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Free Shipping for Orders over $149. EPIC DEALS released daily! BAMF 190rd Polymer Mid-Cap Magazine for M4 / M16 Series Airsoft AEG Rifles (Color: Black w/ Red / Single Magazine)

260 Customer Reviews

by Aleks K. on 07/04/2017
"4 of these will replace 6 K120's

I've run them in both my Ares amoeba AEG's and they feed great, keep up with the rof on 11.1v lipo's, and at 2/3's the capacity of a standard hicap with none of the mid battle winding. I can't ask for much more.

I want to address that some people don't like the build quality. For me it's pointless, I have K120's (that I will now be selling) and yes they are much sturdier, when you squeeze the body on the bamf mags the outer shell sleve gives a bit, while the K120's you can run over with a truck and they would be fine, and if that appeals to you so be it, but I don't put my things through torture like that.

The fake bullets are also pointless, but with one screw the inner mag slides out of the outer shell and I just put some colored tape over the stickers and now I will know which mags are mine without tape on the outside getting grimy or having to paint them.

The magazine is an inner magazine assembly and outer sleeve, I wish they made the inner magazine clear plastic with a bright bb follower and just get rid of the sticker so you could see the bb level somewhat.

Only neutral points for would be that:

-They are a pain to load with a standard thumb speed-loader (duh, they're 190rds), to the point that I bought an Odin M12 crank loader since I have 4 and loading almost 800 rounds by hand before the first game is no fun.
-They do have some body squeeze
by Isaac w. on 07/02/2017
"love these mags! i've owned 2 of these mags for a few weeks now and all i have to say is that they're amazing! although i do wish that they made a full metal version of these mid caps

Feeds very well
Holds a good amount of bbs

does feel a bit weaker than my 6mmPro shop mid caps( but overal these are the best mid caps i have ever used)
by Noah T. on 06/22/2017
"Great mags if your looking for a relativaly cheap mid cap magazines. I bought three of these mags and use them in my G&G CM16 and they work amazing, only holding three mags, ive been able to play and hour to and hour and a half of game time without reloading the mags.

-feed great (never have had a feeding issue with these magazines)
-hold alot of bbs for a mid cap
-none the less they look pretty cool
-work good in my CM16, and i was worried because my friend also has an m4 and these mags dont work in his gun. so my recomendation, do a little research on the mags and the gun that you are going to nuy or already have to make sure your not buying the wrong thing.
-none (except with the CM16, the mags are really sensitive to the mag release so it dosent take much to take them out of the gun, but that is probably just something that all the CM16s have) other than that, they work amazing! ive never had a better high cap magazine.
by Andrew G. on 06/17/2017
"Great Mags for M4 platforms! I had to sand down the front part of mine to fit my m4 stubby rifle, but other then that I like these mags a lot.
by Connor M. on 06/04/2017
"Phenomenal mags. These mags are pretty much a clone of the pts epm, just less expensive. I was skeptical about buying these, but once I got the three I ordered, I was pleasantly surprised. Dumped all 190 rounds in each of them five times and they fed flawlessly. Only minor problem I see is that when inserting them, you have to make sure you hear the 'click' to get them all the way in, or else they will just fall out.
Super awesome Mags!
by Ryan V. on 04/22/2017
"These mags are great, really high quality polymer. I have not had a single problem with these mags. these are really good for the price. I would recommend to anyone.
by Armando E C. on 03/28/2017
by Tong Y. on 03/11/2017
"Good midcaps. Slightly longer then mags but that's the extra 50 rounds. Works good and never jams.

Two things I don't like. Picture of the bullets in the side is not great to look at. The bottom of the mag there is a lip so you really can't stack or store them together nicely in a double pouch.
by Evan D. on 02/21/2017
"I bought this mag because my friend 'accidently' took one of my other ones so I needed to get a new mag. This mag is probably the best I've seen and I've had absolutely no problems with it. It's feeds like a dream no problems at all and feels great. My only problem is that I don't think it's supposed to really be use in my XCR because it doesn't lock in the mag well and can be pulled out but is still tightly sealed so it's not a big deal. My advice if you are looking at buying a new mag buy this one.
by Will L. on 02/15/2017
"Feed amazing up to 50 rps (haven't tested higher) in all M4s I've tried them in. They hold 190 bbs, most I've ever seen in a good midcap, I doubt I've ever used more than 2 mags in one game.

