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Double Eagle M3 3-Round Burst Multi-Shot Shell Loading Airsoft Shotgun (Model: Full Stock)

146 Customer Reviews

by Kyle B. on 10/09/2008
"ok this look's awesome. my friend has this shotgun and it kicks azz. i was in a war with him and i had a really cr@ppie gun, so i popped up from hehind a rock every five seconds to give me time to reload my bad pistol, and right when i popped up from behind the rock, he shot this thing, one bullet was above my head, and the other two bullets where on either side of my head, if i was 5 feet closer all 3 bullets would have nailed me full in the face!!! i just ordered this gun... ill post all the details ina week. hope this helped...
by sam p. on 10/08/2008
"To jesse algera:just buy UTG m3 shotgun shells they come in packs of 6 for only $14
by jesse a. on 10/08/2008
"what shells should i buy for this????? its kinda hard to tell and are thay expensive i hope not
by Ryan H. on 10/04/2008
"good overall , but made of abs plastic , and one side on mine popped out when i dropped it. but fixed with a flathead screwdriver. JUST MAKE SURE TO BUY 2 TO 3 EXTRA PACKS OF SHELLS OR YOU WILL BE SORRY!
by Josh M. on 10/04/2008
"What is the range on this gun???????????????????????????????????????
by james k. on 10/02/2008
"This is the best spring shot gun that i ever used/seen when i first got out the box i was amazed in how heavy it was it has good range and good power still dont know ouch factor yet here are my pros and cons.
stiff pump (not for the weak)

cant pump it while barrel is vertical or will not shoot i think ill check in to it again

Over all its a must get.
by Taylor S. on 09/03/2008
"This gun is great, I used it at Jericho yesterday, it can DEFINITELY go up against aeg, this thing is super accurate and the grouping is great, I got 2 headshots and about 10 body shots (By the way I'm not a noob with only springers I have a TM M14 and a ICS (Not ICS internals) M4, I saw someone with it and was like meh and he showed me and I shot it, and just fell in love I used it the whole day, if you got the cash, but this thing, u wont regret it... (I wish I ould give it 7/5 stars)
by Ashraf H. on 09/01/2008
"I got this gun last week and have had no problems with it so far, of course I've only used it in one skirmish with my friends, although I've shot it good amount of times in my backyard as well. The package included 2 shells, 1 shotgun, 1 sling, 1 inner barrel cleaning rod, 1 semi-clear plastic speed loader, and manual

Pros: Not too hard to cock; very accurate for 3 shot burst; quick and simple sighting allows for quick aiming; no louder than a spring gun when shot (when loaded); loud when empty to tell you its out; rubber grip and cocking mechanism; great feedback (screams of pain)

Cons: Hard to shoot with one hand, a little too heavy for that; The cheap sling that comes with it is one short unconnected strap and two unattached rings that you must manually install and barely fits around your shoulder; runs out of ammo a little too quickly, (10 shots), I highly recommend buying the extra shells, only comes with two

Overall, I think this gun is worth every penny and is a great CQB backup or sidearm
by Cody G. on 08/15/2008
"I just got this about an hour ago and it has jamed and one of the three barrels is full of bb's for the other 2 i used the cleaning rod to jam them further down the barrel and then i shot them out (a long streem of them flew out) the reason i gave it a 5 was that i'm sure i've just messed up not it and when it worked it worked perfectly and definitly could go up against aeg's. I used tsd tactical ultra slick bb's in it . if anyone has an idea what i did wrong please tell me and the manual didn't say anything about the bb's not coming out in the mag well. there's one hole in the mag well and three barrels so you see the problem. so what do i do. also get a pack of 6 shells you'll need them thanks.
by paulo r. on 07/23/2008
"this is the best shotgun that i ever bought. In one game i hit ah guy 70 feet away.but i recommed it to be a backup weapon or for CQB.
by Chris G. on 07/22/2008
by Johnny S. on 07/13/2008
"When you punp it it will chamber the arounds and spring. Pull the trigger tos hoot. Hope this answer your question.
by will s. on 07/10/2008
"I SO want to git this gun but can you pump it it twice and shoot 6 shots if you cant im ok with that plz tell me
by Harrison R. on 07/10/2008
"god i hate this gun but i love it ... prob the best spring gun on the market for the price ... just to explain the power of this gun, i shot my friend in the gut at about 10 yards about a month ago when i first got this, and he still has the marks ... only problem i have with it is you'll bust your elbow pumping it ... it needs alot of force ... otherwise an amazing gun
by donovan e. on 07/02/2008
"Man this gun is great to use a a back up. Its perfect for building clearing and is fun to use.