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WE-Tech Hi-CAPA Airsoft Gas Blowback Pistol (Model: 5.1 P14 / Black / Green Gas)

172 Customer Reviews

by Eric L. on 04/26/2013
"Excellent weapon! I took it to play two days after I got it. I was cornered and only had this pistol. I squeased off a round and scored a head shot under fire from the opposing team from about 60 feet away with only his head visible. I'd say that's good accuracy for a pistol because I cant shoot for crap normally. Than I used it for my primary weapon in three more rounds and scored some more good hits with it. Needless to say, I'm satisfied.
by Chris C. on 04/26/2013
"Kicks hard as hell, shoots hard and feels great.
Although mine is not accurate, always shoots to the left like a foot or 2 off target from 30 feet.
But whatever its not a sniper...
by Chris C. on 04/26/2013
"Kicks hard as hell, shoots hard and feels great.
Although mine is not accurate, always shoots to the left like a foot or 2 off target from 30 feet.
But whatever its not a sniper...
by Ali A. on 04/26/2013
"i dont know where to start. i got this on christmas and to this day, i love it!!! not only is it accurate and fast, it has one of the hardest blowback kicks i've ever used. this full metal monster may be small but it is a killer! i dont know what i like more.... the smooth design or the amazing feel and power.

this airsoft pistol is recommended to players of all levels!
by Ali A. on 04/26/2013
"i dont know where to start. i got this on christmas and to this day, i love it!!! not only is it accurate and fast, it has one of the hardest blowback kicks i've ever used. this full metal monster may be small but it is a killer! i dont know what i like more.... the smooth design or the amazing feel and power.

this airsoft pistol is recommended to players of all levels!
by will s. on 04/26/2013
"dood i got this gun 1 year ago and its sick FAST HEAVYWEIGHT ACCURATE AND A HIGH MAG CAP if your looking for a good accurate fast shooting gun its all yours
by will s. on 04/26/2013
"dood i got this gun 1 year ago and its sick FAST HEAVYWEIGHT ACCURATE AND A HIGH MAG CAP if your looking for a good accurate fast shooting gun its all yours
by Janette G. on 03/14/2013
"This is a really nice built gun. Very clean and powerful look to it. I have to say tho that this is rather big. To base it off a colt 1911, it's alot bigger. So for someone with small hands it wouldn't be the best .

Also as the other reviews say this will eat green gas so highly recommend propane.

It's a really great gun, no problems so far

Heavy weight
Very sturdy
Metal feels really nice
Hi cappa so you won't run out of bbs too fast
Blow Back

Very bulky if you want to put attachments
Need a universal holster

But besides that this is a really great gun!
by Daniel K. on 02/20/2013
1. Accurate
2. Powerful
3. Nice Blow-Back
4. Good Ammo (Double Stack)

1. Terrible in cold weather!!!!!
2. One of my mags leaks.
3. NOT FULL METAL (Handle is 80% plastic)

1. The Slide is wobbly but its not a problem, the barrel is also wobbly but not a problem. You want your slide and barrel to be wobbly.

2. Overall very good GBB it is my first and I like it. Just look into other guns, this may not be the best for you.
by Michael S. on 01/30/2013
full metal
mags hold a lot of bbs
tactical rail

not that accurate
by Ben D. on 01/22/2013
"Great gun straight out of the box. All i expected and then some. Now to the pros and cons

Pros: Great accuracy
very comfortable
a nice mag size
easy to load with or without speed loader

overall i give it a 5/5 somewhat because its my first GBB pistol and i have 2 other friends' to compare it to but my first impressions was that it met all my expectations
by Marcus H. on 01/15/2013
I akimbo 2 of these.
Performance is great, now that WE decided to work with Taiwan instead of China. BIG DIFFERENCE!!!

Great capacity for the mag, About 30 bbs
Pretty good on weight, not heavy, but feels like the real deal!
The slide is awesome and the trigger is on point.

Mags are gas hogs, Its like this with all GBB

That's it!!!
by James M. on 11/29/2012
"This blowback pistol is AMAZING!!!!! It has quite a kick, great for CQB, rail for lasers and lights. Overall i give this gun 5/5 i have had this for a year and still works great

full metal except grip
VERY SEXY looking

paint chips after a while (especially on the mag)
by Sam N. on 11/16/2012
"Got 2 of these guns not to long ago from a friend. Let me say, the gun is very well put together. Shots pretty hard also.


Well built
340-350 fps
Will put a smile on your face :D
Part upgrades/ compatibility
by Matt B. on 10/20/2012
"My first gas pistol sidearm and its shoots really good. Great accuracy and gun is relatively light compared to most pistols. Would recommend picking up some extra mags.

sexy looking
comfortable grip

green gas (prefer c02, get a Co2 mag!)