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Element QD Barrel Extension with Masada Type Steel Flash Hider (Color: Black - Short / 14mm Negative)

50 Customer Reviews

by Tomas P. on 12/10/2012
"This is a good looking flash hider with mock silencer included. Easy to take it on or off.

The only problem with it is that it does not screw on tight enough and can become loose and even loose enough to mess up the bbs if your inner barrel is not long enough. I actually smashed some bbs inside of it once. You could glue it but then it makes the standard flash hider useless.

- Looks Good
- Easy to put on and take off

- Becomes loose too easily
- bbs can jam/ break apart inside of it

Final Thoughts: You might think about getting the stubby version of this. There will be less chance of obstructing the bbs.

Final Rating: 7/10
by David A. on 11/17/2011
"This product could be better; the look, feel and weight are perfect, but I believe my suppressor unit does not fit the hider as snug as it could, this could be fixed with the proper-size rubber o-ring but as it stands, when crewed on, my suppressor actually blocks some of my shots because it sits off-kilter at a canted angle.

The hider itself does have a very aggressive look, but mine came with a lot of patina over what looked like an old finish; I don't recommend painting it flat black unless you're planning to have it anodized so that the paint doesn't fleck off as easily upon impact.

This suppressor combo gets 4/5 due to the fact the suppressor sits canted; the hider is heavy and robust, but its finish is a little lacking, which is purely a cosmetic discrepancy whereas the suppressor is a genuine function issue. Perhaps mine was just the bad one out of many good ones, but at this point it's just eye-candy for me.
by jake s. on 04/01/2014
"warning some are defective and its points on right side or Left side.. just like mine.. i hate to see the mock suppressor is point on Right side..

Looks good
Easy to Install
Switching mock Suppressor to Flash Hider so Quick..

by michael p. on 03/09/2014
"This suppressor and flash hider definitely looks awesome, but that is about it. This wasn't even worth it when in was $16. The 14mm threads on the flash hider are so bad, they might as well be considered 15mm. It completely stripped my threads. This will constantly wobble unless you have a generous amount of teflon tape or loctite. This is a problem because when you're twisting on the suppressor, the flash hider twists the other way, making it very hard to completely secure it. Just spend an extra $20-$30 to get a quality mock suppressor.

Looks cool

TERRIBLE threads
Paint scratches
Heavy (not good for pistols)

You can also make this an amplifier by screwing off the end cap, but the inside is a shiny silver so it doesn't look right. You can always paint the inside though.
by Daniel N. on 07/06/2013
"The one I got was not black but an almost dark brown. The metal on it is a horrible quality too.