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Shadow Op MB01 Type96 MK96 APS-2 Airsoft Bolt Action Sniper Rifle (Color: Desert Tan / Add 3-9x40 Scope)

240 Customer Reviews

by james b. on 10/09/2009
"I just for this gun today in the mail, great packaging, i fired this gun today with .25 bb's oh my god, they flew very impressed with this range on the sniper rifle. cant wait to use it on a game.
by Talon S. on 10/08/2009
"After Figuring out what size BB to use this gun "Dominated Everything" says my friend, im personally not the one to use ranged weps but seeing my friend use my own gun and hit someone wayyyyy out there atleast 120 yrd out; i was in awe. This Gun is really Pretty good AND Reliable! If your gonna get a sniper this is a bang for your buck, It hasnt failed me.
by carol p. on 09/30/2009
"this gun is amazing. this gun has great range, and is such a beautiful gun.but i do have some suggestions:

use 25 gram bbs.even though you lose fps by like 10, 25s will increase accuracy.

get a good scope.the one that you can buy with the gun is great.

if you have enough money, get the bi-pod, too.(just levels off gun.)

comes with 2 mags.(30 rounds go by fast!)i reccomend getting 1 more mag if you have enough cash.

pros:good fps,range, and mag capacity.(especially with 2 mags!)

cons:little heavy, but you get used to it, ok sling, kinda like regular slings from other guns.
how to load the mag. its a bit difficult, but just practice.

5 out of 5!!!! :)
by jacob h. on 09/23/2009
"i got this gun its a great sniper just dont mess with hop up and the con is that it takes time to take the barrel out to clean not good if your on the field but if you do it before itll stay clean and you cant use cloth you have to put in a q tip and push it down with your unjamming rod the pros are good sniper for up to 200ft and its cheaply priced
by Kristine G. on 09/16/2009
"This gun is AMAZING!!!!!!!! I got it about 6 months ago and it still works like the first day I shot it. It works best with .28 rounds and i recomend you get alot. This gun is very powerful, and accurate as soon as you get your scope aligned. IT IS A BEAST!! Before I got my scope, i was just free aiming it and i shot my friend in the groin from 100 yds away and made him keel over for about 5 minutes (he always gets hit in the worst spots) and i had a sinister smile when i popped him. Great gun, great price, highly recomend from beginner to pro.
by Laurence S. on 09/14/2009
"This gun is amazing, That is all you need to know.
by kyle m. on 09/13/2009
"ok airsofters look i bought this gun and the day i got it i took it down stairs printed a target of the internaet and took some shots. it was amazing i didnt even have to adjust the hop-up to hit dead center. now one thing i hated about this gun was the manuals it comes with thay tell you nothing first of if you buy the scope dont just sit there turning the nobs the way you adjust the scope if by taking the caps of then using a flat head to adjust scope. this gun is also great and easy to upgrade. now if your looking for a great sniper look no further. the best part of this gun is the bolt as long as your not weak it is easy as pie to pull back.
by Jennifer N. on 09/06/2009
"i just got this gun it is wonderful... if you want a sniper and dont want to pay through the roof for one then this is your gun. webmaster or anyone does this gun have a stud mount on the bottom??? i don't know what it is and i want the Matrix Harris Style Spring Eject Socom / Sniper Bipod, but i dont know if it will fit.
by Kevin M. on 09/01/2009
"Most amazing gun i ever bought. One suggestion however, definatly buy a ton of .25g or .28g!!!!! not .20g because they arent that accurate
by David C. on 04/09/2009
"I just got this gun about 2 weeks ago. It is really great. Amazingly quiet, And most important it is dead accurate. It works great with .25 but i haven't tried .28 in it. The only thing is that the bipod comes out really easy and is wobbly. but everything els on the gun is great. If you want to get a high powered airsoft gun particularly a sniper, I would lead you to this gun cause it is cheap for what it does.
by Chris S. on 03/31/2009
"I purchased this gun and received it in the mail a week ago. I purchased a 3x-12x scope with A.O. on it and my bipod. The scope was more than the gun but it that's okay because now i can figure range and use for recon. I took it out 2 days ago and consistently hit a 8'' spread at roughly 70 yards after a couple hours of tinkering using .28 gram bb's. at 15 yards, just for fun, i can hit a beer bottle cap the first time every time. I watched videos on youtube before purchasing it, and the kids have to put everything they have into cocking the bolt. If you have any muscle whatsoever it's not hard at all. With no upgrades this gun is spectacular for the money. The only cons are the 25 rnd mags which are a pain to load and go very fast when delivering support fire. BUY EXTRA MAGS. This is the last gun in the world you want for short range firefights. get a backup. a shortened MP5 works nicely.
by Roger M. on 03/31/2009
"recently got this and have finally sighted it in.WOW!I got the bi-pod and an upgrade on the scope (armored Leapers) and an extra magazine.This thing is powerful and will hit whatever I'm capable of shooting.Lose the sling that comes with it and order a real one as this gun is too heavy to carry without a good one.Make sure you hose it all down good with silicone and wipe it off good...also swab out the barrel good too as theres a coating of preservative on it.I taped the tip you have to use on the speedloader specifically for this gun and it works a lot better.I'm using .28's but .3 or even .35's may be even better...I'll be checking that out in the future.This is a HUGE rifle and really intimidating.The bolt flicks easily once cleaned and gets better with use.It's a lot of fun to shoot and an excellent sniper.It's also the quietest airsoft I have...both in the action and the muzzle report. Excellent rifle and a good value for the money...get a 52" case it IS THAT big LOL...
by toby wessell w. on 03/24/2009
"i love this gun it is so good.but the only problem i have with it is that i cant take the bolt and receiver off from the stock so i cant clean it.
by spit f. on 03/15/2009
by Andrew F. on 03/15/2009
"This gun is one of the best guns I have ever owned. I recomend getting the scope because it can be hard to aim without sometimes. The sling broke the week after i got it but that is a very minor setback for this gun. Overall this gun is beast!!!