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H&K Umarex MP7 Rapid Deployment Hard Kick Airsoft Gas Blowback by KWA (Color: Desert Tan / Add CO2 Magazine + Power-Up Suppressor)

102 Customer Reviews

by zac r. on 07/13/2012
"this is a great gun, its hard to find anything wrong with it. the body is made of a ligtweight high durability polymer, the rails,magazines,flash hider,stock rails,magazine catch,bolt release are metal.

**word of caution, the chrging handle is plastic, as long as you be fairly careful you will have no probleme(the chargeing handle on the real one is also plastic)

its propaine safe, i used mine with propaine for awhile now, just ordered a second one.

the gun is great for cqb because of the size, but if used for cqb you need a fps reduced bolt (this can be found here at evike)
its mainly a cqb gun but i wouldnt hesitate to bring it on feild, for a secondary or primary.

the mags hold 40 rounds and need about 15 seconds of gas per fill (you should get about 1 and a half mags of one charge)

**most kwa guns come very dry so remember to lubricate it, look on youtube for help (how to maintain your kwa mp7)

overall, a great gun, i perfer this over a pistol, if you have the money for it. and since mags are 50$ each you will need money, i have about 6 mags and i still go through them fast.

by Ricky M. on 06/26/2012
"Gun is great, I have had it for a month
I've taken it to 1 game, I'm going to another Wednesday
Little to problems with it
LOUD (people hate me) hahaha
Shoots hard (425 on .2g and propane)
no mag leaks
With .25g it shoots 150ft no problem
3 full mags (120bbs) on one 15 second fill (do 3 5 second fills in each mag

Bolt catch sometimes doesn't want to catch on empty
Mag seals like to fall out but they finally stopped

Overall a great gun I use green gas now and it works sooooooo perfect get this gun And use semi cause ammo goes quick!!!
It hates .2g bbs so use .25g
by Ryan R. on 06/15/2012
"I just got this gun today and KWA just blew me away! I can tell this is going to be a lot of fun on the airsoft field. I fell like this gun would be great in CQB or field play.

fully ambidextrous
nice weight
high rate of fire and FPS
mags hold lots of gas

flash hider is difficult to take off
mags cost a lot of money

Great gun for the money and i foresee no problems with the gun in the future
by Johnathan M. on 06/14/2012
"THIS GUN IS AWESOME!! i play at a local park with a group of 3rd Coast airsoft guys, so i find myself "safety killing" quiet a bit considering the fps. but when i find some distance, like on the roof of one of the buildings out there, i destroy everything and its mother!! If Jesus need an arisoft gun, he'd buy this one.

FPS (for field)
no jamming
looks intense
feels and handles great

FPS (for CQC)

Overall i love it!!
by Tho N. on 05/28/2012
By far the best in quality and performance ive seen!

metal mag feeding lips (plastic ones break easily)
great gas consumption (even in cold weather)
no jams
trigger safety
easy break down with two pins
amazing rate of fire

hop up might be bad on you because mine came broken and BBS got backed up but i got an exchange from manufacturer:)

metal feeding lips make it hard to load but you will get the hang with it using a speed loader which is what i recommend using with a gun with such rate of fire:).
by Amy W. on 04/28/2012
"to start this is the best gun i have ever shoot for airsoft. it has so much recoil and very high FPS. very good goo gun must buy.

fps 470 .20g 430 .23g 400 .25g
range 100-175 feet
loud good for me con for some
hard kick
sick looking
fun to shoot
i have fallen on it in a game not even a scratch
mags only hold 50 round and cost 50 bucks
run out of ammo fast
but amazing gun must buy
by Carson P. on 04/25/2012
"Alright, I just received my MP7 today and I am loving this for far, only complaint is the white dot on the front sight chipped off. That isn't a big deal I will just paint a dot again. Second, the extra mag came with out an O-ring, also not a big deal at all! O-rings are just 3.50$ for x4.

Easy internals
Shoots hard w/ .25 grams w/ propane
Light weight
Amazing kick

white paint chipped off front sight
Magazines are expensive
by Ben L. on 04/12/2012
"I ordered this gun for Christmas, and I must say I was already impressed by its beautiful packaging. The trademarked Heckler & Koch box looked awesome, but the gun was even more impressive. I picked up thinking it wouldn't be very heavy, but, it's actually quite hefty for its size. So, once I was done gawking at it, I decided to shoot off a few magazines. The length of the gun gave me a few doubts about the range and accuracy of the gun, but, I was very surprised to see that it did a wonderful job hitting a target nearly 7 out of 10 times placed about one hundred feet away.
The guts of this are very simple. It isn't like tearing apart an AEG gearbox, which is why I prefer GBB SMG's over they're AEG counterparts. The gun was nicely lubed when I first opened it up. Make sure to keep it lubed after not using it for a while, your o-rings might dry out and be prone to breaking or cracking.
Overall, this is definitely my favorite gun I currently own. If you want a GBB gun, this is definitely the one to consider.

