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Matrix Match Grade 6mm Airsoft BBs (Color: .25g / 10000 Rounds / White)

304 Customer Reviews

by Jason V. on 09/22/2012
"These are the best bbs i have ever used. The perfect combination of light weight speed and heaviness for some distance. My guns have never jammed using these bbs. Each shot is perfect.
by Frank Z. on 09/01/2012
"ive found that these are perfect for sniper rifles because when using a sniper most people use .25 grams it helps with accuracy but i decreaces the range, when you use the .23 grams it it helps with accuracy a little bit but it also keeps its range so this bb is a best buy!
by James D. on 09/01/2012
"These bbs are accurate and gets me the "HIT" I want from enemies. Works great with my Angel custom tight bore barrel. Have fired over 50,000 rounds with no problem. 0.23g works great with most of my in and outdoor FPS guns range from 350 to 400 fps.
by Saline J. on 09/01/2012
"These are some of the best BBs I have ever used. 5/5

I reccomend these to anyone looking for reliability in their ammo.

I have been usinging Matrix BBs for a year now and have experianced no problems with them.
by Saline J. on 09/01/2012
"Great buy, perfect for my Y&P MK23. The BB's are the right weight for it but It can be a bit hard to tell where I'm hitting so I'll be ordering 3 bags of White .25's to mix with my black bbs. I know it's much to ask for tracer effect, but hey, it's Airsoft
by James S. on 08/26/2012
"I personally prefer these bb's over many other brands. The 5.98 mm diameter is the most accurate "caliber" you can get. I have never had an jams or problems with the quality of matrix bb's. .3 gram bb's really do result in better accuracy, though a decrease in range will occur even with 400fps (w/ .2's). How ever, they do have a higher air resistance so with a good fps and/or certain conditions, you may find that the range even increases.
by Tim D. on 07/31/2012
"I have used these bbs faithfully for over 6 years now and they have never failed me. Highly recommended. Works in everything and works like a charm.
by andrew s. on 06/29/2012
"I love these BB's. I have bought 2 bags so far and am buying 3 more i have a WE F226 and i figured since they are WE to why not buy them. I compared them to some TM BB's and they were way more accurate than the TM ones.


by Sam B. on 06/06/2012
"I think these are good bbs. I'm not a super smart airsoft person, but they work well with my king arms. I've seen a lot of reviews that rip on matrix, but I think their good and cheap.

Very nice
No chipped or broken ones (yet)

by Brian K. on 05/14/2012
"they are great just used them over the week end in my AEG that i bought with it. it pops them like candy i used 2 bags so i will most likely get more.
by matt n. on 05/10/2012
"I give five stars for these last night Iused up about half of the bag and there were no problema at all therewere no miss feeds and the have perfect accericy
by Susan B. on 05/02/2012
"I bought these 6 months ago and must I say, THEY ARE THE HIGHEST QUALITY .20G BBS ON THE AIRSOFT MARKET! They worked great for my Dboys SCAR-L / MK16. I've recently switched to evike / matrix .23 bbs.
Recomend you buy these... RIGHT NOW!
by Tony Z. on 04/15/2012
"This is deffinaty worth the 20 dollars because Im sick and tired of using .12g bebes that jam my gun, the .20g don't jam your gun At all
by Gabriel C. on 04/13/2012
"Ha ha ha just got these today and I got to say these are better then every bb ive ever used.

Every thing

by george b. on 03/05/2012
"Every time I need BB's I always go with these, then again I haven't tried a lot of brands. I have never found damaged ones out of the bag. These are the cheapest BB's that I can find and the set of 20,000 is a few bucks cheaper than the set of 10,000 when you do the math. I have tried a variety of weights and have used them in stock and tight bored barrels. I get good range, accuracy, and velocity with these BB's and I haven't seen them shatter a whole lot on impact so people using iron mesh shouldn't worry a whole lot while on the receiving end of the BB. I have notice that the bbs start to shot gun spread after a certain distance but the are little round projectiles so you cannot expect real steel accuracy and precision.

-great quality
-nice accuracy

-The BB's sometimes shot gun spread at greater distances while on full auto but not often and it's not a major factor if or not you will hit your target.
-For semi auto use you can probably get better quality bbs.