Shadow Op MB01 Type96 MK96 APS-2 Airsoft Bolt Action Sniper Rifle (Color: Desert Tan)
240 Customer Reviews
by Janice A. on 11/04/2008
"The bipod and scope are sold separately. This rifle comes in the nice UTG packaging directly from UTG. A very nicely finished rifle. sells it cheaper than anyone else probably because of their Volumn, most places sell it with the bipod, but here in evike the bipod and scope are both options so you can decide what you want.
by bob j. on 11/02/2008
"hey this gun dose come with a bi-pod you have to add it down at the bottom. it is like 35 for the scope and 20 for the bi-pod i think or somthing like that i got this gun and it is awsome every sniper that uses spring should have this one!!!
by Mike M. on 11/02/2008
"This rifle is sick! very accurate and with the right upgrades will hit HARD! im shooting 550+ fps with full upgrades. i even changed the outer barrel and put the AI type two flash hider on it (my rifle looks just like the Star 338 rifle a few items up on the rifle page). I would recommend this to anyone. great starter rifle. then instead of buying a new one, just modify it and bam its a monster.
by Charles M. on 10/27/2008
"GREAT GUN but.... How do u attach the bipod it's so confusing!, the directions suckkk
by Jarod R. on 10/19/2008
"About the Coke can thing...YES IT WILL!!! I actually cracked my friends safety glasses with this gun during a war. 150-200 feet should be your prefered range to welt someone pretty darn good. Under $200 is very much worth it, get this gun if your into the sniper position.
by Jeremy B. on 10/13/2008
"this thing is amazing! you really get your moneys worth with this. i bought this gun from here and i did get the bi-pod with it. the only problem i have with this gun is the hop-up system, its hard to adjust and breaking it in take some time but when you get her broken in its amazingly accurate. This gun is also one of the quiets guns i know of, i recently had an experience were i got with in 12 yards of an enemy emplacement. i took all 4 enemies out with out ever being spotted (if your only playing sanctioned matches paint the giant orange tip, super easy to spot).
two mags are more then enough for this gun if you can actually place your shots, as any sniper should.
Some suggestions for selecting a scope:
get an illuminated scope, especially if you play night games. (red / green is amazing)
the bigger the objective lens the better! bigger lens means more light gets to your eye that means you
can see better at night.
two mags are more then enough for this gun if you can actually place your shots, as any sniper should.
Some suggestions for selecting a scope:
get an illuminated scope, especially if you play night games. (red / green is amazing)
the bigger the objective lens the better! bigger lens means more light gets to your eye that means you
can see better at night.
by Wesley F. on 10/13/2008
"This gun has to be the BEST Sniper Rifle i've used along a long line of Sniper Rifles. And Mike, the Scope is just fine. You HAVE TO Zero-out the damn thing though. That's probably why you heard it was bad...the person who said that must not have Zero'ed it out right or at all. I've hit plenty of targets about 150ft-230ft away with out-standing results in the field. You can expect a .20g or .25g BB to go through a Coke Can about 50 feet away... pretty rare. I've gone through 2 of these though. The fields i play on are PRETTY tough. Ive tripped over stuff, dropped the gun, and more. Still worked. I just like to get new ones to boost my performance. I'm kind of a Heavy-Duty sniper i guess .AND i LOVE this gun. If you don't know what to buy, GET THIS. For only $155... hands down the best Sniper Rifle under $300 on the web. TOTALLY WORTH MORE THAN $155!!! Get it... no Cons AT ALL. Pros: EVERYTHING. Though the Bipod can wobble and make some noises, not that big of a problem. Like i said... GET THE FREKKIN GUN.
by Heson O. on 10/12/2008
"This is a beast sniper rifle. But assembling the gun is a critical part! If you assemble it the wrong way, it might not shoot well. The scope that comes with the gun is ok but I would spend the money and get a better scope. Black color is sick! The OD is ok looking. DON'T GET TAN! It looks horrible. Also, get a least 5 mags! You'll need them!!! And I suggest getting a sub weapon because if a big guy with a SAW comes running after you, YOU ARE DEAD!!!!!!!!
by Erik M. on 09/30/2008
"Comparison between the Well/UTG and the AGM/JG type 96.
Manufacture: Both Well and AGM are big manufactures. UTG is a well known importer and AGM / JG are currently the best Japanese clone manufacture in the world.
Exterior look / Weight: They shoot at the same exact power, look almost identical and weights the same, Inc. only carry the heavy weight model with great detail and durability.
Power output / Accuracy: Both rifle are top of the line accuracy, same barrel length and same FPS power output. (Around 450 F.P.S. on average with 0.20g bb)
Upgrade Possibility: Both Rifles are capable of mounting very nice scope and bipod. The AGM / JG model's internal is designed by Tokyo Marui so it takes all the VSR-10 upgrade parts.
