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CYMA Sport M3 3-Round Burst Multi-Shot Shell Loading Airsoft Shotgun (Model: Matrix Special Edition Full Stock)

154 Customer Reviews

by Max R. on 11/29/2014
"I actally bought this at a local army barracks. Still, from 50 feet away a pepsi can sitting on the street with be shredded in 1 shot. Smooth pump, shells are good quality. The jells work like mid-cap magazines, take a speedloader and use that to fill them with bbs. 100 or so ft of range. Mine was clocked at 376-405 fps. Shoots a little hot for CQB, but still awesome, good quality gun.
by Jess R. on 11/15/2014
"good shotgun overall I used it for a pistol match since it was the only thing I had that would work, for cqb it holds it own against aegs so highly recommend and to buy more shells what you will use for a game and maybe 10 or more spares.
pros:- awesome I mean its a shotgun
-range is really good
-hits hard all three
-it just looks cool if u just get a lot of shell carriers or bandolier, and go to game and someone asks if you have enough shells, say you went lights today,
cons:- rate of fire is not that fast but its a shotgun so,,
-your out gunned
overall get it 5/5
by Nathan M. on 11/09/2014
"5 stars all the way!
If you are looking for a good quality but cheap product, look no further. This shotgun is my only gun, and I rely on it a lot. I was at an airsoft game today. I dropped it, got mud stuck in the barrel, and it still was holding up. I was shooting people from 50 feet away and I was STILL going over them. I was beside a fellow teammate that had a spring sniper and I was shooting as good as he was. Definitely recommend this for a first gun, or for just a super fun gun. Have fun!
by Celia D. on 04/24/2014
"So I am only going for a brief overview for now, but I must say, this shotgun was simply more appealing to me than any of the other tri-shots on the market, because it is modeled after the benelli M4, and it eliminates the stock issues found in the collapsing stock model with it's folding stock. This shotgun did come with two (2) shotgun shells. I was expecting one so this was a benefit. Unfortunately It came with one green one red, but I really don't like the look of the green shells especially in a black shell holder with red shells (looks like a Christmas Shotgun). Side note; I also bought a separate pack of spare shells and I got 3 Green, and 3 Red Shells. The shot gun is extremely comfortable an despite my lack of arm strength I could cock the gun with minimal force. However my cousin could not pull it back at all and he is stronger, older, and more experienced with the tri-shot shotguns. But then again he was trying to cock it without using the stock (he has a stock-less M3). The full stock on this gun is very nice; it is extremely sturdy and doesn't lack quality. However the butt-pad is not serrated, and although it is rubber, It will make your shoulder sore after long periods of this gun shouldered. My shotgun did not come with a sling at all, not that I would actually use it. It came with a cleaning and unjamming rod, which does actually fit down the long barrel that this gun has. It also came with an OK speed-loader, and a large plastic target similar to the material of a cheap table cloth. The loading door on this model is actually painted to look like silver which is a nice touch in my opinion. The sights are nice but I didn't take two minutes before I slapped on my 552 EOtech clone. When I first opened the generic cardboard box that the gun came in I noticed that the gun had "MADE IN CHINA" in large white paint. However it came right off as I wiped it. I would also like to note 3 more things; the Dangerwerx rail doesn't work with this pump, but nothing my dremel tool can't fix. The NC-star 12 gauge rail doesn't fit over the cap on the magazine tube, even when I remove the unscewable cap. And out of the box the BBs would go straight down after 40 or so feet. However I cleaned each barrel, and then they shot flawlessly. Overall I am impressed with the performance and the look/feel of this gun. My only regret with this purchase is that I didn't buy two.
by Mark S. on 04/21/2014
"It just came in today, it only took a couple days to ship. Overall i'm impressed. It beats the previous shotgun i had.
Shell fed
Shoots straight
Durable plastic

