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WE-Tech Hyper Series Hi-CAPA Gas Blowback Pistol (Model: K2 / Standard Grip / Semi Auto)

109 Customer Reviews

by david z. on 12/29/2011
"This version of the hyper speed is amazing, it is full metal and no wobbly parts on mine. My magazine came perfect and didn't leak at all, also it came loobed so right out of the box i could shoot it! Awesome pistol.

Thanks Evike.
by Sharon S. on 11/24/2011
"this gun is VERY good! i only have a few minor problems with it. one would include the magazine because i bought an extra one with it and it either leaks or the magazine doesn't hold that much gas. when i shoot it, the gas in the magazine run out before i run out of bb's, sometimes. but everything else it great! very realistic feel and amazing look, fps, accuracy, and magazine capacity.

has a great look to it
very strong
very accurate
good magazine capacity
easy to take apart and clean

takes a lot of gas
magazine leaks/doesn't hold enough gas

it is overall a great gun just with a few minor problems in it, which is common in any gun out there. this is probably one of the best sidearms to have if your either a sniper, or a cqb kind of guy, it is great for both.
by Dario S. on 11/12/2011
"Have had this gun for about a month now and it has not disappointed. The overall finish of the gun is great and the firing is even better. Can hit a target from 100 feet away but not very accurate after that. If you are looking for a unique handgun that will perform get this and if anything does happen to break down evike has tons of parts available. Mine however did not look exactly like the one in the picture. Mine came with a different grip like the one seen on the xecelerator Dragon. The gun also came with trademarks which to some is a pro but I personally don't like.

-compensator adds an aggressive look to the gun
-Trademarks (for some its a pro)
-Effective up to 100 feet
-Great internals
-Nice weight

-mag that came with it leeks (expected)
-safety on the right side of the gun fell off
-Trademarks (con for me)
-Different grip (would have preferred the one in the picture)

Other than those few cons I love this gun. It is worth the money and will surely impress most.
by Mari E. on 09/16/2011
"i own this gun and its amazing but there is one think i would like to know about it can u use co2 with this gun

Webmaster: Yes, just buy a Co2 powered hicapa magazine!
by David P. on 08/14/2011
"I bought this gun and all I have to say is WOW. Great preformance!
by Matt B. on 07/21/2011
"Great Pistol!!! ive had it for over a year now and it has had 0 problems i love the modern 1911 look and the weight and blowback are fanominal

Pros Weight Blowback Excellent Quality modern 1911 look

Cons Metal slide sometimes doesnt lock when out of ammo due to weight the handle grip safety dosent work
by Alex R. on 05/12/2011
"This gun is awesome!
Pros: light enough to move quickly, but still is heavy enough to feel like your holding something
Magizines work well
Full metal so won't break if dropped
The top part blows back and stays back like a real gun when out of bbs
Cons: hop up is annoying to adjust and difficult to change in the field
Bottom of mag is wobbley, makes a kind of annoying sound.
In all this it a great gun and I recomend it to be bought with the propane adapter (to use propane) and the extra mag holy cow deal.
by Justin M. on 05/07/2011
"I've had this pistol for over a year and have used it in Multiple battles. I've had the gun break on me due to it being dropped....I'm not talking about short drops, I'm talking about 10-20 feet drops....and once it flew out of my holster because it wasn't adjusted correctly and it broke the beaver tail which jammed the slide and I forced the slide forward and it now works fine.
Overall, if you want a large pistol that will last through all battles and wear and tear...this is that pistol. I don't exactly like the serrated slide, but it's bearable.
One large note: take extra care of the mags....mine have been dropped multiple times and not just by me, but friends too. The bottom of the mag...the larger portion of the plastic and have broken off's not crucial to keep it, but be careful with it.
Mine did not come with a threaded barrel.

Accuracy: 9.5/10
Durability: 10/10
by Bryan K. on 03/10/2011
"Awesome gun. I have had this for about a month now. This is my first GBB gun and I love it. I use both green gas and CO2 mags and it has been running perfectly for both type of mags.