The site's making it sound like the AGM/JG model is higher quatlity b/c it's internal design is by tokyo marui and that AGM/JG are the best clone manufactuers in the world. But it's cheap what the heck? The only part i noticed different about the two brands' models is this one comes with a sling and the other doesn't. Like i care i hate slings they just get in your way and make noise!
Manufacture: Both Well and AGM are big manufactures. UTG is a well known importer and AGM / JG are currently the best Japanese clone manufacture in the world.
Exterior look / Weight: They shoot at the same exact power, look almost identical and weights the same, Inc. only carry the heavy weight model with great detail and durability.
Power output / Accuracy: Both rifle are top of the line accuracy, same barrel length and same FPS power output. (Around 450 F.P.S. on average with 0.20g bb)
Upgrade Possibility: Both Rifles are capable of mounting very nice scope and bipod. The AGM / JG model's internal is designed by Tokyo Marui so it takes all the VSR-10 upgrade parts.
The site's making it sound like the AGM/JG model is higher quatlity b/c it's internal design is by tokyo marui and that AGM/JG are the best clone manufactuers in the world. But it's cheap what the heck? The only part i noticed different about the two brands' models is this one comes with a sling and the other doesn't. Like i care i hate slings they just get in your way and make noise!
by Erik M. on 09/30/2008
"Comparison between the Well/UTG and the AGM/JG type 96.
Manufacture: Both Well and AGM are big manufactures. UTG is a well known importer and AGM / JG are currently the best Japanese clone manufacture in the world.
Exterior look / Weight: They shoot at the same exact power, look almost identical and weights the same, Inc. only carry the heavy weight model with great detail and durability.
Power output / Accuracy: Both rifle are top of the line accuracy, same barrel length and same FPS power output. (Around 450 F.P.S. on average with 0.20g bb)
Upgrade Possibility: Both Rifles are capable of mounting very nice scope and bipod. The AGM / JG model's internal is designed by Tokyo Marui so it takes all the VSR-10 upgrade parts.
The site's making it sound like the AGM/JG model is higher quatlity b/c it's internal design is by tokyo marui and that AGM/JG are the best clone manufactuers in the world. But it's cheap what the heck? The only part i noticed different about the two brands' models is this one comes with a sling and the other doesn't. Like i care i hate slings they just get in your way and make noise!
Manufacture: Both Well and AGM are big manufactures. UTG is a well known importer and AGM / JG are currently the best Japanese clone manufacture in the world.
Exterior look / Weight: They shoot at the same exact power, look almost identical and weights the same, Inc. only carry the heavy weight model with great detail and durability.
Power output / Accuracy: Both rifle are top of the line accuracy, same barrel length and same FPS power output. (Around 450 F.P.S. on average with 0.20g bb)
Upgrade Possibility: Both Rifles are capable of mounting very nice scope and bipod. The AGM / JG model's internal is designed by Tokyo Marui so it takes all the VSR-10 upgrade parts.
The site's making it sound like the AGM/JG model is higher quatlity b/c it's internal design is by tokyo marui and that AGM/JG are the best clone manufactuers in the world. But it's cheap what the heck? The only part i noticed different about the two brands' models is this one comes with a sling and the other doesn't. Like i care i hate slings they just get in your way and make noise!
by Erik M. on 09/30/2008
"PLEASE tell me what the difference between this sniper and the other one that looks JUST like it but is made by a different manufacturer for $78.99 currently. There's a $31 dollar gap so one's probably much higher quatlity than the other, although their statistics are the same.
by matt s. on 09/30/2008
"whats the rail size on this gun? i have other scopes but i don't want to wast money on the scope in the package if I can just use one i have
by Jason G. on 09/29/2008
"it may not be perfect out of the box but if you want perfect, upgrades are there, or you can pay hundreds more for one that has been upgraded for you, Evike offers the service and the fee's are quite reasonable, if you have to pay to have it done or you can INVEST in some upgrades and do it yourself, either way this weapon is a great chassis and foundation with lots of potential.
Besides you get what you pay for and I personally buy here because the prices are great and staff is doing a stand up job.
Besides you get what you pay for and I personally buy here because the prices are great and staff is doing a stand up job.
by james k. on 09/26/2008
"Oh my good this is the best sniper for the best price. This gun blew me away first in how heavy its was when put it together. I saved $70 bucks here than buying it anywhere else. The only problem i had with it is when you fully load the magazine it wont pop out like always but i dont care to much and dont use the sling they give you rifle is to heavy for it.
most metal construction
most metal construction
by Jeff W. on 09/25/2008
"This gun is great! Haven't used it in a war yet, but my friend has one and it is very good in wars, so I get the feeling mine will be as well. It does come in tan, not gold. I recomend getting another sling with it, the one it comes with is not bad, but it could be better. I also recomend another magazine so you don't run out as fast if you're trigger happy. All in all this is an amazing gun for the price and is highly recomended!