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CYMA Standard AK47 Full Metal Real Wood Blowback Airsoft AEG Rifle (Package: Gun Only)

49 Customer Reviews

by Brady M. on 01/07/2012
"this is awsome i got 1 year a go and use it every other weak and didnt evan break yet

blowback is sick
full metal

bad batery
wood rots in snow or rain
by jon s. on 04/08/2010
"i had this gun for 6 months and i have seen it out shoot 600$ and 700$ gun's and my gun is stock
and this gun is only 190$ with wood and blowback its the best gun for the money you can get

shoot's great and hard & very accurate
wood & blowback
only 190$

it feels like it's 10lb - can be good or bad
things get loose fast
it failed me two time's. bb's just fell out of the gun
but its a fast fix just put the selector to semi shoot 3-4 time's and its fine
by Nick M. on 09/22/2013
"Well where do I start, I would only recommend this gun to experienced airsofters and/or people willing to make A LOT of internal upgrades. Its nice thats it real wood but the stock is really wobbly and the battery is a female dog to get in and out. Although the battery it comes with is a pretty good battery. Blow back feature is nice and will send guys sprinting. Also I recommend not using and using ver gently the sector switch. It will become loose and you can not change from the existing fire mode you were on. Also sights are kind of bad and there is no mounting for a scope rail :( Also it is REALLY HEAVY. Unless you have a very good build or if you are young I do not recommend this for long games and moving around a lot. Its best used if you just camp somewhere and wait for guys to come your way and then hurl bbs at them and scare the crap out of them with your loud gun. Now for the pros and cons

real wood
small orange tip
great fps
comes with a great battery
all metal
loud as hell

wobbly stock
hard to get in battery
crappy selector switch
bad sights
no customization in terms of optics.

Not for beginners
by Ray v. on 03/13/2019
"Shot it twice and the fuse blew. Changed the fuse and continued to blow. Pretty gun and was very disappointed. Have returned it.