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CheyTac Licensed M200 Intervention Bolt Action Custom Sniper Rifle (Model: Black / CO2 Custom)

69 Customer Reviews

by David H. on 04/01/2018
"I ordered the Co2 kit with the scope, and I LOVE this thing. Despite its unwieldiness being so large and heavy, once its tuned properly it's an accurate power house. The only issues I've had were with a couple of screws that went into the bolt housing weren't threaded well and it stripped halfway, so I had to replace the screws with a size up and retread the threads. Other than that, the only issue I had was with the scope mounts. They aren't quite wide enough for the rail, so I picked up another set and found a good fit. Other than those issues, it's a blast on the field, and gets a lot of looks of terror from those who land on the opposite team as me!
by Shawn H. on 06/22/2017
"This gun is absolutely amazing. Not only does it shoot accurately, it has a very intimidating look on the battlefield. I give this a 4/5 because although it's an amazing gun, it has occasional jamming that gets annoying from time to time.
by Sangmin L. on 03/10/2016
"This gun looks great. The externals are just amazing and intimidating on the field. But because the weight and the fact that this is a spring weapon, it is not very skirmishable. But if you dont mind the weight, this gun will be fine. This gun is not too bad for skirmish but is amazing as a movie prop. You no longer have to pay extremely high prices to get an intervention.
by Robert M. on 11/06/2015
"Just to know... This rifle weighs about 15 pounds and is over 4 1/2 feet long extended !!
Unscrew round barrel nut, just forward of the upper rail, with supplied wrench and pull on the pin behind the lower forward grip rotate the barrel and grip assembly a little and the barrel/grip pops out hard. It takes some force and alignment with the real inside barrel and locking lugs to replace it . There is a strong spring inside the receiver pushing it out. The color is not tan, more a dull dark metallic bronze....not bad but not tan.
It also comes in a 54" Matrix hard case !
The ICS MM-20 GLM Launcher plastic upper tri-rail may be modified some to fit on the outer barrel shroud with some custom mounting to the forward top rail holes.....If you can find one !
Everything mounted to the outer barrel shroud is removable. The sliding stock only locks in the full extend position and sometimes pulls right off. Black button used for retracting only.
by Sangmin L. on 11/20/2011
"This gun looks great. The externals are just amazing and intimidating on the field. But because the weight and the fact that this is a spring weapon, it is not very skirmishable. But if you dont mind the weight, this gun will be fine. This gun is not too bad for skirmish but is amazing as a movie prop. You no longer have to pay extremely high prices to get an intervention.
by Caolan O. on 03/07/2011
"This gun is awesome!i got it yesterday and i love it.Its a pain to get of the tip but at least it has a treaded barrel for silencers.its full metal so far and it shoots at least 50 metres wit no wind
by arrick97 f. on 09/20/2010
"its not from shooter this has a retractable stock not a full stock
by yewpheng v. on 02/12/2010
"This thing is a beast. one of the longest rifles I've played with. The airsoft range I play at has one and for 60 dollars they let you rent it. Portability wise I would not recommend this. If you are defending then yes this gun owns but trying to keep up with an attacking force will leave you in the dust. I would buy this gun only if you can't own the real steel M200 CIV which cost twice this gun but shoots a true .408 round but also offered in the .308 win. Great gun to look at but I always go back to my trusty L96, purchased of course at
using a 10 point scale

ACCURACYusing .28 gram=9 we are talking smooth bore here so not all shots are going to land on target but I hit a man sized target at about 60 yards
RANGE using .28 gram=8 Similar range to my L96
PORTABILITY=4 LOOONNNGGG gun and hard to carry
DURABILITY=6 The Bipod broke so the rental gun had to be rested on my pack
STOPPING POWER aka how far you can tag someone and them knowing they got hit=8 Not for backyard games
by Stephen S. on 03/10/2009
"Copy and paste this link and tell me it's not the same rifle as in shooter.

Thank you.
by Dustin W. on 12/07/2008
"The CheyTec sniper rifle is expensive but if you have the money its worth the buy. it shoots 400+ FPS, despite what it says on the site. it is also upgradeable and its just a plain and simple kick ass gun. i would though, lower the price of the gun by hundreds. if you get this gun, you will be happy with it. this isn't one of those guns that gets old to you. it has a sleek design just like the real CheyTec .408 and a nice kick to go with it. overall 4/5 because of the price.
by edgar c. on 11/21/2008
"i only have a couple of question, why change the cost of this rifle, because only a few last days the cost of the sniper rifle is $1,200 usd, and the FPS is 500+, and now the cost is $1,400 and the fps is 350 - 380.
by Patrick B. on 11/13/2008
"its a great gun the only con i see for now is the fact u cant put a silencer on it like it was meant to have other then that if i buy it im going to defiatly be shooting some dinty moore cans like my fellow sniper bob lee swager
by Kaan B. on 12/21/2020
"It looks and feels very cool but has a fair share of flaws that I think makes $500 overpriced. The bolt pull is far from smooth and only goes back a fraction of what it should, and the orange tip it comes with (if shipped to the US) does not secure the inner barrel, meaning the accuracy is pretty bad. It does come with the real/original tip, but the plastic orange one is pinned in, making it particularly difficult to remove (which again, wouldn't be the biggest issue if the plastic tip at least held the inner barrel). For how large it is I understand why it isn't cheap, and I do very much like how it feels, but I think $400 would be much more fair given the flaws it has.
by Nhan V. on 01/26/2016
"This gun is an ok gun. It weight about 15lbs, the inner barrel is about 500mm-550mm. The diameter of the inner barrel is 6.01 mm.
The button that regulate the stock is not good; it can fall off any time, so when u get the gun u should change the screw that stick to the regulate button.
The screw that adjust the hop-up doesn't seem long enough and resulted that the bb can't go up, so u might need to find a screw that long enough. And the hex screw for the hop-up adjustment is not included.
The flash hider is made out of metal.
Not a short stroke bolt action.
Spring guide and piston are metal.
Comes in with pre-installed bolt in to the gun; but the bipod is not pre-installed.
Shoot pretty accurate. Made by S&T.
by Chris J. on 11/27/2008
"To Parker W.

Airsoft is not all about FPS bro. There are many other things that you have to consider such as internals. How long is the barrel? What kind of gas mechanism does it have? Will it break as fast as the Special Ops Sniper Rifle that you recommend? (Which is a piece of shit in my opinion) There are youtube videos reviewing the ARES sniper rifle and it hasn't been getting good reviews. Groupings are terrible, and the external moddings are hard to adjust. When I say that, I mean the retractable butt stock and check rest. If I were to recommend a sniper rifle, I would not recommend a poorly made Special Ops Sniper Rifle that Parker suggests, but a Tanaka or Tokyo Marui sniper. They both can be a little pricey (500~) but it is worth it. I wouldn't suggest this gun, because you can use this same amount that you spend on this gun to make a godly gun and still have spare change.

parker, get good please.