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6mmProShop Tactical 1911 Full Size High Power Airsoft Spring Pistol (Color: Silver)

69 Customer Reviews

by Morten N. on 06/10/2014
"Short and quick:

Spring pistol: Very easy to use, very easy to maintain and quite cool to have.
CHEAP! The price is excellent, 25 bucks for a heavy weight-just-like-the-real-thing spring pistol, yes please.
2 Magazines, huge pro. Spring pistols should come with 2 magazines, and the fact that it holds around 100 rounds is astonishing.
HEAVY, feels just like a real 1911.
Correct colors for the 1911 (im a huge 1911 fan)
IS FIELD STRIPPABLE, yes you heard it. The spring pistol that is full metal heavy weight with 2 magazines can be taken apart, the slide comes apart very easily, for long time storage, cleaning etc.
SAFETY, the safety works very well, and i like the somewhat stiff trigger response as it corresponds to the real M1911, with a stiff trigger.

One of the mags does not fall out freely, it needs to be pulled out.
The Speed Load feature is good and creative, but sometimes can be annoying, it is more of a pro than con, but I'll put it in the con section for now.
Small crack on the bottom of the pistol's grip, it runs all the way along the gun, it is open and somewhat makes the gun loose.
Range is bad, but it definitely hurts to get hit by it.

Overall I would recommend this spring pistol, and I wish more manufacturers made high quality full metal spring pistols like this one.
by Morten N. on 06/10/2014
"Short and quick:


One of the mags does not fall out freely, it needs to be pulled out.
The Speed Load feature is good and creative, but sometimes can be annoying, it is more of a pro than con, but I'll put it in the con section for now.
Small crack on the bottom of the pistol's grip, it runs all the way along the gun, it is open and somewhat makes the gun loose.
by Andres A. on 10/04/2019
"Just got it. Shot great at first and then it stopped. Everytime that I cocked the slide and it would slam fire (I didn't even pull the triogger). I dont know what's up but some help to fix it wuld be nice.
by Thomas M. on 06/24/2019
"I received this pistol a while back (before discounted) and wasn't disappointing until the gun wouldn't fire anymore.

-Classic 1911A1 Sight Picture
-Reliable grip safety
-19 rounds of plinking pain
-Broke (for me atleast)

Final thoughts? Get one if you have the money!
by Anthony Y. on 06/15/2015
"It was a good gun at first but but during the span of six months parts slowly started breaking until it finally fell apart in the end.
The first problem I had was with the thumb safety, it was the first thing to fall off. I think it happened because this isn't a very good gun to shoot with your left hand as it would sometimes return to safety mode when I shot with my left hand. I also could not put it on safety when the gun was cocked.
The second was the cocking and trigger. After a couple thousand rounds this became a hazard. Somewhere after the thumb safety broke off the trigger became so sensitive that touching the trigger even with the grip safety not pressed would fire the gun right after returning the slide to its normal position after cocking. Soon after without pulling the trigger the gun could fire automatically if I were to hold the slide back all the way as if I were cocking it and let go to have the slide return as hard as it would.
I got this gun because I thought it would be very durable and it included two magazines but I don't recommend getting it for the sole purpose of 2 magazines because they are high capacity unless you are going to fill them with different BBs.
A few other small things: the hammer does move and lock when cocked, cocking is too hard for me to do it with one hand, the bullet shell ejector can be pulled without cocking to see if one is in the chamber despite it being cocked or not, my fingers would sometimes get caught in that ejector if I cocked holding the back of the slide instead of the front, made in China.
by William M. on 05/07/2019
"This spring pistol is not worth the money. Made of cheap chinese plastic. Power is okay for a spring and it shoots relatively straight but the hopup is non existent. Grip is very uncomfortable. Barrel slides around in gun. Just a cheap plastic gun in general
by Trevor B. on 12/05/2022
"Aim for the moon and you will hit the sun.
This thing has way too much hop up. It starts going up at around 10 feet and has so much hop up it seems like it was designed to be used at around 200 feet. Shooting at about 30 feet away I would hit things 6 feet above the target.This combined with tiny ironsights makes this thing nearly impossible to even plink with.

It looks great though and if you took off the orange tip it would make a great prop gun. The saftey works the way a real 1911 saftey does, even the one on the grip. The hammer moves. The slide release moves down and seems like it should do something but I can't figure out what. No reference to this in the manual. The manual does briefly mention the hop up can be turned off for cleaning but does not say how. At first I thouht that was what the slide release switch did but I saw no difference when shooting.

The magazines are good. They do not waste rounds when removed. They are easy to load and look great. You can also buy spare magazines which is one of the reasons I bought this model.

Looks great
Good magazines
Good build quality

Too much hop up to hit anything
by Eduard P. on 01/09/2020
"The pistol itself loooks great, nice safety and grip safety work good. BUT, mine got broken on next day, overall quantity of shots for whole time of use is approximately 32, and I was treating it very carefully, I have never dropped it or hit it, but it got broken, after you pull and release the slide, it shoots immediatly (without pulling the trigger), it shhots even with safety on!!! I am dissapointed, Espesially from price I paid. Btw recomended mags from evike work on that pistol. I would not buy it if I knew how fast It was going to break. plastic fel=els cheap, no metal parts
by Cruz V. on 07/07/2015
"This pistol is horrible, I bought this and when it came to my house I was going to test it out. So I loaded it, pulled the slide back all the way which is harder to pull back than and actual gun. Then I tried to fire it, nothing came out I took the whole gun apart and is basically broke into pieces. This pistol is horrible I would not advise buying it.