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SRC PDW Conversion Kit for M9 Gas Blowback Airsoft Pistol (Color: Black)

ID: 106176 (Kit-SRC-P-122-BK)
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  • Lightweight polymer construction
  • Full length Picatinny /1913 top rail for mounting optics and sights
  • Picatinny / 1913 rails on the 3, 6, and 9 o'clock position for lasers, lights and other accessories
  • Pre-installed texturized angled foregrip
  • Charging handle can be installed on the left or right side
  • Ambidextrous QD rear sling point
  • Front sling point can be adjusted for the left or right side
  • 3-position stock

Manufacturer: SRC


Length: 410mm - 565mm (Adjustable)
Weight: 810g
Compatibility: SRC M9 and other compatible M9 series gas blowback Airsoft pistols
Package Includes: PDW Kit, Instructions
Materials: Polymer

1 Customer Review

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by Keith B. on 02/08/2024
"I have been looking at this SRC M9/M92 PDW Conversion for a while. I love WE Tech's M9A1, I have two, a Semi-auto and a Full auto version, both work flawlessly. So I was thinking, why not use one of them in a Carbine/PDW conversion?

The Full-Auto WE Tech M9-A1 would be the logical choice, so I bought one of these a couple of weeks ago with a 15% off coupon, and put the WE Tech M9A1 FA into it with a $15 Dytac Suppressor (stuffed with my working designed Foam Baffles) that screwes right into the WE Tech M9A1's internal 12mm Treaded outer barrel.

The construction and manufacture of this SRC "SR29 PDW " kit is superb, excellent quality Polymer and nothing rattles, it's VERY tight. It comes with 2 M9/M92 mounting adapters (one for M9A1's with a under Picatinny Rail and M92's without a rail.)

The ONLY thing I had to modify was the Muzzle opening on the kit, the Dytac Suppressor is just a bit too snug (tight) going through the opening, so I used a round abrasive bit on my Dremel Tool to enlarge the opening a little and then sanded it with 300 sandpaper to make it smooth and the suppressor would move smoothly. On M9/M92 pistols, the barrel does move when the slide recoils, so the suppressor will move too. DON'T Let whatever suppressor you choose bind at all on the kit's muzzle opening, it could damage your Airsoft M9!

WE Tech M9's shoot incredibly tight groups at 25 to 50 yards and with this PDW kit it only improves the aiming. SRC says the kit does not allow Full Auto mode, but with my WE Tech M9A1 in FA, it works just fine. I just ordered a WE Tech 50 BB GBBP Mag for it as an "empty the mag" in FA mode as a test. If it works fine, I might order another 50BB mag to!

I'm thinking about buying another one of these kits in Desert Tan for my Tan WE Tech M9A1, too. I have some crazy Mod idea's for a 2nd one!

Give me a break on another one, Evike!

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