Very durable
Easy internals
It's loud (Con if you're a sneaky and quiet player)
Makes an excellent back-up weapon or primary MOUT or field skirmishes
Stock hardly wobbles when firing from your shoulder
Insane ROF

Feels weird at first, but it gets more comfortable the more you use it
Insane ROF if you don't control your shots
Mags aren't exactly the cheapest thing
My o-rings fell out on my magazines within a week (make sure to have some extras)

Overall, this gun is very well worth it's price. The MP7 is definitely one of the best GBB SMG's.
by dustin h. on 03/16/2012
"This gun is just freaking awesome overall, very well built, no problems yet and ive put it through some things i probably shouldnt have. easy to take care of

pros, it makes even the best of players run with their tails tucked hahaha

cons, i need more mags

im thinking of buying another if i dont buy the mp9
by Bobby B. on 03/05/2012
"You can definetly tell that H&K helped with this gun. Ive owned several guns before and none of them have felt as close to using a real gun as this one does! I used to have a KWA Mac 11 that broke so I switched to this, 10x better feeling
Make sure you cock the gun before you put the clips in!

Realistic feel
Very Solid
Two Magazine Deal is fantastic (sorry if they no longer do this when you read it)
Foregrip is actually useful in keeping it steady
loud (con?)
Slower ROF than the mac 11 so my clips last longer.

Pricy (I think its worth it)
From what I've heard, changing the barrel is a challenge.
by Matt M. on 03/03/2012
"great gun. I've always loved mp7s and this one has passed the test. 400 fps out of the box and has two mags. you cant go bad with the price. really loud, some of my friends are scared of it. The problem I have found is that you run out of ammo way to quickly. I recommend buying extra mags. other that that, great gun. its a good investment and i recommend it to everybody.
by Stephen C. on 02/28/2012
"Best Gun I Own!!!
This MP7 by KWA is awesome to say the least. It just is an amazing gun to shoot, very fun, very loud (can be a con) and good on gas, 40rds doesn't actually doesn't go as fast as i thought it would, and especially with the two magazine package, its a great buy.

Shoots hot, 400+fps, great for field (can be a con, see below)
Extremely detailed replica, licensed, trades, whole ten yards
Very loud, loudest gun I own out of all my GBBS (can be a con)
Nice weight
Great feel
Versatile, can be used as a big pistol or as a sub machine gun
Ambidextrous controls are very comfortable

Flash hider is nearly impossible to take off (I just painted my black, but this does void your warranty)
Can be too loud for some
Mine came with a defective bolt but I was able to fix it up, just be wary, I plan on buying the low bolt
Shoots very hot, 400+fps with .25g, if using for CQB you will need the low power bolt.
Magazines are expensive, $50 a magazine is not cheap but they are very high quality mags, I would only buy another 2, total of 4 for my use
Not great for winter, this goes for all gas guns, but for some reason mine can only shoot through half a magazine before freezing up in 40 degree weather


I would definitely buy this gun, its great for field (when normal bolt used) and cqb use (when low power bolt installed) very fun to shoot, much more fun than an AEG. Its very simulation like as the magazines hold 40+1rds just like the real MP7, this can be a con though because 40rds can go by fast when on full auto.I would recommend buying at least 2 more magazines. The internals are fairly simple if a problem should arise, which in my case was rare, KWA is a great company.
by luke v. on 02/22/2012
"I just got this today its great I play the role of a sniper in field and a rifleman in cqb and this thing kicks butt its perfect for me because i live in georgia and its always warm
high rof
high fps
looks sick
great deal 2 mags for the same priceas one mag on other websites
nice trades
great secondary

mags are very expensive
thats it
overall great buy the second mag is a steal get it while you can
by chandler r. on 02/19/2012
"This gun is amazing, just git it!!!!!!!!! As soon as i shot mine i fell in love. It was my firist gas blowback and it rocks!
by Jonathan K. on 02/17/2012
"This is the best airsoft gun I've had yet. The polymer is extremely thick with steel reinforcements right under. This thing is so sturdy you could run it over with a tank! Although the MP7 took a huge chunk out of my wallet, it was worth every penny. I have never had a misfire, and the internals are as solid as a rock.
This thing is perfect for CQB, although ti was shooting a little hot on FPS, but I did use it in the field in one game. It's insanely accurate, I got a headshot from 160 ft away.


Built like a rock
Ridiculous ROF (20-25 BPS)
Looks awesome
Folding grip and extending stock
Long rails for a gun that short (it has three)


Mags are 50 bucks
Really hard to take off the flashhider
FPS is too high to play in CQB (mine was shooting 400)