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Free Shipping for Orders over $149. EPIC DEALS released daily! Exclusive ASG Licensed Steyr AUG Airsoft AEG Rifle (Model: Civilian / Black)

52 Customer Reviews

by Jacob C. on 09/21/2015
"I love the AUG platform. I think it looks great, functions well, and is just overall a great gun. I bought this AEG for the above reasons, but I was disappointed when I received the gun. First off, it completely fell apart the moment I took it out of the box. For some reason, the pin that holds it all together had been put in up-side-down, and just kinda slid right out. It was a simple fix, but it did not inspire confidence.

As stated in the product description, it is a full plastic body, with metal interior and barrel assembly. That's fine, but the gun doesn't have that sturdy feel to it. The front hand guard is EXTREMELY wobbly, almost to the point that its useless. I found it better to play with it folded up just because it felt so unreliable. The integrated scope is nice, and it is 1.5x magnification, but I never used it. With almost any mask on, it was impossible to get my head down low enough to see through it.

As far as performance, it was okay. The hop up needs to be played with if you want to hit anything past 60-70 feet. Rate of fire was great... but only with 9.6v battery. The only problem is that the battery compartment is absolutely tiny! I bought a custom 9.6v "AUG battery" brick that was supposedly designed to fit in the AUG's, but no dice. The rubber butt plate wouldn't even go half way on with it in. The only thing that fits is an 8.4v small type brick battery. And with the 8.4v, the rof is mediocre at best, and it didn't hit very hard.

Overall, its not a terrible gun, but for the price, I expected it to be a bit better. I felt like I had to baby it on the field, which isn't what anyone wants to do while playing. I am not trying to rag on the gun, but I am just trying to give potential buyers a realistic idea of the Pros and Cons. Like I said, its not a terrible gun, but you can get better for cheaper.
by Marshall H. on 07/07/2021
"I thought this was going to be good build because of the 9 month warranty, When I got the AUG every thing was good it shot fine and there was no problems. 3 days later when I took it out to a field, the gun was jamming and I had no idea, The mags slowly fell out and stop feeding right and unless you are hold them in they don't feed. Not only that the foregrip broke after this and spring slip off of where it was being held and put a nice hold in my finger. I would not buy this, you will only have problems.

Thanks ASG...
by Randolph P. on 02/26/2024
"Within a few hours of use, the gun failed to hold mags in place.
by Efrain O. on 04/17/2022
"I got this gun from a evike dealer store. the guns polymer feels EXTREMELY cheap. for a gun over 200 at least use a high strength polymer. the magazine broke before I actually used the gun. the scope itself is also pretty flimsy. super slow rate of fire.

buy something else honestly because its price tag is way too high for a gun that's extremely underperforming. any m4/ak would honestly run laps around this gun.
by augustus r. on 04/10/2022
"1.well i had problems with feeding out of the box
2. the plastic inside of the gun is really weak
3. played 2 games at a local field and gun stopped working after 2 games
by Connor M. on 01/06/2021
"I had this rifle for only an month and the feeding tube inside the mag well broken off completely. The rifles is not polymer it’s just the same plastic from a Walmart gun. I’ve contacted ASG about this problem to utilize the warranty and they don’t have a functional email. Let alone someone working the phones. So in conclusion if you are wanting to pay money for this gun. You’re better off getting something more reliable.
by chang z. on 03/06/2016
"Purchased this rifle with with fairly low expectations but sadly came away very dissatissfied.

ASG specific notes: you are paying a significant premium for a low resolution decal print that says "Steyr Mannlicher". If you are into the JG, just get the JG which is 20-30% less depending on when you are looking on evike.

Rifle notes: Despite adjustment, the scope cross-hairs do not line up with BB travel, AT ALL. Crosshairs aim about 4' to the right at 50' after full adjustment (my rifle shoots heavily to the left). The scope is just simply too far out of adjustment and there is not enough range in the adjustment to compensate. Solution: get the non A1 version... hope that the rail is straight enough that a 3rd party scope will align correctly.

Hop up unit came apart after the first game after ~1500 BBs. The retaining ring, and the hop up adjustment ring both fell out upon removal of the front barrel unit. I removed the barrel to try to see why it keeps shooting to the left. Upgrade to a GP hop up when buying the gun. $30 premium.

BBs easily get stuck in the body of the gun, you must constantly jiggle and shake the gun to get rid of loose BBs. Not aware if solution, One bb got stuck behind the trigger system and required heavy mid-game jiggling to remove.

The iron sights don't line up with the cross hairs and don't line up with the barrel. No solution.

Other build issues - the safety and receiver toggles can both easily be pushed out of the stock - nothing really keeps them in. They are finicky once out and annoying to put back in.