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CYMA Standard AK47 Full Metal Real Wood Airsoft AEG w/ LiPo Ready Gearbox (Package: Add 11.1v LiPo Battery + Charger)

92 Customer Reviews

by Jacob e. on 10/21/2008
"Very good gun. Good FPS, decent accuracy, good range, and good ROF. I love the full metal and real wood.

I would recommend this gun to anyone who wants a great relistic AK47, but dosnt want to spend $400 on it.
by Chris K. on 10/20/2008
"you should always buy a new battery, the ones given to you i believe are crap. get an intillect, they're great batteries. im using a 1400mah stick type one for my CYMA .035 right now
by Brad V. on 10/19/2008
"Awesome gun. However I would suggest the CYMA AK-47 Ris version. it is cheaper(155 instead of 180) and it is the same exact thing except diffrent colors, folding type stock, and it has rails. Great gun but RIS version better.
by dillon b. on 10/19/2008
"what battery does this come with? should i get a different when i order it?
by David N. on 10/19/2008
"This gun is an early model of the AK47 and has no provision for mounting any rail unit like the later model.You may need to do a lot of modification like drilling holes in order to mount any scope and it may not look right on an early model of the AK 47.I prefer to use the original iron sight to preserve the genuine look of the gun.
by Caleb W. on 10/19/2008
"it uses a small connector and it goes into the stock
by Caleb W. on 10/19/2008
"i personally dont have this gun but i know a guy that has it. this gun is amazing. every shot is perfectly accurate. if you buy this gun by all means get a scope and mount.
by Ryan W. on 10/18/2008
"oh ya and i forgot does it come with the correct battery and charger?(do they go togther)

I was reading on a site somewhere that is comes with the wrong battery charger but the right battery for the gun.
by David N. on 10/16/2008
"The hand guard,full stock and handle are made from real wood so each gun is different which made it special.FPS is around 430 in my gun and I tried using 11.1V 1200mah stick Li Poly battery which gives it a rate of fire similar to the real gun in the Rambo II movie.I am not sure how much stress it will exert on the gear so try it at your own risk.
by Brandon S. on 10/15/2008
"Let me enlighten some of you who are confused and asking about this gun a little bit. This is one of CYMA's newest release's. AK-47 (CM042). This is a full metal rifle. The stock, pistol grip, and handguard is real wood, not imitation. Evike simply copied and pasted the description for the CYMA AKM which is the CM036. Pretty crappy in my opinion. They need to write each gun it's own dang description. As far as whether this gun is better than the 036 AKM, they both have the same internals. It just depends on whether you like the AKM or AK-47 better. As for CYMA having a bad rep and being crappy, they USED to be. But have really stepped up thier game with these newest releases. I have read nothing but good four and five star reviews about these new CYMA AK's so they must be pretty dang good. Hope this helps. :)
by dillon b. on 10/15/2008
"what sized battery does this come with small or large
by CJ E. on 10/15/2008
"Look at the second picture, toward the front trunnion; that's wood grain.
by cathi R. on 10/15/2008
"Hey im a little skeptical about this one as well, the only thing thats stopping me from buying this gun is that I need to know if it really is real wood because even though it says so, the description says "imitation" wood. Also, ive heard that CYMA has a bad rep and sucks. if I could get a little info on this, than its a sure buy for me.
by dillon b. on 10/15/2008
"hey guys im thinking of buying this gun but i dont know if its better than the .036. can any1 who buys this gun tell me?
by joseph l. on 10/15/2008
"so is this real wood or not? on item title it labels FULL METAL REAL WOOD, but in descriptions it says imitation good front grip and which is it?