Can't find the hop-up.
Other than that, its an awesome shotgun.
by Ramen M. on 04/11/2014
"With the sas 12 and all the other m3's out there this is by far the coolest. I always like a realistic feel to my guns this has a dead accurate size but is way too light. I wish they made a full metal version of this exact gun and FYI don't get the 8$ for 4 extra shells its pointless, they only hold like 8 rounds instead get the 13$ for 6 pack they hold 30 rounds (you will need more shells even if you don't play competitively, which you probably shouldn't with this shotgun its more for fun and with this specific shoygun being 1 mile long its horrifically pointless in cqb) Over all this goes on my list of one gun that every one should own so if your debating on wether or not to get it just chose one of the m3 series that suits you and buy an ass load of extra shells, you can never go wrong with that ;)
by Matt K. on 03/01/2014
"I've had squad mates running these for the last 6 months or so, and I finally owned up and purchased one for myself. Mine came with the gun, a sling, a speedloader, and FOUR shells (a nice little surprise as I was expecting only one). Mine has a solid pump, is accurate out to around 60-70 feet, I highly recommend these as a solid backup weapon for field or CQB games.
by william L t. on 01/22/2014
"this gun is great it feels heavy like a real gun, shoots great right out of the box. the iron sights are alittle lose but easy fix and not a big deal at all
by Chris P. on 01/22/2014
"This shotgun is best for people who play at cqb or use a scabbard during field play. it has a durable metal outer barrel and "shell port" unlike other trishots for the same price. its range is somewhat lacking (about 70 feet) but that is all you need from a cab primary or backup in field.
metal parts
spread is amazing
easy to maintain
great sights
included top rail
2 shells included
works well in scabbard due to the removed stock
scares people
somewhat unique
comes with speed loader

none of my 2 or 1 point slings fit this gun
the accuracy is lacking
hard to pump in thick gloves (if your over 12, its do-able)
by Jeremiah J. on 08/14/2013
"I love this gun. I would recommend getting this for all beginning airsofters for a primary and seasoned airsofters for a backup to your primary. I had a lot of fun using this gun in Tim vs bob 5 and got 15 kills with it. I recommend using .25 bbs for outdoor environments and .2 for indoor Indore because it gives better bullet spread. With .25 i easily shot 50 feet accurately.
by Abel V. on 07/31/2013
"This gun is absolutely beast. Out of the box it's just so nice and good looking the pistol grip is very comfortable and the pump can be a little difficult at first but over time you will get used to it


Decent FPS

3 BBs each shot

Comfortable when you shoulder it

No wobble in the stock


Too cheap for its quality!
by jelle l. on 07/30/2013
"I just got this gun yesterday, and it's well worth the cash. the abs frame is solid there's no rattle or wobling, she's heavy and a beast. I've lined up a number of targets at 10ft and she shredded right through them. the pump action is a little stiff but i supose it still has to te be 'broken in'. if i'd need to give it a con it's that there is just one shell delivered with it. and for some people this particular model might be a little to big (srsly, she's huge)
by Elmer H. on 04/05/2013
"I have had this gun for 2 years now and it's still firing strong. This gun can be described in two words "reliable" and "durable". The accuracy and range on this gun with .23's is remarkable. I don't know about .25's though so go ahead and experiment. Before you make you purchase buy some extra shells, a speed loader (cause if you don't you're gonna have a hard time), a shotgun shell holder, and a sling (cause the one you get is useless).

Pros: Accurate
Good fps
Great Distance
Light weight
I wish there were none, but there is always one. In this case the stock. After using it for a while the stock will get loose. This can be easily fixed by removing the rubber butt on the stock and tightening the screw. However if the plastic threads give way then the stock will not stay on after cocking it once. This happened to me recently and I was quiet bummed out. However there is a solution to nearly every problem. My just happened to be gorilla glue. Be very careful with this stuff if this is also going to be the solution to your problem. Other then that this gun is freakin great.

Easy Fix for Shotgun Shells:
I have been hearing about problems with the shotgun shells breaking easily. I have had the same problem and I have found a way to fix it. Usually it is just overloading the shell past it's capacity. So just being careful this is a easy solution. Now if you get it jammed just tap the shell on something to loosen the bb's then push down the latch keeping the bb's in. This will either get the bb's all out or individually out either way it will usually work. After all the bb's are out tap on it one last time till you see the plastic bump. You'll know what I'm talking about if you already have shells like this. And that's it, it's ready to be used again.
by jc j. on 03/05/2013
"this is by far the best 50$ i have spent on an air soft gun, until my cousin broke it i used it as my primary after i fixed it and bought a aeg
very strong abs plastic
shells are very cheep

sling is crap

i would recommend this gun to anyone for a secondary or as a great cqb weapon
i would recomend buying extra shells and a shell holder to go on the gun
by Mark S. on 02/05/2013
"Luckily I bought mine in the bone yard 16$ w/ a coupon. It was actually a very and i mean very easy fix. It took me about less than 10 minutes to figure it out. Other than a bad box it was new!! Lol man it feels great, plastic is alright.

RAILS RIS/RAS/JAZ. Whatever it needs some :( I have no place to mount my lights, laser, 552 sight.

Other than that ITS great!!!

Oh buy the 6 pack of shells it reall is the best price anywhere and it's better than just 1 shell :(