Shadow Op MB01 Type96 MK96 APS-2 Airsoft Bolt Action Sniper Rifle (Color: Desert Tan)
240 Customer Reviews
by Mike v. on 12/27/2008
"alright this is probably one of the best snipers i have ever used. it is very sturdy and very well built. its very strong and accurate at about 180 feet. it can probably go about 250 feet though.
by Phyllis H. on 12/25/2008
by Andres I. on 12/23/2008
"yes this gun is great. its only jammed on me once but that was my mistake. very accurate up to at least about 150 feet and it hurts like a son-of-a.... anyway i would recomend this gun if you were to get a sniper. best on the market
by Brad G. on 12/20/2008
"this is the best sniper i have ever used. I've tripped with it many a time, and it still works fine. I've taken the entire thing apart cause my retard friend decided to jam it, and it still works nice. i've made a friend of mine bleed from 30 feet away. it has amazing power. it's such a sweet sniper for the price. i've had it since may, and it's only gotten a few scratches. my friends are scared of me when i snipe because of this gun. The pros to it are the fps, range, and the quality. the only thing i don't really like about it is that putting the clip in is kinda rough. oh well. zero the scope in, and you have one devastating gun.
by Kathy W. on 12/04/2008
"got this gun a couple weeks ago and was kinda upset at first as my box had been ripped and taped up sometime prior to my purchase and the gun wasnt even in the styrofoam also had a white water stain on top of the barrel but it eventually came off and it didn't have any scratches or ne thing so i assembled it threw on my 3-9x40 scope adjusted the hop up and let me tell you shes got some power and is quieter than my Mauri Mk23 w the silencer... also the box it comes in says it comes w bipod which it doesnt but other than afew minor problems its a real sturdy gun all metal upper receiver and internals. pinpoint accurate w/ .28's great gun 5 stars
by Joseph T. on 12/04/2008
"Is this gun covered under's 14 day warranty? They say they don't cover spring guns, and sniper rifles are spring. Just wanted to make sure before I bought.
by Max G. on 12/02/2008
"Thanks Dan that helps alot. im not lookin for originality and even if i was i wouldnt go wit the JG bar 10 cus the other sniper on our team has it so ya. I am plannin on keepin it clean our squad leader drills cleanin our rifles into our heads so that will be fine. 2 more questions. wat type of bbs should i use with this rifle and how is the scope in the package
by Dan O. on 12/02/2008
"Ok max, this is the deal with this gun. I have had it for over two years and know the thing frontwards and backwards and guess what it still works beautifully. So if you want a gun that will work well for sniping buy it. One downside is that the L96 is basically the new m4 in sniping in that everyones getting one.i got it when no one had one cus im the kinda guy that likes to be different ( didn't work out). so if your going for originality go with the jg bar10. But in coparison the l96 is more accurate and more powerful with more range and the bolt is much smoother in my opinion but your also throwing another 30 to 40 bucks more out for it.( i dont remember the price). anyway one thing you may notice about the gun that happened with mine is that the greese that utg puts in the gun to lube it is in a hugely large proportion so you just simply open it up and clean it out somewhat but don't knock it all out or you'll scratch your bolt up. On the note that you said about how it has the same range as an electric thats just not true. I f you keep it clean which isn't hard and get your hop up right which may take 10 to 15 minutes then you'll be golden. For instance i can hit targets at around 200 feet. now you may have to move a click or two down to hit those targets but you can do it and it still hurts. One more positive is that this thing is almost mute. in a game nobody ever knows where i am because they can't see me or here me shoot. ( So you know my ghillie suit helps with the seeing aspect) So if its what you want buy it.... take care of it... and shoot your friends a lot harder than they shoot you.
by Henry B. on 11/24/2008
"I got this gun last year and still works great. I have only had to lube it twice. Very powerful and accurate. Would Recomend getting it. Are there any upgrades I can get for it?
by Joseph R. on 11/17/2008
"this gun is amazing! i got it about 4 months ago and it still shoots just as good as it did when i got it. if you are thinking about buying this gun, do it. but use heavy bb's or else it will curve like crap
by Ben S. on 11/10/2008
"i got this gun about a year back and it is by far my favorite gun i own. ive always been a fan of the bolt-action rifles. i was a little worried about getting a UTG because i had previously bought an AK-47 from UTG and it strait up fell apart while i was using it. let me tell you, ive had no problems with this rifle. its a nice weight and feels good. the only compliant i have is that the mags are kinda hard to load. but once you own the gun for awhile, that becomes second nature. just make sure you have your speedloader handy. the main point here is that this is a great gun and its a pretty god price too. buy it!
by Kris O. on 11/10/2008
"This is the same exact gun as the UTG Type96. All the OEM factories (JG, Double Eagle, AGM...) are all going direct to USA now. Thats how you can get same exact guns for cheaper price. Evike still carry the UTG brand if you want to have that color box. The magazines are all compatible, same power, a lot of my friends had the UTG one, this one just got available.
by Matt V. on 11/09/2008
"I am wondering what should i get a TSD Tactical L96 or this?
by sam s. on 11/07/2008
"hey guys im tryin to decide between a utg m324 or a utg l96 please let me know whats the best choise thanks
by mike r. on 11/06/2008
"its a good gun stock but i reconmend the utg upgrade kit its easy to install and beefs up the power to 500-550 fps