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Matrix Adaptive Plate Carrier Vest w/ QD Assault Panel & Pack (Color: Woodland)

4 Customer Reviews

by Riley L. on 12/01/2022
"It was my first plate carrier, cute little thing that lasted me for me at least 2 years. I changed some small things like the buckles, I cut them off and replaced it with some elastic cummerbund I got off of Amazon. Did exactly what I needed it to, after a while the stitching on the shoulder pad began to come loose but it could be because I was running very load bearing equipment. Overall great vest, cheaper than most but you get more than what you pay for
by Blake D. on 02/11/2025
"I got this and it fits well for someone who is 5’7 and 110lb
Although I wouldn’t get it because it looks a little silly with the corners
by Devin W. on 11/22/2020
"The vest is really good, it feels nice and compact
However, about 2 months after using the vest a lot of the stitching is coming off the shoulder pad
I recommend finding someone who knows how to sew
by Jack W. on 05/06/2020
"FINALLY i found a vest that fits me comfortably, im 5’ 10” 150ibs and this vest fits perfect

Qd panel system ( if you can find more please do tell )
My size
Included backpack (its cheap but free)
Cone with good foam plates

Buckle cumberbunds
Bungie that come with sucks and is too little

Overall for the small built like me this vest was very good and i cant wait to get out with it