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H&K Umarex MP7 Rapid Deployment Hard Kick Airsoft Gas Blowback by KWA (Color: Desert Tan / Add CO2 Magazine + Power-Up Suppressor)

102 Customer Reviews

by ryan q. on 02/15/2012
great rof
high fps (good for snipers to use as a secondary in outdoor games)
great feel
h&k trades (so you feel like a badass law enforcer)
when gun is cocked back and you pull the charging handle, you can hear a pretty decent snap.
provides some decent kick for an airsoft gun
and of course kwa's ns2 system which conserves about 20% more gas than other systems.

High fps (bad for cqb)
when you fire the gun the gas will spit into your face, but face protection will solve that.
the stock is slightly wobbley, but nothing to worry about just pointing it out there

Overall its a good gun, expect to spend more on this gun if you want to be effective with it in cqb because the extra mags and green gas will come in handy. Also it is recommended to use .25g bbs because it will greatly improve the bbs line of fire (the guns accuracy).
by Liam F. on 01/13/2012
"THIS GUN IS AWESOME!!!!!! Let me tell you the pros and cons. Pros:
Looks awesome
amazing rate of fire
great weight
very fun
very accurate is an awesome back up or even primary weapon

Magazines are a little expensive ($50)

This is a great gun if you are looking for a fun gas submachine gun. GET THIS GUN!!!!!!!!!
by Ben L. on 12/26/2011
Smooth blowback
Heavy for its size (could be a con, your choice on that one)
Trademarks all over the gun
Superb packaging
Hardly any stock wobble
Versatile (In the sense you can take it any situation and still be effective for you team)
Loud (con if you work with stealth, maybe)
Magazines stay firmly in place

None :)

A few notes, you may want to purchase extra magazines if you don't want to be refilling your mags every couple of minutes. Also, make sure you keep the gun lubed up and it will do as it should. (Not too much because you might get grime in your gun and damage an O-ring or something. I give this gun a 5/5.
by Andrew V. on 12/15/2011
"Now this is the very first review i have ever written on this site. Let me tell you....GET THIS GUN, it is amazing how it performs. Do not be intimidated by the price, it is worth every dollar. It was really inaccurate at first but a day later it was normal, i don't know if cleaning the barrel fixed it (it was brand new?) or you just have to break in the hop up but it is currently in my opinion the best Gas gun i have ever used.

A MUST HAVE for a CQB'er like myself
by dillon k. on 11/28/2011
"i just got this gun today and i love it it its the best gun in my collection so is amazing ive never heard bad things about this gun and its right there is no bad things to say about this gun. there is a few things i relized from this gun is that the o ring in the mags comes out and the silicone lube spilled in the bag but over all the gun is amazing and i do advise to buy moon dog o rings i use them on my gas pistol and they work perfect. whatever you do just dont be intimidated by the price its so worth it and your definetly gonna need more mags.


compact comfortable(easy to monuvre with)
good range and high fps(could be con)


mags a lot (50)

thats about it i highly highly reccomend this gun
by parker c. on 11/17/2011
"dose the gun still come with two mags? please respond!

Webmaster: As of today, Nov 18th, yes! This promo should last until we change the description of the item to 1 mag.
by blake s. on 10/05/2011
"awesome cqb or backup weapon,VERY REALISTIC AND A HARD HITTER!
by Jackson E. on 08/11/2011
"This gun is SOLID. I have been collecting Airsoft guns for about five years now, and of the many I have this is probably the most well built and sturdy one yet. No creaks, wobbles or flimsy pieces whatsoever. Those of you who have a few cheaper Chinese knock-offs know what I mean. This thing is heavy, the stock and fore grip click crisply into position and stay there. As far as shooting goes, it's unbelievable. Hard, accurate, loud, and steady. The only things you need nice, seamless, polished BB's or else they won't feed properly at all--but if you're looking into this gun seriously you already know that. Keep this bad boy lubed and dust free and it will make you happy for many years to come.

Incredible build quality from a name to trust (KWA)
Fully licensed with trademarks (excellent realism)
Shoots like a dream--hard, accurate and ridiculously fast
Magazines feed extremely well, only issues I've had were with cheap bbs
Small, lightweight
One handed operation as a large pistol backup weapon
Two-handed operation with stock extended makes this good enough to be your primary
Gas power means no batteries, gears, motors or springs to worry about
Simple, streamlined and ergonomic

Honestly, only the price of the magazines, but that's what gas guns are all about.

Overall an amazing Airsoft gun, a must have for any collector like myself and anyone interest in getting a high quality gun for use in any application on the field.
by Trevor V. on 07/24/2011
"this is the best gun ever ^^

fps, rof and the ergonomics are all good, so is the sleek german apearence, thatswhat i care about i dont really do games with it

however !!!!! NEVER EVER close the bolt on this weapon while a empty magazine in the the weapon, this smashs the magazine follower and in my case the entire bolt lock lever,

1 $50 mag and alot of repair work ( done at my local store for lots o money)
later it was good as new


6/5 (it german ^^)
by Jonathan S. on 03/24/2011
"Highest quality, accurate and realistic. Excellent PTW and small-facility live shooter. Recommend for reliability, accuracy, realism (Is cosmetically the same as the real gun) and fun.

Buy lots of mags, you WILL use them.
by trent b. on 09/28/2010
"i hav this gun it owns.
fast rof
loud (cud be a con)

not much accept dont drop the mags they'll brake and $50 isnt cheap
by Isaac C. on 09/26/2010
"I have had this gun for almost a year now. This gun is 5 stars for quality. The 2 cons are my fault possibly and Evike's fault. This gun was purchased from my brother as a gift to me. I would recommend this gun highly for CQB And possibly field. (Have yet to try it out) So definitely get this gun and do not be intimidated by the price. It is a truly awesome gun by far.

Nice FPS and accuracy for a SMG
Lots of modifying possibilities
Great quality
Nice front grip and stock
Ambidextrous controls
Licensed by H&K
And much much more

My blowback doesn't stay open when the last shot is fired :( It might be my fault.
Silicone was spilled in it when I got it
by Timothy M. on 01/31/2010
"Very nice gun a great backup for a sniper. Shots very well BUT if you have a heavy trigger finger you will run out of ammo pretty quick. A well built gun very solid, seems like it will last but time will tell. If you can get this gun it is worth it!
by Craig S. on 10/09/2009
"This gun is awesome. I have used it a few times since I got it. The rate of fire is sick, and the size fits just right for a secondary gun. The mag actually only holds 40 bbs, and you can't get spare mag's for the gun yet.
by David N. on 10/07/2009
"Great gun, weight is similar to the real gun.FPS is about 360.Very solid built.accuracy is good for a GBB gun means gas pressure on each shot is well stabilized.Blowback action is well controlled like the real steel if you had a chance to watch it in action on TV "Ultimate weapon".Highly recommended.