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CYMA Sport AK47 Tactical Airsoft AEG Rifle (Model: Underfolding Stock / Add 7.4v LiPo Battery + Charger)

175 Customer Reviews

by Christian h. on 09/23/2010
"This gun is amazing bought it a couple weeks ago and love it after you pick it up you cant stop shooting.

good fps
adjustable sight
600rd mag

heavy for yonger kids but for everyone else perfect weight

other than that great gun 5 out of 5
by CARLOS ALBERTO L. on 09/11/2010
"i got this AEG 1 year ago, and i am happy because it works very good,
by Christian h. on 09/07/2010
"Just got the gun today looking forward for next war!!!

by Bill L. on 06/07/2010
"This gun is really great. I got it last week, and so far I have shot it almost every day. Believe me, when you get this gun, you will become addicted to shooting it. It has a great feel and great weight, though may be slightly longer than needed (the stock I mean).

-High FPS
-Great Range and Accuracy, one of the best
-Great weight and feel
-Great color and look, feels like a true AK
-High ROF
-Extremely sturdy construction
-Hop Up works extremely well

-Can jam sometimes, though the unjamming rod works.
-I sometimes end up firing blanks quite often, even though there are still rounds in the mag. I don't know if it is the BB's I am using or just the gun. I use .2 g Softair High Density rounds with +/-.03 tolerance. Or is it the high cap mag? Webmaster help, please?

Overall, the gun is well worth the money, and if I could get this firing blanks problem under control it would shoot right to the top of my list for airsoft. It has one of the best accuracies that I have seen, and can't wait to use it in a real battle. A best buy for a starter AEG, but only after getting a $40+ dollar springer. It is the perfect gun for woods play.
by austin s. on 06/06/2010
"This is my first actual airsoft gun other than wallmart spring pistols and i am very happy with my purchase i have had it for about 2 months and it has had no problems (other than the fire selector coming a bit loose but you can fix it up really easily) overall this is a great gun and is great for wars
by stephen p. on 05/02/2010
"does this come with a maazine??cuz it says it doesnt but i would imagine ppl would be complaining about that in the reviewwss
so please answer guickly
by Richard H. on 04/09/2010
"i love this gun. the paratrooper stock makes it great for cqb. its very solid, and it is accurate at very long distances. I did have a problem with the cap for the stock, but it was not a hard fix. Very easy to dissasemble too.
by Karen M. on 04/08/2010
"this is my first aeg and i love it.....380 fps, extremely accurate, high rate of fire, i cannot find anything wrong with this rifle
by Ryan S. on 03/07/2010
"good gun the first time I used it was the first day I got it and i didn't adjust the sights so it wasn't as accurate as i had hoped, along with the fact that i accidently fell asleep while it was charging, so the battery completely fried and after 10 min i had to use my semi accurate gas pistol, still never hit any body though. next time I will get a smart charger... but great gun over all
by ross c. on 03/02/2010
"This was my very first gun that I got when I had just gotten into airsoft, and let me tell you, to this day it is still one of the best guns I've ever held. It shoots hard, it has great range, and it's crazily accurate. The only con is that the battery compartment is a little hard to open and close the first few times. Other than that, FANTASTIC gun.
by Logan T. on 01/20/2010
"I recently got this AEG, and all I can say is that I love it. For my purposes (CQB backyard wars) It has decent range, accuracy, and a pretty decent rate of fire, although I would recommend a better battery. Other people have mention problems with the selector switch coming loose, and the rear sling mount falling apart, as far as my AEG, I've had no problems with them. The only problem I've had is I can't get the orange tip off to put on a mock silencer. If anyone knows how, please, let me know, I'd like to get that stupid tip off so I can put on my mock silencer. :D

In short, great gun, and it's good for newbies, or experienced players just looking for a gun to mess around with.
by Scott R. on 12/30/2009
"This gun is amazing i bought it from a friend who bought it upon my recommendation and i fell in love with it so much i bought it from him i love the stock 600 round mag it lasts so long and when ur battling 2 m4s with 300 rds apiece and they run out b4 u its a great feeling

crazy fps
big mag
great rof

hop up is hard to find perfect setting
eats up bbs
by nate h. on 10/09/2009
"i bought this gun a week ago and i have used it alot this gun is worth 150 or more it has great fps and accuracy get it
by Martha D. on 09/25/2009
"This is a pretty good gun i would reconmend it for any newbie. If you order it you might want to order a nother battery make sure it is a mini conector tho. the only problem so far with it is the battery( a NI-Cd) is realy easy to frie. The other thing is if you order it only charge the battery for 4 hours and 30 min. i made the mistake of following the directions witch say to charge it for 12 hours the first time and now it is fried but after you chatge it for 4 hours and 30 min. the first time charge it for 4 hours every time after. I would also reconmend getting a smart charger for it just because the battery is so easty to frie. My next order im most defenantly gona order a smart charger so good luck and this gun is very intemadateing up close it will MOST DEFANENTLY scare off your enemy it did for me..

P.S. It sounds awsome to
by tim j. on 09/10/2009
"I got this about 3 days ago and have put 600 rounds through it. Accutate gun!!! and its pretty fast to. But the cap on the right side of the stock came off. Easy fix if this happens to you, there is a screw on the side of the cap, and you just have to align it where the stock meets the reciever and tighten it with an allen key.
realistic weight
looks sick
400 fps
600 round mag(quick wind)
feels very solid. its either metal on most parts or high grade plasic on the other parts.

stock came loose but its an easy fix.
wobbles a bit. but its not bad at all