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Condor Gen 2 Battle Belt (Color: Black / Small)

78 Customer Reviews

by Clancy J. on 06/29/2021
"It's good quality, but way to big. I wear 30-32, so I got the smallest size, and it's still to big. I also have the same issue with a couple of Condor chest rigs. I think the designers at Condor must be sumo wrestlers.

Anyways, it is good quality and works as intended.
by Joshua J. on 01/05/2019
"This with the belt will not fit a 36 in waist.
by Glendon C. on 03/07/2016
"You get what you are paying for with a belt of this price. At $18, I cannot complain about the belt's quality, as it is definitely reflective of its price. After 6 months of pretty consistent use, the belt is beginning to fall apart on me and the molle is drooping. My setup is not very heavy (3 gas pistol mags + pistol holster and a dump pouch on the back) Anything that is upwards of a pound seems to droop forwards in the belt. The belt is still usable, but everything feels loose and tends to fly everywhere when I run. In retrospect, if I were to only run AEG midcaps/hi caps in the belt, this would be a fine option to use since the majority of those magazines are light. However, for mounting a sidearm or any sort of gas related magazine, I would not recommend the belt.