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EMG Helios EV03 Tactical Bolt Action Airsoft Sniper Rifle by ARES (Color: Dark Earth)

6 Customer Reviews

by Leo P. on 12/04/2023
"Haven't actually try it but it seems to be a very good quality.
by Sebastian G. on 07/28/2023
"El mejor rifle de francotirador en mi opinión preciso económico y muy cómodo a la hora de jugar lo recomiendo mucho si vas a por tu primera réplica de rifle de francotirador
by Mason M. on 06/14/2023
"This sniper rifle will make you a better sniper than Novritsch, trust me!
by Desmond S. on 08/27/2024
"My second review it is not a bad gun. I had to readjust the HopUp so the Bies would stop falling out of the barrel. I adjusted the HopUp too far when I readjusted the HopUp it fired like normal. It really is not a bad gun just needs to be tuned, the only downfall I have about this gun is the aftermarket. There is not really much.
by Charles B. on 06/25/2024
"Good gun. Looks and feels good but I can't fill the mag with more than 13 bbs thought it would hold around 45 as it says in the description. Plz help.
by Desmond S. on 08/10/2024
"I just got discount in the mail today and I have not fired even 100 rounds through it. It has an issue with jamming you go to pull the trigger and the trigger is stuck and it also has an issue with double feeding and now I am having an issue with every time I rack the boat BB come falling out of the barrel, I had high expectations for this gun but now I am very let down disappointed I spent 200 bucks on this rifle to only fire not even 100 rounds out of it and it is not working no more. I measured the FPS and it was 320. When it was actually firing, I really like the fact that when you open the bolt, you can see if there is a BB in the chamber and I love the fact that it has an actual magazine that is in the right spot. I am very sad that this gun already broke.