat and neck cover all for fishing but can be used for whatever and I live by the beach so for me it’s nice clothing
by Justin M. on 04/05/2022
"Shame on me for buying one of these. 4lb package, was hoping for the flash hider key chain since a FB commentor said that was their package but got the Avengers Mask in black. To me, this pack is/was a waste as one only buys a Swagg pack unless they are already in the sport and are looking for goodies, not redundant product(s). Don't get caught up in the reviews of 'i got this super-special-awesome-glittery-no scratch-AR by Daniel Defense'. This is Evike sending out space wasting inventory to make room for other products.

Pro (in terms of usefulness):
+ I will be using the LED Marker System for a CQB field in my area (Standard Adhesive Patch / Multi-Color)
+ Patch will go on a backpack for decor ('Master Airsofter') and I am sucker for collecting random patches
+ Hand sanitizer, handy for after a day of playing when I want to go eat food (a bit of stretch for a positive)

Cards - got 2, have about 5 total, have yet to see them be used for anything or hear any whispers of the cards being used for an event

Cons (The why for the rant):
- Mask for Covid is useless since that is over in my area of life
- Avengers Mask, redundant for me and will swiftly be yeeted into the one can yeet...since I already have face protection with other means and got one in a BOA. I am also aware that the majority of fields in my area (including a couple states around me) don't allow wire-mesh goggles so why bother buy gear for the small denominator that allows for wire mesh goggles.

Evike is quite the operation and I understand they field a lot of inventory so measure-manage expectations of what you could be getting. For every 1 'yes', there will 10 'no's'. Not being a downer, just living in reality.
by Matthew T. on 06/07/2016
"I received the midget pistol and the Hate Us patch. Meh. Two items I'll never use.
by Matthew T. on 04/27/2016
"Sooooo. I received a boneyard rifle from this swagg pack. Just getting into airsoft again for the first time since 2006, I was EXTREMELY disappointed. However, to my surprise, the rifle was in fully working condition. Someone even wrote (RJ COSMETIC) on the box. The orange tip had been covered by black tape and the rifle was a little dusty. Thats it. Otherwise, it works just fine. I plugged in a mostly dead LiPo and she ran.

I do have one complaint, however. The Boneyard guns people buy are generally for spare parts. This gun, if had not been in working order, would not be worth the parts that comes with it. I had a friend buy two swagg packs and get two of the same rifle with broken gear boxes. The replacement parts were 80 dollars. The rifle they sent, an Ignite Airsoft Black Ops M4 Viper Assault Rifle, is a walmart branded rifle that's literally 80 bucks in store. I can buy a new one for 80 bucks, so why would I put an $80 gear box in this plastic POS? Meh. If I get a boneyard, I expect SOMETHING to be salvageable. For 30 bucks and a working model though, I'm not as upset. Still going to sell.

Working fully functioning AEG
FPS 350 w/ .2g matchgrade bb's

Cheap Wallyworld Gun
Not worth the spare parts
Some guns came with bad gear boxes
by Jarred C. on 06/02/2015
"I spent 8$ total (including shipping) and got the glow stick and foam grenade. The light is all scratched up and literally has a piece of green paper wrapped around inside for the green color, and it doesn't even cover the whole thing. I put the AA batteries in the stick and it flickered and quit working after 30 seconds. I put another set of batteries in and it won't even turn on anymore...
by Derek W. on 09/16/2024
"Total scam bought 3 of these on three separate occasions, got the gel blaster all 3 times. Dont other total waste of money.
by Torin B. on 07/08/2021
"Not sure if my other review made it through but, I got A pack of disposable masks, Those decals and, a weapons cache playing card. Something doesn't seem right since It seems half of the swagg pack is missing.
by Joshua O. on 09/12/2020
"Pretty disappointing, every time I have ordered these, I get more disappointment, each time...
by kevin/ kristen a. on 01/30/2020
"Don’t even bother trying to win something nice. They gave me a broken spring gun and a broken flashlight.
by Kris H. on 01/29/2020
"So I bought 4 of these total. 1 has yet to arrive.
#1 corroded battery, a shirt that doesnt fit, 2 patches
#2 battery thats toast, a dollar store plastic spring handgun, 2 patches
#3 a led color changing arm band, a dollar store plastic spring handgun, 2 patches
#4 should show up next week, but i can guess the only good thing ill get is 2 patches *only bought to get free shipping
amount wich is cheaper then paying shipping.

Don't expect much of anything good with these packs unless you just want to hit that price limit for free shipping.
by Paul H. on 01/16/2020
"What a rip off for shipping, $18 for a little package, that was 1.2 pounds. But they charge you for 5 pounds. There is no way shipping was $18, maybe for next day. I am now seeing Evike's true colors coming out, significantly over charging for shipping. Just sketchy business practices.

Webmaster: The shipping is actually not intentional, as this "SWAGGPACK" is technically "one product" in our system (one UPC code, one PID for our logistical warehouse to process) hope this makes any sense to you. As the packages randomly vary from 1.5lb ~ 15 lbs or so, and we can technically set "one weight" for this product in our system, I am guessing the magic number our management decided on was 5lbs. Perhaps we will lower it to 3 just to make everyone happy?