Looks awesome
Hefty weight
Nice recoil
Tip is removable (just unscrew it)

Barrel is a little wobbly but not that big of a deal
My safety is a little loose but I got it fixed

If you are thinking about buying this gun...stop thinking and buy it.
Word of caution. When removing the safety be very careful about the left sided one. It holds a spring and 2 little parts (called nine ball) that keep your slide stop locked in as well as keeping the safety in the "safe" position. It pops out when you remove the left thumb safety so be careful. I learned that the hard way
by Anthony L. on 03/02/2011
"Just got this gun as a early Birthday present, and all i can saw is WOW. It has a nice weight, nice recoil and its a "nail-driver" meaning it hits hard and the holy cow extra mag deal is an unbeatable deal

Pros: Weight,power and just pure sexy'ness

Cons: Little front heavy for people with weak wrists, but not really a con, just based on preference

Thank you evike for carrying this awesome gun at a great price(:

by Kendall D. on 02/09/2011
"Wow Evike, took you long enough to get this one in.
I've had this GBB, specifically the WE OEM version, for more than a year and can say that it preforms superbly. Crisp recoil, consistent shot grouping and as sturdy as they come. The look of it is enough to make others question whether it's stock or upgraded. I've been asked if mine was a custom 5.1 since I got it, heh.

-Looks good(Custom for factory price)
-Feels good(excellent handling)
-Shoots good(consistent 280-290 fps)
-Hits good(Yes, the strike face works. He'll have those scars for years...)
-Compatible with most TM/WE/KJW HiCapa parts 'n' accessories(The rail is MIL-STD-1913 "Picatinny" spec)
-Take care of your magazine(s) and you'll nev'r have to replace 'em

-Holster compatibility(Large muzzle area doesn't go with non-adjustable holsters)
-Recoil/hammer spring strength(Replace after 500 rounds or it short-strokes like mad)
-Weak retaining screws(Be VERY nice to them when disassembling/reassembling)

A great GBB that will serve you well and strike fear into your opponent's hearts(and sometimes faces).
by Luke L. on 10/04/2009
"had this gun for about 6 months and i can say its AWESOME!!! i can easily hit a stop sign from 150ft.
also after a while i bored of it being semi auto so i modded it to full auto!!!!
by Ken J. on 09/13/2009
"Ok i have had this for 5 months and 10 competitions battles as well as practice games. it has a weight to it which is a good thing. it has adjustable hop up which is nice for a pistols. it shot out of the box 350 now i got it tweaked down to bout 335 which is the limit at the place i Airsoft. all i have to say is if u r in a team or league this is the right gun for you ONE thing to
NOTE: is it does not have a rail on the bottom for a tac light so i suggest u order one from evike u can find them in the laser section. also go ahead and buy a threaded barrel and mock suppressor it just look beast ! Overall its a great buy for the price and im comparing this to all 15 others of my pistols this is in the top 2`
by Elric L. on 02/06/2009
"This thing is sweet.. First gas blow back and don't think I will own another one ever again.
by Rick R. on 11/10/2008
"This is an amazing gas pistol, super accurate and solid blowback feature. It's weight is not too far off from a real 1911 45ACP. Still fairly accurate at around 90 feet. This handgun is built really solid with very tight tolerances, no noticeable slide wobble and really clean casting of all the parts.

The only gripe i have with this handgun is not with the handgun itself but with one of the two extra mags i purchased from evike. One of the mags had a leak from the fill valve and would not hold gas to save its life. Upon further investigation, and a little bit of tightening, problem solved.

Always a good idea to spray the inside of the barrel with a few squirts of silicon spray lube as well as the slide and any visible moving parts. Excess spray will tend to evaporate after 10-20 seconds but I always wipe off any excess with a tosser towel.

An excellent sidearm/secondary weapon for skirmishes and CQB and Highly recommended...
5 stars * * * * * = P