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KJW High Power Non-Blowback Airsoft Gas Pistol w/ Metal Hopup (Model: Mark-II)

53 Customer Reviews

by Jason B. on 05/28/2008
-Light and durable. Probably the most ideal sniper rifle in the market to be used as a side arm.
-Magazine is very affordable for a high power gas sniper.
-Easy to repair. have KJW full parts support
-High power (~500 FPS on mine with green gas and 0.20g)
-Very accurate.

Heavy trigger pull.

-Evike's tech told me to just fill it 80% and now it works great and I never have to buy a new o-ring again!
by Hayden M. on 09/08/2014
"Out of the box it shoots way too hard even with 0.25g bbs. The bbs were curving horribly. Also, it was burning up a canister of CO2 after only two mags.

Furthermore, the gun jams if you fill the mag with 16 bbs. It seems to work fine though if you only use 15 bbs.

One last thing to note is that the MK II rattles pretty bad. It does not affect the gun's performance, but it can be rather annoying.

I took my gun apart to reduce the FPS and make a couple other modifications, and now the gun seems to work pretty well.

Its quite accurate for a pistol, and the adjustable sight and hop-up is very nice.

It is still not a gas efficient as my KWC Makarov (a fun little pistol), but I have gotten a few more mags out of it.

The gun itself is about half metal and half plastic.

The barrel and upper receiver is all metal as is the bolt, safety switch, mainspring housing, and the mag. All the internal parts are metal as well.

On the other hand, the lower reciever/frame, trigger, hand grips, and sights are all plastic.

Overall, I would give this gun a 3 out of 5.
It can be made to work well, but I expected more from a KJW pistol.
by Phillip S. on 12/03/2008
"This airsoft gun is a model of a Ruger Standard Auto, so if you look for a Ruger Standard Auto Holster it should fit it well.
by Thomas A. on 05/13/2008
"I bought this gun a while ago expecting a rediculously fun and intimidating plinker. I was half right.

This gun has a 17 round single-stack magazine and fires 440fps with a .2g bb using green gas. This litttle hand cannon shoots faster than my AEG's! This aspect is also it's downfall. Because it shoots so hot, most feilds won't allow its use. Because of this, I have this gun retired to the back of my gun closet, only using it to plink around with or explode soda cans.

This gun has a heavy trigger. To pull it, you have to apply about 15lbs of pressure on a long creeping trigger pull. If you don't pull it back all the way and release the trigger, you will lose a BB, even with a highly adjusted hopup. This pistol is very accurate, if you can get past the rediculous triger pull. I can manage to hit a soda can at 100ft.

The Gun itself is plastic, but is good quality. I've dropped it a few times and it has very little damage.

Overall this gun is very intimidating. I showed my teamates it's chrono readings and they told me that using that against them would be decidedly mean.
by Mark A. on 06/18/2017
"I've had this gun now for two weeks. On the first day out it was shooting hot, and I was fairly impressed, until it stopped feeding each round. I would get one shot, and then it would shoot air. I would have to reload the magazine after each shot, a lengthy and fiddly process.

The second week, after some tinkering and lubing, and after I had installed the sniper barrel conversion kit, I find out that the trigger mechanism wasn't resetting the barrel after each shot. Now it needs shaking after every shot, as one of the other reviews had said "shake action". That wouldn't bother me so much if it was still pooping hot but now it's shooting at a mere half of what it did on week one.

Myself and my field mates have been searching the internet all week for an answer for the feeding problem, and while many have shared the experience, none have shared the solution, expect for a discontinued product that may or may not actually address the issue.

Don't buy this gun if you want reliability. Don't buy this gun if you want quality. Don't buy this gun if you want a Marksmen rifle.

Buy the it a gun if you know exactly what you are doing. Buy this gun if you don't mind that YouTube doesn't have all the answers. Buy this gun if you think I'm just sour after buying a lemon.

Also the magazines spill all their BBs for like, no reason. Learn to refill them under fire.
by johnnie p. on 01/12/2009
"not vary good it does shoot hard but rof is way too low all other gun rof is way too high to go against

Webmaster: This pistol is not for close quarter, the FPS (Power) is too high.
by Jimmy B. on 05/28/2008
"I do not like this gun very much at all. The only good thing about it is that it's very powerful and doesn't weigh much. The magazine leaks gas after about ten refills, and I've to repair this gun numerous times. And you have to buy special BBs or the accuracy will be terrible because the BBs don't weigh enough. It cost me $40 just to get 1000. I wouldn't buy this gun again, but just remember you get what you pay for. So I would save my money for a better gun with lots of good reviews.
by Christopher D. on 06/20/2015
"Sadly, this gun has been a headache from the start, and have spent well over 30 hours trying to get it in working condition. I had high hopes and had bought a few mods to try and eventually make it a competitive DMR.

High velocity means no leading moving targets
Accuracy is very good
It's extremely light
Gas efficient

There are a lot of cons though. If you expect a 100% working gun out of the box, do not buy this gun.

Issue #1: The barrel does not move back to the "loading position" after you fire from time to time. The only way to remedy this is to "shake" the gun until you hear the barrel click back into place. In other words, the "semi-auto" appeal is gone as the gun is actually "shake action."

Issue #2: The hop-up is extremely weak. You could throw a .20g bb in here and have the hop-up turned up the whole way, and you still wouldn't see any curve. Therefore, your shooting distance is based purely on the exit velocity of the bb. In other words, you can not use this as a sniper.

Issue #3: The Picatinny rail on the top of the gun does not fit standard sights. It's actually too narrow. To remedy this, you have to rig any sight halfway onto the iron sight and halfway onto the rail. Not a terrible issue, but still enough to cause a headache.

Issue #4: Evike tech support has been unable to address every issue I have brought up. Buyer beware.