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Colt Licensed 1911 Tactical Full Metal CO2 Airsoft Gas Blowback Pistol by KWC (Model: Stainless Railed / Reload Package)

65 Customer Reviews

by Teri A. on 02/07/2019
"I ordered this pistol for my CQB arena because I was looking for one, and this one looked perfect. It had an fps of 320-350 on evike. When I got it looked nice, but when I chronoed its fps was much higher than 350. It was shooting at an fps of 370-375 using .20 gram bbs, like what Evike recommended. So Now I have a pistol I can't use at my local CQB arena, but at least it to perform and look like a good pistol
by Chris M. on 01/26/2018
"The pistol itself is very nice. The markings are authentically stamped, not painted on. The accuracy is about what you would expect, and the blowback is crisp. The trigger is just a tiny bit grittier than on my KWC Elite Force, but not stiff or gritty enough to be any kind of a problem. If I were rating the pistol on the basis of its performance for the first 90 days, I would have happily given it 5 stars.

Once the warranty expired, however, the magazine co2 seal malfunctioned, and started completely discharging the co2 capsule before it could be tightened, which rendered the pistol worthless for shooting. The only replacement magazine available for this pistol is an extended 27 round one, which I don't want (and don't want to spend $35 for). I ordered a KWC magazine rebuild kit for $16 plus shipping, but the wrench provided with the kit for loosening the seal is made of pot metal, and it breaks when trying to remove the seal, which means the seal cannot be removed and replaced. With no appropriate replacement magazine available, the pistol is only good for display, since it cannot be used with the defective magazine.
by Christopher W. on 07/31/2017
"My son bought this pistol and after the first use a piece fell off and was lost. this was normal use, nothing extreme and no modifications. The piece that was lost is a black plastic cap or plug that attaches to teh off side of the slide lock. The slide lock itself is there as is the brass bushing. Good pistol other than that.

There is no manual or parts list to order another on d attempts to contact EVIKE have been unsuccessful... anyone have an answer?

only 3 stars due mostly to poor customer service.
by Alberto T. on 06/17/2021
"I got this as my first airsoft gun and I regret it because it aged very badly.the paint became greenish over the months.I got it because it brought back memories from call of duty black ops 1 zombies . My iron sight were crooked when I got the gun too . The gun lasted me a good 8 months with out fielding it
by Malaki R. on 05/28/2017
"I got this gun acouple months ago and at first great gun but later the saftey fell off! Then the magazine was leaking like crazy and then on top of all that some screws and stuff fell out.