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The " SWAGG Pack" (Edition: 2021 Final Edition)

541 Customer Reviews

by Joshua C. on 01/11/2020
"I have bought probably 10 different variants of these packs and always gotten the one on the bottom. The tracking information was also wrong saying the package weighed 5lbs when it weighed a max of 1.5lbs.

Webmaster: We do precisely input the exact weight and dimension of every item we sell in our system. However, this "SWAGGPACK" is a bit unique in that every box is kind of different in weight but they all share the same UPC / product code in our system. Thus an average number of "5 lbs" were input. I guess ten years ago when we were manually weighting each package and printing labels we don't have this issue, but there are more other manual related errors that way. Now we precisely process orders to have more accuracy, but the package isn't manually weighted at the time of outgoing (where 99.999% of the time we don't need to as the weight of the products are fixed.....this SWAGGPACK product is an exception I hope you understand...)