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Aim Top Large 1100 Green Gas (Quantity: 12 Cans)

77 Customer Reviews

by Matt R. on 09/05/2014
"Great Gas. I use them half of the time and propane adapters half the time to keep my guns lubricated.

Do group buys with your friends to save on hazmat fees.
by Matt R. on 09/05/2014
"Great Gas. I use them half of the time and propane adapters half the time to keep my guns lubricated.

Do group buys with your friends to save on hazmat fees.
by Chris S. on 01/06/2010
"Good Deal better than 17.99 a can at my local hobby store....
by Mike V. on 12/21/2008
"is this HFC22 gas?

Webmaster: HFC22 is "green gas". This is green gas. Green gas used to be manufactured by HFC, but they are no longer available in the USA and these or the sapien gas are the replacements.
by Kyle B. on 10/13/2008
"kix @$$ compared to propane! propane: smells terrible, runs out quickly, bad for lungs. CHEAP

green gas: bettersmell, lasts long time, bottles easy to transport. -a luittle more expensive, but ttly worth it
by Joshua G. on 06/19/2024
"The cap wouldn’t click back on… the gas is good though. I have to keep sealing it with tape. (Disclaimer: It may have been my fault, but I’m not entirely sure so…)
by Whit M. on 07/23/2020
"This gas has waaaay too much silicon oil in it, but it has the threads necessary for the PA green gas adapter (which sucks btw). Now that I’m stuck with 3 of these, they’re great for the price, just too much silicon oil. Has a weird smell but not as bad as propane
by Jonathan E. on 02/23/2020
"It's great gas, but once you remove the cap, you cannot put it back on, so don't expect to carry this with you out onto the field (I'm looking at you, GBBR users)
by Joe S. on 12/13/2017
"I really the red gas it has worked very well for me.But I ordered the green gas and the nozzle was bent and when i went to fill a mag the gas came out of the side of the nozzle.
by Poul L. on 05/20/2017
"Works great for my WE G series pistol. The cans were larger than expected and I almost finished off a full bag of 5,000 BB's with 2 cans. Due to the price, though, I will most likely switch to propane.

Works well
Lots of gas

by Andy P. on 09/05/2014
"This is good gas for the price, but I find the valve finicky. On one can I lost the o-ring that goes on the inside of the valve due to it having a really loose fit. I have had some problems with other cans leaking while filling a mag as well. Overall, this is pretty good gas. If one is careful with it while loading, there typically aren't any problems.
by Andy P. on 09/05/2014
"This is good gas for the price, but I find the valve finicky. On one can I lost the o-ring that goes on the inside of the valve due to it having a really loose fit. I have had some problems with other cans leaking while filling a mag as well. Overall, this is pretty good gas. If one is careful with it while loading, there typically aren't any problems.
by Terry P. on 09/05/2014
"This gas is good. better than propane because 1. it smells better 2. is safer 3. easier to carry around. when my 5 cans run out im goin to buy more of this stuff. it works great.
by Terry P. on 09/05/2014
"This gas is good. better than propane because 1. it smells better 2. is safer 3. easier to carry around. when my 5 cans run out im goin to buy more of this stuff. it works great.
by Gene D. on 09/05/2014
"Used this gas before great gas, gives your gun awesome power and smells 10000x better than propane but evike needs to sell smaller amounts of it so i don't have to pay 100 dollars for more gas than i want/need which is why i give it a 4 not a 5