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Matrix Match Grade 6mm Airsoft BBs (Color: .28g / 1000 Rounds / White)

304 Customer Reviews

by troy k. on 09/05/2010
"best bbs ever matrix is best brand for bbs dont matter how many you buy just buy matrix
by Dante G. on 09/03/2010
"these bbs rock especially in my thompson theymake my friends look like swiss cheese after a roun
by Nick S. on 09/01/2010
"i bought the TSD Tactical SD700 sniper and got these and it shoots great absolutly nothing wrong with them great bbs.
by fred S. on 06/22/2010
"I absolutely love these BBs

Out of the 5 bags I've fired through so far I have yet to have a single (non-gun related) problem with these BBs.
They feed well even at a solid 18rps!
$10 for a 5000rd bag!


I would love to deal exclusively with these BBs for our team.
Hesitant to order these BBs because when shipped with free shipping Evike throws them in the same box as everything else and they crush everything, would not order with fragile items on the same order.
by Catherine D. on 06/13/2010
"The best bb's ever I am kinda new to airsoft and am on a limited budgetso I have 2 spring guns and an ebb pistol and these bb's are perfect for those with limited budgets who only use top quality ammo in there gun. The only place around me to buy bb's is walmart and they are horrible. I live in the suburbs of Chicago so ground shipping doubles the prove but the quality is worth the money.
by Paul E. on 06/04/2010
"i just baught my first "good" airsoft gun and im new to aeg's so when i just purchased my new gun i new i needed more bb's and i didnt really think bb's had that big of an impact on how your gun is and OMG it does. these bb's are amazing in my vsr 10 and really good in my new sr 25 mod 1. (if you have the mod 1 i would reccomend .23's, they would probobly be amazing.) overall GREAT BUY!
by Brian K. on 05/19/2010

I use these bbs for my sniper and my ak-47 both are now very accuate

just a note to sniper people... theyre only .02g lighter than .30g, yet you pay 9 dollars for 5000 .3g bbs (.28g is $18 dollars per 5000)
by chris p. on 05/15/2010
"I perfer .23g bbs over any other bb for my AEG because they are not too light nor too heavy for a 380-415 fps airsoft. Also Matrix makes great bbs. No problems with them. If they arent firing straight then its your gun, not the bb. If the bb flys up after about 100 feet then the bb may be to light for your gun. .23g bbs ARE THE BEST FOR ANY 380-415fps AEG!
by Jane K. on 05/07/2010
"I bought these for my JG m4 and they are very good for the price. I got a head shot at 200 feet (its got an upgraded spring and a tight bore barrel) with these bb's. Now that was probably mostly luck, but still. The kid who I hit thought that he was out of range, but he wasn't. These bbs are great!
by Mark S. on 04/19/2010
"these BBs are very good i used to buy wal-mart BBs and these are a lot better used them in my D-Boys SCAR-H and AK-74S both with tightbores
by chris h. on 04/16/2010
"I bought a ton of these and have shot a ton through quite a few different guns. I have not had one single malfunction due to a poor bb. at 10 bucks a bag I have not been able to find a better deal out there. Mix these with .20 tracers and you are set.
by cormac m. on 04/12/2010
"I used to buy KSC high polished bbs for 18$ for 4000 bbs, but now i can buy 10000 for near to the same price!
by Horst O. on 03/22/2010
"i use these in my ak they hurt, i also use them in my HFC M9 and they are pretty good they havnt jammed any of my guns yet. but buy a few bags they run out before you know it
by kenneth s. on 03/20/2010
"i give these BBS a five out of five. i shot five rounds and fell in love, these BBS are perfect. there dead accurate, and have 0 problems/defects.
by jeff c. on 03/14/2010
"I think these bbs are the best i have ever ordord. They are high polished and slipery so they fly through your baral. i give this a 5/5 stars.

cons: none

props:highly recomended to buy great high grade bbs.