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Cybergun Licensed Colt Sportsline M4 AEG Rifle w/ G3 Micro-Switch Gearbox (Model: URX4 PDW-S SD / Black)

139 Customer Reviews

by max j. on 01/10/2018
"not really that much to say but its okay

pros:shoots hard
okay ROF with mid caps
its fun
nice stock

now the bad part CONS:drops some bbs when removeing the mag
some minor stuff like hop-up fixing and red dot fixing

its okay but not REALLY good i give it to a noob who has a friend that's good to help mind you i really suck and i got it for xmas so yeah
but if you like airsoft get a better gun but try for a gun that can use m4 mags
by gio c. on 01/04/2018
"I've had it for about two weeks and I can only say good things it's got good fps and it has good range
by Joseph V. on 01/03/2018
"I'm new to airsoft games and i have to say i bought this to start with and i am not disappointed. The price is right at $200 and while they give you two mags one is a mid cap and requires a speed loader. Now i have never bought an airsoft gun that is not completely plastic and cheap (Walmart, target, dicks sporting good, ect...). so when i got this i was surprised at the weight, yes this has some plastic and some parts look cheaply molded but overall a much better quality that you will find a super centers like Walmart. My opinion is buy this if your looking at a good start point, i am told there is better quality stuff and i'm sure there is i just didn't want to spend the extra moneys. I have few complaints most small, the battery compartment can be hard to put back together only because the side need to be just right or they chew up case. my other complaint is the grenade launcher, now this might be because of the grenade i bought but i have to squeeze the trigger so hard just to get the grenade to go off much harder than i should have to. Overall would recommend to new players.
by Jason B. on 12/29/2017
"I don't play at official airsoft fields, but I do skirmish with my friends in the hills behind my house. They have some pretty great guns, but this one stands toe to toe with anything you can find in the price range. Its accurate enough, FPS is perfect imo, and the rate of fire is decent too. You need a riser for the sight but I like the iron sights a lot. I would totally recommend this gun and package
by Charlie L. on 12/10/2017
"Solid Rifle Came with a nice scope but definitely worth it.

-Decent FPS
-Good Price
-Comes With all the stuff you would need to get started

-Some Little Issues that can be fixed.
by Caleb B. on 09/09/2017
"I've had this gun for almost 2 years now and I still enjoy playing with it out in the field. It's got decent range, and the rate of fire isn't too bad. I mostly used .25 gram bbs in this gun because that's what I 'prefer, but it also works great with .20 gram bbs. The gun is VERY light and is a gun I feel comfortable playing very aggressive with because of the weight, which comes in at just around 3lbs or so. Overall a great gun for a beginner for sure, however the top rail is flimsy and when trying to mount anything it feels like its going to just pop off sometimes, so I'd recommend replacing it if you can. (oh yea the bolt catch works to close the hopup chamber so thats pretty cool)
by Dawson B. on 08/12/2017
"This is the perfect package to buy for anyone especially beginners. It comes with two batteries meaning you can have unlimited play time. You do need to buy a attachment for you sight to raise it in order for it to be used. I've had the gun for almost a year and it still works like it is brand new and out of all other guns I've seen that are way more expensive than this one this M4A1 hurts coming at 400 fps. This package could not be a better deal.
by Matt B. on 07/21/2017
"This is a really awesome gun! Right out of the box it feels extremely real and the weight is perfect. It has no feeding problems whatsoever and the rate of fire is amazing. The flip-up sights are really good and if you flip them down there is a normal generic iron sight which is cool. The butt plate is really easy to take off and put back on but is really sturdy when it is on so don't worry about it coming off. And last but not least, the internals are fully metal. This gun is an amazing gun for an affordable price. And it looks cool.
by Vincent R. on 07/13/2017
"This is the perfect package for a beginner airsofter. My cousin and I each purchased one of these sets to have for our friends to use and they love it. Great experience shooting this M4. Its incredibly accurate and shoots around 360-370 fps. You get the value in all the extras included. 2 batteries, an optic, extra mid cap, and a smart charger will cost you almost as much without the great M4 included. Get this package you won't regret it.
by Kevin Q. on 07/11/2017
"This package is honestly overall pretty decent. The gun is pretty good, it has a nice feel to it and rate of fire. However, don't expect the range to be that far but it will be good enough for cqb games. The scope is completely trash, the dot is all fuzzy and doesn't really perform well. Plus, if you want to use the scope, u need a riser mount due to the triangle front iron sight. The mags are good and the battery/battery smart charger work well. I would recommend this package for beginner players after you have tried out airsoft with a rental gun first a few times and want a gun of your own. This is a nice starter/amateur package and I had it as my first package and don't worry if you end up not liking airsoft and want to get rid of it. I sold all of my gear on facebook after like 6 months of playing and got all my money back xD but yea the package is pretty good i guess. Hope this helped and if it didn't, oh well..
by Barrett W. on 02/20/2017
"The Avengers Bamf m4 is one heck of a gun for one heck of a deal. For this price, it's like a dream gun. It should be for more, but the body is part polymer and metal. Makes a little sence. This shoots on average of 390 fps and I've used it in a real airsoft wars and I won every round with my buddies in my club (10 rounds so I'm somewhat new), make sure you get a speed loader for one of the loading mags. It's good aim if you adjust the red dot. Make sure you turn off the light in there ( I accidently left it on once and it was bad) this causes the dot to be worn and the battery to be drain. This is an amazing gun and I've seen thousands of airsoft guns. This is the one I decided out of all of them. P.S. Dang! That full auto spreads when playing, my friendson had to make be do semi to make it fair
by Keagan C. on 02/15/2017
"This product is fantastic! You should definitely buy this firearm if you can. It works great and looks so realistic. Just make sure you buy an m4 riser mount for the scope. This is the first nice airsoft gun I bought and it was totally worth it!!
by CJ C. on 02/13/2017
I recived this as a birthday gift a couple months ago and I love it. It is very reliable and fun. It was super easy to use especially being new to airsoft. The sight is great although you just need to buy a riser. It has a full metal gearbox and is a great gun especially for the price. If you are looking for your first gun I highly recommend this gun!
by CJ C. on 02/13/2017
I recived this as a birthday gift a couple months ago and I love it. It is very reliable and fun. It was super easy to use especially being new to airsoft. The sight is great although you just need to buy a riser. It has a full metal gearbox and is a great gun especially for the price. If you are looking for your first gun I highly recommend this gun!
by Lily D. on 01/17/2017
"This gun is fantastic, especially for the price. This gun is perfect for people who aren't massive airsoft players but enjoy going out time to time or even if you're just getting started. Before with my old M16A3, I could hardly get any "kills" on the field, ESPECIALLY at long range, however this gun blew me away. I was not expecting to hit players who were 100+ meters away from me with such precision. I was able to walk away from my first match with 15 "kills".
In addition to it being accurate at long distances, it can be compact if needed for CQB Combat with the adjustable stock.
Keep in mind I did not test the FPS or the max distance with this gun, but you'll have to trust me when I say it'll do you well in the field. Don't expect to hit across the map shots unless of course you're playing in a small area.