-You can fit magpuls on them if you remove the baseplate and stretch them on, tight fit but it works. After slide the baseplate back on and put the screw in.
by Benjamin G. on 01/23/2017
"Ordered 5 for my Krytac SPR, no problems so far. Feeds good and is easily able to handle to 20 RPS, very competitively priced as well.
by Matt J. on 09/14/2016
"Bought 5 of these with my friend's Matrix M4 when he got into playing airsoft, and I have to admit, these have become the reason I don't bother with hi-caps anymore. All five have fit and fed in numerous guns like his Matrix M4, my old DBoys Scar, my ICS M16, and so forth. They do wobble a little in the M16 but ICS receivers have a larger than normal mag well from my experience.

The mags themselves are fantastic.

- 190rd capacity, more than any other M4 midcap, and so close to a hi-cap I feel there's no point in bothering with them anymore.
- Decent construction - Outer shell of the mag is pretty rigid and protects the actual inner mag that holds the BBs well.
- Feed fantastically - No issues on a 30+ rps M4 build with .25g bbs, just needed to install a tappet delayer chip.
- Great price - $10/mag is great, and the occasional 10 for $75 is a steal.

- One out of the ten I bought has some issues feeding in that same 30rps M4, but I will fault the gun as it was being worked on at the time.
- Bullets sticker is kinda gimmicky, and looks rather tacky from up close. From afar it's a non-issue though.

Honestly these are probably the single best Evike-branded thing I've ever bought. These magazines are incredible and I hope so much that they go ahead and make G36, G3, and AK variants of this mag because these have completely eliminated any reason for me to run hi-caps ever again.

10/10, will be using these exclusively for any and all builds that use AR magazines from here on.
by two c. on 09/05/2016
"after an initial pre lube (silicone oil load 50 or 60 BB's silicone oil and then load mag to capacity let sit minimum overnight ) these things are awesome! Had my first set for over a year now and after about 9 months they stopped feeding. Repeated all the steps to lube them and after a break-in period of one or two mags fired they are once again Rock Solid.


nearly a high cap mag but none of the rattles associated with them. 190 rounds is more than enough to get the job done.
Have a good look, and although they are wider than a standard mag they have no problems fitting in any of my pouches.
With proper maintenance mine have lasted a solid year with no signs of failing so far.


Do not fit the H&K 416

Final thoughts.
Personally these are my go-to choice of magazines. I've had no problems with them keeping up with anything however I don't have an insane rof. If you run a standard weapon and don't have a crazy rof and are running a 416. These are worth looking into. For any standard build that you're going to be able to use on most milsim type Fields these are absolutely awesome! In my opinion I would give 6 out of 5 Stars if possible
by Chris Y. on 09/02/2016
"What a great affordable midcap! It feeds beautifully in my Elite Force CQB 2015 M4. I've dropped it several times and there is still no damage to the mags what so ever. Only problem i have had with this is that the bb capacity out of the box is around 90 BBs.But no worries, it went right up to the 150-19 bb mark after breaking it in a bit. Overall a great buy worth every penny!
by William B. on 08/30/2016
"Amazing Magazine if your looking for a mid-capacity magazine that feeds well and looks cool. I've never had these magazines miss-feed or jam on me. They feed mostly every last bb. (except for the few that don't feed) A note to add: these magazines are a little bigger than your standard m4 magazine. They fit in snug in m4s just fine, just they are longer than a standard m4 magazine. Another note: The dummy bullets you see is obviously just a sticker, but it would've been better if they just didn't have that feature added.

Overall amazing mid-capacity magazines for the price, and the performance is just the same as well. Expect nothing but good things from these mags.