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Golden Eagle M4A1 Carbine Airsoft AEG Rifle w/ Enhanced LiPo Ready Upgraded Gearbox (Package: Black - 9.6v Battery Package)

87 Customer Reviews

by David N. on 06/04/2008
"All I can say is WOW! This gun is great, we have two of them on our team and they simply dominate. I added a metal body, a red dot scope and some TAC rails to finish off this little gem. It shoots hard and fast, infact you'll need to be careful with it because it will draw blood! Until now only our snipers could do that!!!! I highly recommend this weapon, for the price it can not be beat, add some extras and you'll still pay less than a CA or TM and have a ton of power too!
by anthony k. on 05/29/2008
"great gun...the best ive ever had. Its power is brutal and makes for a great support weapon. the .2s pass through everything. the only problem is if you are playing with a mask, you may want to buy a red dot sight because the iron sights are hard to use. My set-up is this m4 with a red/ green dot sight and a 3000 auto drum mag. this weapon dominates (your friends will hate you for the over 415 fps).
by andrew r. on 02/25/2013
"good solid gun shoots loud and hard no wobble

free 300 rd mag
brass inner barrel
solid build
400 + with .25g bb
removable carrying handle
free 8.4 v battery and charger

small crack in my lower receiver
locked flash hider
cheep bbs
mag had a jam but easy fix
by Simeon R. on 01/20/2013
"This gun is great for beginners. Chronographed at 400 Fps which is a great fps for a gun right out of the box. The rate of fire is good but not incredible. I would recommend this gun to anyone who is starting to play airsoft.

Rate of Fire
Li Poly ready

Doesn't have a rail system
Battery (Get a 9.6 or Li Poly battery)
by kyle w. on 12/04/2011
"I give this gun a 4 out of 5 because of a few things

1. good entry level gun
2. decent internals
3. fps is good... at first
4. decent range
5. decent accuracy
6. its a m4 so chances r u and the guys u play with have compatable mags

1. cheap externals (except outer barrel and and trigger but what would u expect for the price)
2. fps drops after about 2 months (mine chroned at about 340)
3. rails would be nice but thats a personal taste

Its a good entry level gun for its price but if u get into more frequent and serious play then either a new gun or a lot of upgrades would be a good idea.
by Andrew G. on 02/19/2011
"i have had this gun for a while and i decided to write this review. i first got this gun because i needed it for the airsoft team i was on. upon first look and feel this gun had a hefty weight. it also was very nicely and securely made. the body is made of abs plastic but im going to change that anyway. when i went out to shot it, it had good power and accuracy from 50 feet away i was using .25 in the gun at the time.
another thing i noticed is the gun had horrible rof so i bought a 9.6 and it has decent rof now. it also jammed on me once and sometimes if its cold it will lock up


nice weight
powerful with using .25s
durable build to it
decent rof with a 9.6

abs body
bad rof with stock battery
accuracy could be better
can jam sometimes
locks up in the cold

overall- nice gun for the price well worth the money jg is always going to be a good gun producer.
by Michael G. on 11/18/2008
"CCW (-) 14mm threads are on it and please for the love of god quit with the 50 charecters bullshit already thanks!
by Cody R. on 07/16/2008
"I've had this this gun for over 6 months if i think right, been in lots of battles and luv it, accurate, easy to upgrade. It's better than my other guns (ak47 for example) because i've never had a problem with it. The only thing i will say is that it doesn't shoot more than 400 FPS EVER (had a meter thing to check it, also used radar guns). it was slightly disappointing but it's okay since our club doesn't allow us to have guns that shoot over 400.
by Mike C. on 11/14/2008
"OR HOW MUCH ROF (RATE OF FIRE)?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
by Mike C. on 11/10/2008
"HOW MUCH RPM(ROUNDS PER MINUTE)!?!?!?!?!?! PLZ RESPOND QUICKLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Chris M. on 10/11/2008
"so if i order the gun with an upgrade beining a li-poly battery, will the gun come with a battery
by Chris M. on 10/09/2008
"JG M4A1

What is the lipoly battery set? And does this gun come with a battery if you don't choose any upgrades?