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The " SWAGG Pack" (Edition: 2022 April Edition)

541 Customer Reviews

by JR C. on 06/24/2020
"Got mine today. I got the magazine package. Better luck in the fiture hopefully!!! It was 5 pounds in the shipping details.
by Charles T. on 06/15/2020
"Can't wait for this mini pack to come :) hehehehehehehehe
by matthew t. on 04/28/2020
"I'll admit, as long as these come out, I'll continue to buy them. I have bought probably six in total in the past couple of years.

They are fun and a cheap way to gamble for something nice. I check them out before I invest in them as each one is not the same and the ratios on grand prizes tends to change a tad with each one.

If you at least own a m4 model platform, majority of these base packages come with a bamf mid cap magazine. So you're at least getting something useful from these. It's always a little more like christmas if there is a least one thing in your order that you don't know what it is.

Finally, I can attest that you can win nicer items out of these. I received the AGM sniper rifle from this swagg pack. Normally marked around 80.00 it came with two mags and was a open box weapon. It's a nice little spring - bolt action sniper rifle that I'll add to the collection. I may put some camo covering over it and use it as a winter weapon, knowing it won't be affected by the cold winter months of NY.

Thanks Evike, and good luck everyone!
by Junehee K. on 04/17/2020
"For $10, I got a Cyma Desert Eagle AEP! I love it! This is awesome! Thank you Evike!
by wesley s. on 04/17/2020
"got a cyma deagle aep and a hex patch
by Nathan D. on 04/17/2020
"Just got my swagg pack in today and I was kinda confused because it felt heavier than the 1.00lb is was rated at so I thought it was my other order that must’ve been shipped before this one. Anyway I’ve been buying loads of gear and when I bought this pack two days later I got an email saying they needed me to provide my ID this and that blah blah and it said for the sale of a gun. Don’t know if they did that because I just never did that or if it was because of what they sent me. I got a JG MC-10 in my box and I was super confused at first then I saw on the gun box say “box of Awesomeness swagg pack” so i got lucky and this was the first box of Awesomeness I’ve ever bought. I never had money for airsoft and still kinda don’t so this $20 is well worth it for me. I’ve very grateful I got what I got because I did wait like 2 weeks for it and I got one of the last boxes.
by Nathaniel A. on 04/16/2020
"Got what was essentially $20 worth of stuff. The most exciting items I received were the LED light and M4 magazine. I may not try again the next time a SWAGG pack opens up since my luck isn't that good :')
by Joshua R. on 04/04/2020
"The package came fast but guess what! I WON A HAT! HaHa honestly not the worst 20 bucks I’ve spent. Definitely will keep trying. I just hope I don’t end up with 20+hats
by Biehl, C. on 03/31/2020
by Paul H. on 03/31/2020
"One of the better SWAG bags they've had in a while. You have a 78% chance of getting 4 of the bottom items, which is better than most. I recieved 4 of the bottom items; stickers, patch, target, and a black light band.
by JR C. on 03/25/2020
"I ended up with a $45 c02 pistol. Not bad for $10. Colt M45A1 CO2 Powered Non-Blowback Airsoft Gas Pistol (Model: Tan)
by Phillip B. on 03/04/2020
"I got a 8.4 battery that won’t fit in any gun, a cup for my beer,
Dog patch and target not bad for $10.
I wasn’t holding my breath for a gun maybe a taginn Grenade!
by Jacob M. on 02/25/2020
"Just got the SWAGG pack and although slightly disappointed that I got the “consolation prize” (The cheapest excuse of a pistol, shot 5 times and it snapped in half, two pretty dope patches ((WTF hex patch and SHAZAM doge)) and an airsoftcon shirt that is of awesome quality) it was only ~$18 with S&H so I’m not really complaining. Would I get again? Probably not this version. But I’m planning on doing it again for the next!
by ernest s. on 02/25/2020
"Ordered 3 different times with other random parts I needed the 3rd time I got a co2 non blow back pistol
by Cole H. on 02/01/2020
"Let’s be honest, we’re all paying $10 for a chance at that Big $$$ item. I haven’t ever won anything but the “consolidation” prize.

The first (Older pack) was hot garbage: Springer that fell apart on the first shot, some popper targets and some BBs that I can’t use (.20 and non bio).

Second (from this release) was better with an LED armband, that same springer that I threw away, and 2 patches that I didn’t hate.

Third box is on the way.

Overall for $10, meh. It’s worth it to me for the chance at getting that big ticket item. I mean it’s the same price as a salad and soda from Zaxbys or Wendy’s. /shrug