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Tapp Airsoft Cerakote Trigger for Version 2 AEG Gearboxes (Model: Blade Trigger / Wild Purple)

ID: 103867 (Trigger-TAPP-3DBlade-WP)
Tapp-Blade Wild Purple
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Tapp Airsoft

$35.00 $17.50

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  • Ultra light weight design
  • 3D printed with Nylon PA12 SLS polymer
  • Allows trigger "walking" for consistent fire rates
Tapp Triggers are 3D printed from high-quality Nylon PA12. These triggers give the player the ability to walk the trigger, this allows for consistent fire-rates in semi.

Manufacturer: Tapp Airsoft


Compatibility: Tokyo Marui & other compatible AEGs that use a version 2 gearbox.
Package Includes: Blade Trigger
Material: Nylon PA12 SLS

  • Professional installation highly recommended. Please use discretion when installing custom parts as fit and compatibility may vary. Modification may be required. Professional installation recommended.
  • The Tapp Blade is not compatible with the Scythe Trigger Guard.
  • Do not alter/modify the trigger until after the 45 day warranty period.
  • This trigger is intended to be used with a micro-switch. Warranty is void if used with standard trigger contacts.
  • About Tapp Airsoft

    In 2014 we released our first product, the famous Tapp Triggers which gives players the ability to shoot semi-auto consistently and quickly, giving players a huge competitive advantage. The Tapp Trigger was the first and still is the only paintball-style trigger in the airsoft community. We followed up that innovation with the Tappazine. The Tappazine integrates perfectly with gas blowback and HPA systems to provide players with a non-stop supply of high-pressure air. With the Tappazine it's possible to maintain an amazing FPS rate all day long without ever needing to refill gas canisters. The Tappazine was great, but we wanted to do more, so in 2017 we designed and produced the Tapp Drum. With a 1500-round storage capacity, the Tapp Drum completely eliminates the need to reload. Getting rid of those few seconds it takes to switch mags gave us a crazy advantage-not to mention, we never had to worry about running out of ammo again. At the same time as we were developing our own products, our team grew from 2 to over a dozen players and we started sponsoring other teams and players as well. Today TAPP Airsoft is both a team and a company, proud to bring the latest in competition products and gear to the Airsoft community.

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