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KWA MS120 120rd Polymer Midcap Magazine for M4 / M16 Series Airsoft AEG Rifles (Color: Midnight Mint / Set of 3)

6 Customer Reviews

by James B. on 01/04/2025
"These are my favorite mags Ive used. THey fit in a large variety of m4s and will feed flawlessly. I accidentally dropped one of these mags on my field and lost it till 6 months later in the winter and it fed as if nothing happened.
by Justin C. on 04/15/2022
"Love these mags, I've used these in G&Gs, KWAs, CYMAs, DYTACs, and S&Ts. All have fit and fed wonderfully, all with minimal to near no wobble in the mag wells. Cycles nicely with high RPS builds if you've got a DSG or an HPA. The extended follower helps with those last couple BBs, just be sure to be careful when they're empty as the followers do stand out and could break it you put some real force on them. Was messing around with one that was empty and I clipped the side of my rifle with the follower and it broke, still works perfectly.

Marking indicators are a plus and I have found them useful , a couple of my friends use these and we used to get our mags mixed up.

Another added plus is these accept Magpul ranger plates, perfect fit!

Overall I highly recommend these mags if you're on the fence or in between a couple of choices.
by Zachary B. on 09/21/2020
"Buy these, you won't be disappointed

They look cool, they feed perfectly, they're priced nicely
by Isaac S. on 04/28/2020
"Best mags I've used besides Murder Mags and PTS mags but they are essentially the same as PTS mags you can even take the internal part out of the shell and stick it into a PTS shell but they are alot cheaper than the PTS ones so I've since switched to these and I own 12 of them
by Stephen M. on 02/11/2019
"Very very nice magazines. If you enjoy Milsim or P-Mags in general, these are a perfect match.
•Looks - Sturdy body and fake bullets are amazing
•Strong - Amazing texture and grip on a strong polymer body.
•Feeding - Feed amazingly well in both of my rifles. (25 rps)
•Fit - Fits both my G&P m4s perfectly. Literally no wobble.
Overall, get these mags. They are cheap for what they are. Amazing quality and function.
by Stephen M. on 02/09/2019
"Absolutely amazing magazines. They fit G&P rifles! I’m so happy that there’s finally a low price version of the P-Mag. At $15 a piece, there is no reason one shouldn’t get these mags.
•Feed flawlessly - These Mags kept up with my rifle for every single BB. A follower allows every single BB to be fired.
•Sturdy - Strong polymer and well done grips make these mags feel amazing
•Look - They look amazing. The fake window is definitely fake up close, but at airsoft distance they look stunning
•Fits amazingly well. They fit both my G&P m4s perfectly
And other than that I don’t have any cons, other than maybe cardboard dust due to packaging, but that’s nitpicky.
These are amazing low price Milsim Midcaps that I love to use.