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GX-1000 Anti-Fog Safety Shooting Goggle System w/ CD Kane Strap (Lens: Smoke & Clear Set / Black Frame)

73 Customer Reviews

by Nicholas M. on 07/21/2008
"It makes it so I don't have stuff go in my eyes. like bbs. nothing special. slight fogging. average comfortability.
by Matthew H. on 05/19/2008
"good goggles.. but it looks kinda funky....

the rubber that surrounds your face is fairly uncomfortable but you wont notice it while your in a game.

The lens are ridiculously thick... which is a good thing so bbs wont pop your eyes out...

another pro is that the lens are changeable. For around 13 bucks Evike sells it here.

ummm so i would have to give this a 4/5...
by Tyler C. on 07/24/2023
"I like the style and coverage of the goggles but after three games the plastic frame that holds the lense in has completely broken on one side and has stress cracks forming on the other. The way that the headband attaches puts a lot of stress onto the corners of the plastic.
by Heidi C. on 04/04/2021
"Took a BB to the side of the glasses and it broke the plastic retainer

Fixed it with some Electric Tape that I always bring to the field with me.

They're definetely good at taking BB's in the lenses but the plastic is really weak,
by Myles H. on 03/30/2021
"Any goggles can fog. These goggles tend to fog the least out of all of the types of goggles I have tried and used. Only problem about this pair is that the eye seal isn't very comfortable. It's a rubber interior that grips your face tightly. Even with the band that wraps around your face is at least amount of slack, the lack of foam for a an eye seal can cause some fatigue if using for more than a couple of hours. The low profile on this goggle though is pretty nice. I haven't had to tilt my head in odd ways in order to get a clear sight picture. These goggles to fog although, it varies on what you wear or do. If you are a heavy guy, these goggles will fog no matter what. I am a medium guy, not amazingly fit but not overweight. I run hot mostly so I wear very light clothing even during the coldest months for airsoft games, and if I wear to much clothing where I am too hot, these goggles will fog. I noticed that whenever I am wearing any other face covering with this pair they had the tendency to fog the most.

Overall not a horrible product for it's price but it really cheaped out on comfortability.
by Jake C. on 02/15/2020
"They’re good goggles, I just wish they would just stay in place. They move around so much even if I tighten them
by Trevin B. on 01/23/2019
"Fogged up quickly, strapped camed looped around in the back and it took forever to fit, and it was not very comfortable.
by Jimmy S. on 08/20/2018
"Honestly dont know what everyone else is saying but they fogged up on me immediately when i started the game,*(i play at ballahack in Chesapeake)*, i recomend with any Goggles that you buy shaving cream,

Step 1: take put lense and clean in hot soapy water
Step 2: use microfobic cloth to completely dry surface
Step 3: spray a little on the lens and spread around with you finger, make sure entire lense is covered
Step 4: wait 10-20 minutes for it to "harder" or crust
Step 5: in small circles buff the said shaving cream into the lense (there will be residue)
Step 6: with the remaining residue continue buffing
Step 7: after most of the residue is gone take microfobic cloth and wipe of the rest of the residue

Now any goggles you get will not fog for the day or wvwn more, *ALSO WORKS ON GLASSES,WINDOWS,MIRRORS, AND YOUR CAR WINDSHIELD!!!*
by Benjamin W. on 12/16/2016
"As mentioned by another poster, they don't really work with the matrix mesh face masks at all. The goggles are a little big, and they leave a gap between the bottom of them and the top of the cheeks on the mesh mask that's much bigger than a bb, so that might be a problem for you. Otherwise, good set of goggles right there. Just wish I didn't have to order new face protection.
by karen m. on 07/30/2016
"Not very good with mesh face mask a lot of fogging in hot temps
by Mark F. on 11/27/2011
"First off they do not work well with Iron face mesh. They fog really bad with a mouth cover on(like a bandana). I would have to run away from battle and hide to unfog them. Very uncomfortable. You can see through them , and they protect you, but those are abou they only good things to say.
by Michael H. on 05/27/2023
"Uncomfortable, fogs up, and the center part cracked within 20 minutes of play. Spend 2 dollars more on some matrix goggles.
by jordan h. on 01/04/2021
"bad fit for adults, and is not field usable, because of the massive gaps everywhere!