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KWA K120 120rd Polymer Midcap Magazine for M4 / M16 Series Airsoft AEG Rifles (Color: Black / One)

91 Customer Reviews

by Sam W. on 01/26/2015
"These mags are very high quality. They will get scratches but in my opinion they look cool. I use them in my Echo 1 and they fit in my G&G gr15 but dont feed very well.
by conner a. on 08/24/2014
"Buy this now!!!! It has PTS level & quality feeding but without the price. It's been flawless so far no jamming issues or misfeeds. The base plate is magpul compatible so if you have a P-mag ranger plate, it will fit on the K120. It's also easy to clean due to its complete disassembly.
by Alka S. on 05/26/2014
"Amazing mags couldn't ask for any better!
by Elizabeth r. on 05/10/2014
"Won't feed in a G&P just so ya know
Still amazing mags.
by Jeremy W. on 04/24/2014
"I got these mags for my G&G GR15 Raider CQB, These mags do wobble very slightly but it doesn't bother me a bit! They fit, they feed, and my gun shoots with them with no issues what so ever. The last 2-3 rounds wont feed but that isn't a big issue for me either.

Not bad price
Compatible with a good amount of different brands
No feeding issues

Little wobble (not an issue for me but may be for some)
Last 2-3 rounds don't feed (not an issue for me but may be for some)

Final Thoughts:
If you have a good brand M4 and want some mid-caps, I highly recommend these! I am actually about to buy another box of these so I can have 12 mags.

Get these if you want mid-caps
by Brendan C. on 03/09/2014
"I bought these for my current weapon, G&G GR15, and they are a little wobbly in my gun. This is an easy fix with a little bit of electrical tape. To be honest though they are really cool looking and feed well, so great buy!
by Bryan C. on 03/05/2014
"i love them!!!!!!!!! KWA make some pretty good mags
by Lynn G. on 01/22/2014
"Amazing sturdy little wobble (on a KWA gun)...

-Fast feeding for "fast guns"
-120 rounds
-compatible with Magpul ranger plates
-you can get 2 of these for the price of one magpul pmag

-dont come in tan
-get scratched easily
by Sam W. on 01/10/2014
"awesome mag i got 3 of these for my echo 1 xcr and they r so good my friend got 10

they feed well and look great and are good quality
i would recommend this for any m4
by Zachary S. on 01/03/2014
"After trying virtually every mid-cap mag on the market i was left pretty unimpressed, i couldn't find any one brand that worked well. I decided to try these mags out hoping they would put an end to my troubles. I've been running them for the better part of 8 months and I've got to say i am blown away by their performance. Not a single jam or misfeed in that whole time, They don't ever get overloaded, They don't fatigue easily even if you leave them completely loaded for awhile and they are 100% compatible with magpul ranger plates. They are very easy to disassemble and clean and load etc. As far as compatibility goes they are pretty good, I've run them in G&P's, G&G combat machines, a classic army, kwa of course, a&k, an older ares, a 1st gen pts Masada ( took a little force to get them to latch). As far as vfc goes i cant be certain, they did not fit in the two 416's i tried them in without some shaving on the front of the mag which makes them a little more wobbly in other guns now. In closing; i will never go back to other mid-caps, these are by far in a way the best mags i have ever used and are an absolute steal at $60.
by Jacob G. on 11/04/2013
"I bought these mags for my Dboys M4 S-system and i can say that i am really quite pleased. the mags are very sturdy and ive dropped them quite a few times. If you want to run magpuls with these though, you have to take the baseplate off, slide on the magpul, then re-attach the baseplate. i run these magazines exclusively in my gun with .25 elite force bb's, they feed flawlessly and look amazing. 5 out 5 evike!
by Elliot H. on 10/20/2013
"These are BY FAR the best midcaps I have ever owned! And the pricing on the is pretty reasonable as well!

-Extremely solid construction
-Great look and feel
-Easily disassembled for maintenance
-Solid polymer sleeve covers the abs internals of the magazine
-Can hold 120 rounds
-Feeds almost every single round other than the last few bbs
-Works great in my G4

-Absolutely nothing!

Would recommend these to any Airsofter looking for great quality mags for a good price!
by Jared B. on 07/29/2013
"I bought one of these for my king arms m933. These lock in nice and tight! of course it wobbles like 2 millimeters side to side but its a free fall mag so no complaints here. You can take it apart in a flash if you need to.
Pros: price
Ease of maintence
120 rounds is perfect! my gun just dumbs the mag really fast.
Ranger plates fit!

cons:if your picky. The mag does scratches easily ( I kinda like the look tho)
No other cons
other than that you should buy one and see if it fits in your gun!
by Vejohn T. on 07/01/2013
"These magazines are what you would expect from kwa. The quality is impressive as the plastic is high grade. No complaints here. I plan to get more of these in the near future.
by Eddie B. on 06/13/2013
"These mags feed really well. I use these with the KWA CQR MOD 1 and they have only misfed about once or twice from the hundreds of times that I've used them. Honestly in my opinion they are really a bang for you buck. $10 a mag way cheaper than some regular mags.